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Everything posted by skreamer

  1. skreamer


    Dude, you're back! Sweet! /s
  2. Dammit Stacy I'm trying to pick a fight here if you don't mind! Chicks, they're so stupid!
  3. I think American sports are stupid, I think baseball is stupid and I think grid iron football is stupid and I think basketball is stupid and I think you guys are all stupid too... There, hit me with your best shot you stupid stupid people and I'll humiliate each and every one of you until I am off this stupid (newbie) status...
  4. Huh? Where's the bit in the middle with all the jumper cables and oil and stuff. Come on Merrick, don't hold out on me, I only just got this *emmission*- free monitor and all...
  5. OHHHHHHHH *light-bulb flashes and dies* NOW I GET IT - don't worry cyberskydave your secret is safe with me! DOH!
  6. Freaksis now I'm a geek on a mission : must post before Sangiro checks ng, must post before Sangiro checks... *door opens* What the ....??!!! How did you get to London!!???? AAAARRRRRRGGGGGGGGGHHHHHH!!! RIP skreamer
  7. You mean you still own a TV? I pawned mine AND stole my elderly neighbour's TV and pawned that as well - all to pay for skydiving. Amateur! (I bet you pay rent and everything, you yuppie you)
  8. Self esteem what's that? I just got out of prison for stalking Fabio... /s FABIO I LOVE YOU!!!!! ps you do realize that your posting to this thread, makes you one of us, you (newbie) hypocrite you!
  9. It's really cold here in London. Seen anything good on telly lately?
  10. I can't help it, it is from that time when they cut off the thingy that went all funny.
  11. How does a male chauvinist screw in a light-bulb? He doesn't he just holds it up and waits for the world to revolve around him...
  12. How many mice does it take to screw in a lightbulb? Two but they have to be REALLY small!
  13. I've got a funny itch, maybe I should go see a doctor...
  14. Are you guys having a nice day?
  15. What's the weather like where you guys are?
  16. This is a crap thread, the only purpose of this thread is so we can get off newbie status ASAP. So feel free to post as many times to this thread as you like, with whatever crap you like. If I have incurred the wrath of the Sangiro god, please have me cremated (preferably AFTER I'm dead) and spread my ashes from 14 grand.
  17. Dude - totally! I say we threaten Sangiro with phragging, phreaking, spamming, smurfing, spoofing and nuking until he gives us the respect we are due! Respect mah authoritah!!! /s Hey Aggie, can you say : 'We demand...' PS how do I toyi-toyi with an emoticon? PPS Aggie I got an idea check for the new post, we'll gippo the system.
  18. Aggie you're a skygeek and I respect you for that! Now to go fetch a flame-thrower so I can get rid of this damn (newbie) status... /s
  19. I agree with you 100% and I am going to keep replying to every damn post until I get rid of that (newbie) under my name - it is driving the geek in me insane!
  20. skreamer


    Hmmm, Sangiro is this you giving the new ng a kick-start? And you picked our favourite topic... (down Freaksis, down) I have never had sex, I am 28 years old and believe that 'true love waits'. And if any of your female dz.commers don't believe me, then they are welcome to come on over to my spot and try to seduce me - it just won't work, really - no matter how hard they try... /s 'If I type it, they will come'
  21. skreamer


    OK I am posting this again because I had just started receiving useful feedback on the old forum. If any of you know of a decent site where I can read up on RSLs and their use I'd appreciate it. So far, I have been told to disconnect in case of very high winds, two canopies out and a water landing. Given that I am not interested in CReW, I would appreciate any further advice or links to relevant articles. Much obliged /s
  22. I can't believe that that crap article from the Shreveport Times was used on to describe the bounce at Shreveport. The article starts : 'A 28-year-old Shreveport man was killed Sunday after both his parachute and reserve chute failed to open in a 10,000-foot sky diving exercise near Downtown Airport.' The reason that both chutes failed to open is because they were never deployed in the first place and the FXC failed to fire. I posted negatively re. this article on the old Forum and it saddens me that you have chosen to use it on I know you have been REALLY busy Sangiro, but I would be more than happy to rewrite that article for you - sticking to the facts and not stirring up melodrama the way this article does. Imagine whuffos browsing and reading on your index page "both parachutes failed to open". It is doing the sport and your site a disservice. /s ps bet you must be getting sick of all the *constructive* criticism - I've been there, right at about this stage you start hating the site and wish you never started it in the first place. Keep the faith, is now the definitive skydiving site on the net (and I have checked out the competition both on your and that other webring). Vasbyt boeta!
  23. skreamer


    >This looks great - I was someone else I have the same problem Sue, I used to be normal - now I'm a skydiver! WOOOOOOOOOOO!! :)