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Everything posted by skreamer

  1. OK OK I'll go first, but I swear if I post a nekid pic of myself on the net, and you don't reciprocate... /s PS this WILL make it guys 4 - chicks 0 as far as the nekid pics go!
  2. Can we please have a quick show of hands - how many of you guys work in IT? I have come to realize that I am not the only geek posting here, in fact a lot of skydivers seem to work in computer-related jobs. Is it because we like the disposable income it brings, can work under pressure, don't get intimidated by *stuff* easily etc? Your thoughts please. For all you non-geeks - start your own thread and don't make fun of us nerds just because we are *special*. /s PS can anybody please tell me how to fit my pen pocket protector and Palm to my harness?
  3. Great, first Sis gets me on a leash, now this... Man, between you, Froggy's red undies and Sis's continual sexual aggression - this ng is raising blood pressures (amongst other things ) around the world... OK, what is it going to take for us to see pics of you ladies in your jump/birthday suits?
  4. WOOF!!! OK, enough talk already ladies, time for you to start posting some pics (with or without jumpsuits, you decide...) /s PS Only 20% of women might be skydivers, but I'm starting to think they are all on - guys can we keep quiet about this site and ng please? please???
  5. OK dude now you've done it!!! On the count of three - SKULL!!! One, two....... *glug* *glug* Three! woo-hoo the saffers win again!
  6. skreamer


    Hey Jeji Why don't you pull that jumpsuit lingerie stunt that Tee mentioned? If that doesn't get hubby pro-skydiving, then accept the fact that he might be gay!
  7. Oops, my bad! You are a Dick aren't you??? nyeehahahahahahaha Just kidding Dan! /s
  8. skreamer


    Hi Jeji I'm not married, don't have kids either, but I do have a couple of questions : What sports/recreational activity does your husband pursue? There is an element of risk in just about every sport, and very few insist on the level of training and gear checks that skydiving does. Me, I'm too scared to try gholf, seems as soon as people step onto gholf courses they keel over with heart-attacks or get hit in the head by a ball or something...
  9. Hey, I'm no Limey! I'm Seth Efriken!!! (but the other bit still applies tho')
  10. I have tried on two successive jumps now to back track without success. The way I was told was to go into a normal track and then do a half belly roll. However I would go unstable as soon as I tried it. Is there another method, or should I just keep trying this way? Any advice? /s
  11. Please digress Mike. My favourite band is U2 - I was lucky enough to meet and have a pint with the Edge in a club in Dublin in 96 (Mean Fiddler, Howie B was guest DJ). He was already my favourite musician and he turned out to be a REALLY nice guy. (that's my claim to fame - apart from being a skydiver of course). Another good band is JJ72 - very good young Irish band (just released their debut album). Favourite song : Scar Tissue (chili peppers) - it is the track on one of my AFF videos, instant flashbacks whenever I hear it now. /s
  12. Hey Dirtsucks I got scared off after my 3rd FF in April 1993 - IT TOOK ME 7 YEARS TO GET THE BALLS TO TRY AGAIN!!! So, firstly stop being so hard on yourself and just relax about it. Secondly, take baby steps. Not necessarily skydiving steps either. For me it was doing 2 bungi jumps (where you can't screw up, all you have to do is fall). Then maybe do a tandem or two, no pressure on you to pull, you can just remember how good it feels and maybe that will motivate you through AFF. Lack of money is no excuse, I don't smoke (we WON'T go into that little Vietnam again), but i would give up drinking, my computers, my DVD collection, a kidney, anything I own to keep jumping. Prioritize, dude, prioritize. here endeth the pop psychology lesson /s
  13. I have noticed a bit of a trend on this forum. Most people posting are either like me on relatively few jumps or have been around the sport for a long time and are very experienced. But there seem to be more and more anonymous posts from guys who obviously do have many many jumps. Can I please ask those guys to register and/or login when posting? You don't have to give your real name in your profile (ask froggy, I was an anonymous chicken-shit for a while
  14. Here's a quick one : Why are the South African police the best in the world? Because they are so quick to respond, they are often on the scene of a crime before it has even been committed...
  15. I can only guess what music you added to your cutaway video... The final cut - Pink Floyd Cuts like a knife - Bryan Adams Time to say goodbye - Sarah Brightman and Andrea Boccelli I could think of some more, but it is noon and I only just woke up.
  16. Yeah, Kronenbourg - it is also a really excellent beer (sold as Premium along with Stella, not like the cheap Aussie crap). If you ever get a chance, try 'Leffe' - it is a very dry Belgian white cider. Very expensive, but damn it is good. /s
  17. Well, kaz I am South African (been living in London for 5 years). I did AFF in South Africa, made 12 jumps in California and next month am hoping to go skydiving in Germany. So, yes I am a skydiver and yes I do live in London, but I have yet to make a jump in this country. Quite funny really because I am about to renew my BPA membership...
  18. 1998 Tri-nations Team ________ : GP W D L PF PA Pts South Africa ___ : 4 4 0 0 80 54 17 Australia ______ : 4 2 0 2 79 82 10 New Zealand ___ : 4 0 0 4 65 88 2 So, help me out here... If my team won all four their matches (scoring 17 points) and the Kiwi team (I would say *your*, but you don't qualify) lost all their matches (scoring 2 points) tell me again how we lost ALL our matches... Now you are probably going to say that that was 1998 and ancient history. So let's talk about the 1999 World Cup when that little French wing (also one of the smallest in the world), made the kiwi team look like total dicks! Of course France beat New Zealand AGAIN last year (42 - 33), but you obviously are aware of that. Then of course there was last year's Tri-nations, I know South Africa didn't win it, can you remember who did? waa-haa-haa! Looks like after 6 years of living in New Zealand you REALLY know your rugby!!! Well done! (let me guess, you're a JAFA?)
  19. skreamer


    Damn, I just had a vision of Kermit the frog in red panties, now I can't get it out of my head.
  20. Some hockey fan tried to tell me that it is the fastest non-automated sport in the world (or some crap like that), so I asked him if he had ever seen video footage of base jumpers jumping off Kjerag and reaching terminal velocity... His response : 'Huh?'
  21. hee hee Well, skyhawk this just proves 3 things : 1) I'm a geek who spends way too much time on the net. 2) I am single (what, you thought I had a runny nose because I had a cold???) 3) I live in England, so have no need to go to DZs on the weekend (except for the one weekend in the summer when we MIGHT get to do a hop n pop - yay) I should probably be called 'tired hand' rather than 'old hand', hahahahhahahaha /s
  22. skreamer

    Wind Tunnel

    Wouldn't it be a good idea to do the wind tunnel wearing your rig? That way you would be really simluating freefall (weight distribution etc.) and would benefit more. Obviously dumping while in the wind tunnel would NOT be such a good idea... Seriously though, would they let you wear your rig in the wind tunnel? /s
  23. Speedracer - you are one sad pathetic addict! /s PS check out my cooooool new alias I got after only 300 posts!
  24. I should bloody well hope so!
  25. Since they stopped putting guarana in Red Bull a couple of years ago, it really sucks. Plus there is nothing worse than waking up with furry, super sensitive teeth from drinking vodka and red bull the whole night. And it gives you a crook stomach and apparently it causes impotence (of course, I wouldn't know anything about that, really...) /s