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Everything posted by Avion

  1. Could you elaborate?
  2. Hey Caspar, From what I have been able to research, the Sabre is now an older design. Standard jumping practices were different back when it's design was new, ie everybody opened at 1000' or less. So, it was enginneered to open fast. Newer designs, are engineered to open slower, because the usual opening alitude went up to 2500' or higher. They are a bit notorious for occasionally opening much faster than normal. One just broke a guys neck in Titusville a couple of months ago. That one was packed by a packer. Also, we had a guy in Deland that blew out an end cell when his Sabre opened fast. He admitted to trash packing it. As you are aware, any canopy can open faster than normal. I have had a couple of faster than normal opening with my Spectre, that sank me down in the harness and left me groaning, "Oh, Gawd!" One was packed for me, and the other I packed. I have trouble thinking of anything that I did different on that particular pack job, except for the two beers I had before doing it I wait till I'm done packing at the end of the day, before I start drinking now Cheers
  3. OK, here's DeLand. You can even see the pea gravel in the lower right quadrant. Cheers
  4. Hey Caspar, I got more jumps than you now I can do without music. I'm too busy planing/doing what I what to do, and surfing my adrenaline rush to distracted/bothered by music. Although, on the other hand, I might write some inspired by my skydiving experiences Cheers BTW Is that a picture of you in DeLand?
  5. Coffee, black. Usually half a pot will. Jack Daniels, straight. Although I rarely indulge this anymore. Other than that, I taken a liking to Coke C2 and Pepsi Edge. Who needs all that sugar anyway? I also have enjoyed Pepsi Twist and Pepsi Lime and Coke with lime lately. And, of course there are a few brands of beer that I will drink if that's the only thing available
  6. I finally realized that about 10-15 years after we had broke up and I had long since lost track of her
  7. #1 I was getting very tense waiting for the instructor to tell me to start flaring. The ground was starting to get uncomfortablty close close. I was actually planning to PLF. Then, at last, I heard my instructor say, "OK, flare now" and as I started to flare my instructor quickly added, "Stand it up!" I thought, "Really, OK!" and did
  8. It took a while to think of this, I wonder what that means In any case, I guess the most outstanding sexual event for me was the night I had a three orgasims within 2-3 minutes. It was mighty intresting, as a guy, to have a multiple orgasm. It just kept comming back Although, I will avoid futher elaboration upon how that occured. Surffice it to say, it was an expensive evening You girls got it good to be able to do that on a regular basis
  9. My highest priority is to improve my health at the moment. Second is to improve my abiltiy deal sucessfully with my emotions in personal relationships. That has always been a major problem, due to that facts of my early life. Other than that, I would like to improve my higher math skills, calculus and advanced algebra, and both my compositional and my improvisational skills in music. Cheers
  10. Well, besides the thirty or so women I've shagged in the usual way once or twice in my life, all I can say is that I gotten to know myself quite well
  11. Yourrr... Right! Multiple monitors rock. I have three 19' monitors and two dual head video cards
  12. Well, as of now, I have: 348 Tunnel minutes, and 33 Sky minutes. So, like 10 times more tunnel time than sky time Cheers
  13. I'm trying to quit. I think 'Doing it myself' all these years has led me embrace other antisocial behavior. Fornication on the other hand, is still one of my active interests. Say... You got any free time
  14. My guess is, if your taking Haldol or Dilantin you probalby ought to hold off for a while
  15. Hmm... If like these books, you'd probably like some I've read long ago. Robert Heinlein, Orphans in Space Larry Niven, Mote in God's Eye Robert Silverberg, Not Without Socery I have Heinlein's, Friday, I just have yet to get around to reading it. BTW Have you read the classics? Bram Stoker's, Dracula Mary Shelly's, Frankenstein They are much better than any movie can encompass.
  16. I use to frequent some of the electonics and cryptology boards on usenet and a couple of free energy boards on yahoo groups. So, maybe 4 others.
  17. I've always had a soft spot for good female vocalists. Several of them can actually bring tears to my eyes. Stevie Nicks, Sheryl Crow, Jewel, and Michelle are some
  18. Michelle's "All You Wanted" is awesome too. Although, you have to got to launch.yahoo.com to find the video.
  19. Get youself a cup of coffee, and listen to Michele Branch, 'Breathe' www.michellebranch.com/ Once you enter the site, there's a little player that will play a few songs for you
  20. MS Paint or Image might do it. There in the the Start/programs/accesories folder.
  21. Actually, I do. Have experienced overload significantly durning my first couple of tunnel flights, and have watched alot of other people experience it in the tunnel too, I am somewhat familar with both what it feels like on the inside, if my reaction was typical, "Where am I, what' happining, who is this person making hand gestures in front of my face..." and what it looks like on the outside, a wide eyed, tense, paniced sort of expression. It really is sweet to see people overcome that and regain their awarness and control of themselves again. Upon some reflection, that helps make more sense of why they did things the way they did. Although at the time, it made me wonder. Whenever information is dilibrately withheld from me, it tends to stimulate my paranoia Now that I understand things better, I can translate that tunnel experience into the sky where the stakes are higher, and therefore the training more disiplined. Ive got the feeling that I'll enjoy working with people in the air. I know the road to becoming an instructor is a long one that will take years, although I might be able to become a coach in within a year or so. I'm already planing on taking the SkydiveU coach course after I get my B licence. Cheers and thanks, Brian
  22. It's free. That's why I called her a friend. I can voyeuristically admire as much as I want without charge If only they had that when I was 16... I would have been in lust heaven
  23. Confounded censors! Here's a few pics of me doing my thing in the tunnel...
  24. Here, I found a picuture of somebody that looks just like me, honest I guess I'll have to get another digital camera after all