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Everything posted by Avion

  1. The whole idea behind Atmonauti is to fly at the angle that puts you head first or feet first into the relative wind. This allows you to do head down or head up relative work others in a tracking dive because the divers burble ends up being behind them. So, everybody at the plane of flight gets clean air. Cheers
  2. You done good for having only 1/2 hour in the air. Cheers
  3. Movies are getting too pricey too...
  4. I use to hand load tiny little 55gr hollow points as varmit rounds for my '06. That was fun. They had an incredible muzzel velocity Cheers
  5. I had this problem too. As it turns out, the bridle is loose around the kill line, and this lets the PC uncock unless you take extra care with it. I cock the PC after I have the canopy in the back and the two locking gromets secured. Before I bag the canopy, I make sure the length of bridle inside the bag is is right between the bag gromet and the canopy attachment point. This allows the bridle to scrunch up without wrapping around any part of the canopy when it's cocked. Any snags or wraps can act like a spring and slowly uncock the PC as you finish the pack job. I use this order because at times I would find just the process of bagging the canopy had uncocked the PC. Lately, I've actually been doing both: Cocking the PC before bagging the canopy, then making sure the scrunched bridle is free and clear of any wraps or snags, then cocking the PC again after bagging the canopy just to make sure. Also, now as part of evey pre-jump equipment check, I make sure the bridle window show a cocked PC. I arrange it so the window is visible as soon as you open the main pin flap. The kill line might slip just enough to move the color out of the window and the PC will still catch air. But, I always make sure the color is showing just to maintain a good habit, if the color has moved out of the window, I'll pull the bag and re-cock the PC. Cheers
  6. From the talk I've heard around the DZ, using rear risers to pull out of the dive during a high speed approach is the newest technique now. Supposedly, it bleeds off less forward speed than toggles would, allowing for a longer swoop. Cheers
  7. That's one of the things that make it difficult to master, lacking an accurate gauge for comparison. Basically, I watch the horizon, the ground, and my canopy. After all the most important goal here is to maintain yourself under the canopy, and this can be judged by doing that, and by using the seat of your pants G force gauge. If your feeling pulled out to the side, your turning to hard. Cheers Opps, I just realized you meant turning in brakes rather than flat turns. You'll notice right away. For the most part on the canopies I flown while in brakes, letting up on on toggle will cause a faster turn with more roll, that is swing out, and pulling down farther on one will result in a much slower turn with less roll. This is something you will, or at least should be able to, notice without any help from gizmoes or gauges
  8. Since, my health is preventing me from doing the heavy construction, as I used to do, I've been looking for way to minimize my expenditures. My goal here, rather than to make money per se, is to just to get more time in the tunnel. So, here's the deal. Since, I am now too poor to afford all the tunnel time I need to get to the level I want to be, the idea of running a raffle occured to me. I raffle off 100 tickets for a half hour blocks for $5 each. The winning number, you get to pick you number unless someone else already did, is based, after enough tickets have been sold for one block, on lottery's daily pick three, just to maintain confidence in the impartiallity of the selection process. So after driving around to DZ's and raffling off two half hour blocks, the two happy winners each get a 30min block for $5, and I get a fifteen minute block and some gas/lunch money for all my driving around and other expenses incurred through implementing this capital idea! Cheers Oh, by the way the Ponzi idea is a form of arbitrage: Where the same item on one market has a different price on another market, and one buys on one and sells on the other, attempting to make a profit. As Ponzi found out, it it usually harder to do, than appears at first look
  9. The answer to your question is that it's canopy dependent. When turning in brakes, some canopies will turn flatter by letting toggle up, other will turn flatter by pull one farther down. You have to play with you canopy and find out which method turns flatter and which method turns faster on the canopy your flying. Making this determination is one of the excersizes in Scott Miller's canopy course. Cheers
  10. Now that you mentioned it, I remember that the straddle bench in the King Air was free to move around.
  11. That confusion is exactly why I asked After having a long discussion here, it has became apparent that they're are two subtly but distinctly different things. Braked turns, or turn in brakes, are just that. A true 'Flat Turn' is the low speed version of a high speed 'Carving Turn' It uses the same technique, but with different goals and results. A 'Flat Turn' is initiated by pulling on only one toggle then, after a proper delay, pulling on the opposite toggle, while still applying input to the first, to keep the turn flat, that is keep the pilot under the canopy rather than swung out from it. After accomplishing enough degrees of turn both toggles are released. I have been practicing this method for a while, which I have found quite a bit harder to master than simply turning in brakes. Cheers Added for clarity: Flat Turns are initiated from a normal speed full glide. Carving Turns are initiated from an accelerated speed glide obtained from a high speed approach. The technique is the same for both turns, only the glide speed is different. The flat turn will lose altitude during the turn it but will maintain the pilot under the canopy and lose less altitude than a simple toggle turn. The Carving turn will maintain a constant altitude during the turn, although as you may have seen, the pilot will swing out dramatically from under the canopy. Lastly, why would someone want to use the more difficult flat turn instead just going into brakes and turning from there? Because the flat turn will, or at least should, retain more forward speed. The benefit of that should be obvious, a better flair when landing.
  12. I choose other, because... I only really like side benches in the skyvan. I like side benches better than the floor though, in a Van or a Otter. I only got to use a straddle bench once in a King Air. I liked that one, it worked well and it was comfy too. Opps, actually more than once, I've been in a Porter with a straddle too. That one is kinda cramped though. Cheers
  13. Would you pay $5 for a 1 in 100 chance to win a 30min tunnel block?
  14. Generally: 1) If you are flying down wind, more brakes equals more glide. 2) If you are flying up wind, more brakes equals less glide. This is canopy dependent. Sometimes canopies will glide farther downwind until a certain point then glide less with futher application of brakes. You have to experiement using the accruacy trick with the canopy you fly in order to learn how it reacts in this respect. This is one of the excersized in Scott Miller's canopy course. Cheers
  15. Just out of curiousity, how do you execute your flat turns?
  16. That's what I did. Problem though, I spent the money and still have yet to get a job
  17. Horst Feistel He made ciphers.
  18. Maybe I'm crazy, but I've noticed orgasimic women seem to have clitoral orgasams for a variety of reasons, sex is only one of them. Anything that appears to stimulate their mental interest seems to be fair game for an orgasim: A good conversation, a movie scene, riding horses , ice cream, etc... Now a sweating, moaning, body convulsing vaginal one is a whole 'nother story....
  19. Forgive me for my sudden exclaimation, but I just had to tell some one.
  20. Hmm... If I was a rock star, I'd have more money. Money: to goto the tunnel more. to goto jumping more. to get laid, at all let alone more to buy a goodly estate. to buy a quality car and maybe a bike too. to afford to do all the projects that I've had on hold for years. and maybe, just maybe, I could find a doctor, or anybody for that matter, to help me get healthy again
  21. Avion


    High: Waking up. Low: Doing my laundry.
  22. If the outer cells are only pressurized through the cross-ports, probably fairly slow compared to regular reserves.
  23. If you give me your number, I'll call you...
  24. Hahaha! Good luck.... Just kidding Laptops can be real problems to set windows up on. One of the helpfull things that I have found is the cable that will allow you to plug your laptop hardrive into your desktop. Then you can intall the windows setup files on it and put it back in the laptop. Do you have a floppy drive on the laptop? It's easier if you do. You can make W2k set up floppies, then tell it which harddrive contains the rest of the setup files. Cheers