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Everything posted by Avion

  1. Setting up well for landing has actually taken and still does take a lot of work for me. I'm very glad we have a large student area. Somebody here has said, "The best way to avoid having to use superior skills to save yourself is to use superior judgement and avoid getting into such situations in the first place." Maybe a canopy course could help you set up better for landing. Other than that, I suggest practicing PLFs off a chair, bucket or whatever, forwards, sideways, and backwards rolling on both your left and right till it comes automaticlly in any direction. Cheers
  2. I wagered 7,000. Yippy! Now I can order my next rig I wish
  3. Take a canopy course. I'm glad I did. Scott Miller's course went into much more detail about setting up for landing than AFF did. Cheers, and good for you about being proactive about your accuracy.
  4. Dude, I drove my car around the country for a while. Sleeping in a new place every night. It's 'stressfull' at first. Now, after being in basically the same area for the last 12 years or so, I miss the freshness of it. Enjoy the feeling while it lasts Cheers
  5. He looked so happy, it made me feel good
  6. I just got a fun little 60' swoop out of my 210 Spectre using a normal, low speed, approach. I only realized that after the fact, while being dismayed because of missing the target by so much, when I walked off the distance. I planed out three feet directly over the 'Big X' and cruised off 20 paces before touching ground. Before this I had thought I was only getting 20-30' Anyway, back to topic, I am at a loss as to what to say about a 1.4WL and 25 jumps. I have been here long enough to read quite enough reports about people who think they can do that. The consequences of this combination seem to be so well known, that personally I think the DZO ought step up and ban him from jumping that canopy there. But, who am I to say, and futhermore, he would probably be offended by other people's concern for his own well being. So, what else could be done, besides just letting him break himself in a public fashion?
  7. Avion

    Weekend numbers

    0:0:2 Held stable HD, And landed right on top of the X. Woo Hoo!
  8. This sounds like one of those things where you know your right and they're wrong, but it will be more trouble than it's worth to get them to pay. Oh well, go shopping, and in ten months get another room mate. Cheers
  9. Here's a good thread about fear: >>> Clicky
  10. I just paid around 3500 for a good used rig. That's about average. AFF will run you 1200-1400, if you pass all the levels the first time. That leaves you with over grand to blow on additional jumps, tunnel time, and BEER!
  11. Back in the spring of this year, there was a bunch of students from UWE going through AFF in DeLand, because even with airfare the total cost of getting an A licence here was cheaper than in the UK. I figure you could do AFF and get good used equipment for about 6000 plus airfare and lodging. Cheers
  12. Avion

    leg turns

    For RW, leg turns are the foundation of everything, second only to a good arch. Durning the dive, arms are just too busy taking docks to help significantly with movement. All of your control comes from your legs: Turns, forward/backward, etc. After a lot of fustrating coaching from a lot of different people, I finally got in the tunnel with Sully. In a matter of minutes he had me sorted out. To get your leg turns down, you have to put in the tunnel time with video debriefing. Needless to say, you have to have a good arch and arm position before even starting to develop you legs. Before ever turning with your legs, practice sissor drills. While keeping you hips and shoulders level, and your legs together, press one knee up and the other straight down, while trying to stay in the same spot for a second or two. Then switch legs and repeat. The goal here being able to alternately get the foot of the lowered leg pressing against the knee of the raised leg, while staying in one place. Then, when you can do that, you can begin to turn by angling the lowered knee out instead of straght down. I find about 30 degrees works best for me. 45 is just to far. It has taken me hours of pratice in the tunnel in order to say that I am just beginning to get good at it. Cheers
  13. So, Deuce... You got any money? Really? Which pocket is it in?
  14. Since I have yet to try it, this is a theoretical discussion. However, from what I've read and the pictures I've seen, I tend to disagree. The plane of flight is perpendicular to the line of flight. Everybody should have either their head or feet, depending on which way their flying, on that plane. This arrangement allows eveybody to catch clean air and prevents anybody flying directly above or below each other. I think the lift comes from two factors: One, the strong arch of the atmonaut; and two, the angle of attack. It is an explicit goal of Atmonauti to maximize the arch and minimize the angle of attack. So, if the Atmonauts perform their unique tracking disipline in a skillful manner, I believe that most of the lift comes from the arch and accordingly that the angle of attack is small, prehaps even negligible. This means the each persons burble would be mostly back along the line of flight rather than directly above each one, thus allowing the vertical head down type of relative work on the plane of flight. Cheers
  15. I'd say so. I do all my playing up high. I open at 5K just so I have more play time. When I do a spiral, I start pulling slowly then speed up as the toggle gets futher down. I experiemented a little bit with sharp inputs to the toggles, as Brian Germain calls them, and found that the canopy reacts in an abrupt and unpredictable manner to quick jerks on toggles. Cheers
  16. I fly a Spectre, and when I first started 10-15 jumps, I encountered some turning on opening that resulted in 1/2 to 1 line twist a few times. Then, I learned how to 'Fly the Opening.' This means looking up at the canopy as it it opening and watching where it is pointing. I grab the risers as soon as they stetch out. If the canopy starts turning to the left I lean right and pull on the right riser. If the canopy starts turning to the right, I lean left and pull on the left riser. I pack for myself very carefully, and on the ocassions that the canopy turns substancially on opening, this has gotten rare now, this technique has prevent it from going into twists, ever since I started using it. Cheers
  17. I have an Oxygen A3 and a Z1 Evo. I got them both used for about half price. I got the A3 first, and thought that's all I would use. I love it in the tunnel. My instructors told me, I would do best to jump with a open face helmet for a while, untill I got my landings consistent, because the lense can affect your depth perception. So, I got the Evo. As it turns out. I really like feeling the wind in my face when jumping. So much in fact, that I have lost interest in using the fullface in the air, and now only use it in the tunnel. Go figure They say the full face, is better protection when doing RW, if you get kneed, elbowed or kicked in the face. Maybe, when I get to that point, I'll try it. Cheers Edited for correctness
  18. That's also what Scott said in his canopy course, getting small as possible helps. Cheers
  19. I see how this can be confusing, so edited for clarity: Cheers
  20. That's f***ing histerical --------------------------------- XXX bucks for a bottle of whiskey... YYY cents for a dill pickel... Look on his face... Priceless!!!
  21. I fly a Spectre 210 and load it about 0.9:1. I can hold a toggle all the way down. I pull it down moderately fast, and after a second or so the canopy spirals straight for the ground. It took me a while before I could do that. The toggle pressure seemed high at first as did the G force. But after working up to it 6-8 jumps, it's one of my favorite things, along with pulling out of that dive at 60+ mph. I demoed a 230 Silhouette which has a higher aspect ratio. Even though it was bigger, it dived and spun noticably faster. Cheers