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Everything posted by matthewcline

  1. It was not a time consuming event at all folks! This could help our Sport and Association out greatly by getting more of us invovled in deciding issues and BOD membership. Give it a shot folks. An Instructors first concern is student safety. So, start being safe, first!!!
  2. Michigan Suits. I have 5 of them and don't there is any one better. My first Michigan Suit is stil working great and it is 10+ years old. Every one has a favorite of course. An Instructors first concern is student safety. So, start being safe, first!!!
  3. Head to Startskydiving. John, put all brand new gear on the line last year and a fresh out of the shop Caravan. He is adding more new gear this year and expanding on the DZ. The staff is top notch and run very well by Kip. The Fun jumpers are top notch as well. But if you want to see and experience some "founding fathers of skydiving type history" and meet more great people go to Xenia. I've enjoyed both DZ many times, I think you will too! Welcome to the sport, focus on the fun, don't let us hard headed buggers sway ya! An Instructors first concern is student safety. So, start being safe, first!!!
  4. I agree! Being in the Casa and watching the ATV roll out is awesome and fun, almost as much fun as doing a 8 way speed star with Bill afterwards. An Instructors first concern is student safety. So, start being safe, first!!!
  5. It is a state to state thing. Pick a state and get a license. Some Officers may let you slide but just having a set of orders doesn't make it right. Cali for example you can have your license up to 30 days after your ETS or Retirement and it could be 30+ years old AS LONG as you have the small paper law card attached to it and a valid Mil ID. My license was 21 years old, but I got smart and am a TN resident now. An Instructors first concern is student safety. So, start being safe, first!!!
  6. As stated in my earlier post I went through Kip, which is why I recommended him to my Friend and Team Mates. At my course was also Jay Stokes (doing some other skydive related stuff) and he said I was doing now wrong by going to Kip and that he liked and agreed with Kip on his point of view and teaching technique. Jay was so spot on in some of his assessment as was Kip that he could tell who my TUNNEL training came from! An Instructors first concern is student safety. So, start being safe, first!!!
  7. Say what? An Instructors first concern is student safety. So, start being safe, first!!!
  8. All those clubs are gone. Bragg's consolidated activity was the last to go. Now a days to jump from mil air as a skydiver your either a tactical (HALO) or Demo jumper, with very few exceptions. The avatar comment was spot on and slotperfect is right on all comments. You still could get assigned to another post that has a smaller Demo team as they tend to take people from the FJC and groom them. The USAPT grooms the jumpers from 150 jumps as stated. An Instructors first concern is student safety. So, start being safe, first!!!
  9. If you get posted to Bragg, Benning, or Campbell they all have Teams that can be a help to you. They will however want you to work for them. Not just a free ride. All the "free riders' are found out eventually and released, puts ya right back where ya started. An Instructors first concern is student safety. So, start being safe, first!!!
  10. Kip from Air Rage. 4 of the Military Teams use him now, and they want the best training they can get. I was very impressed with his ability to go from candidate to candidate switching teaching style and technique as needed, and as a Course Director in several other instyructional Techniques I recomend him to any one who wants to be known as one who earned it. I never attended any other AFF course and hold no opinion for or against any of the other AFF-I CD's. An Instructors first concern is student safety. So, start being safe, first!!!
  11. I have a few jumps on the Sentry and on other makes of canopies. The current Sentry will not smack you when packed as FCI recomends. Up side FCI has a kind of "trade in" program. And as Phree said makes canopies for all but 2 of the military demo teams ( that I know of) and several of the civilian ones too. They also make tandems for a few Dz's and individiuals (I am one of 'em). Tell Red what you want and that is what you will get. An Instructors first concern is student safety. So, start being safe, first!!!
  12. Call Red at Flight Concepts and go with his info. He will probably say PRO pack it and practice at the folding steps. I would too. An Instructors first concern is student safety. So, start being safe, first!!!
  13. Party pooper! SSM is a fun "little" DZ. I enjoy it bunch. The bunch there can teach you any thing you want and if the right kind of folks are there they can even teach you things you dont want to know! (or wont ask in public sober!) An Instructors first concern is student safety. So, start being safe, first!!!
  14. Dude def go back and jump there you won't be wronged. The DZ and staff is great! An Instructors first concern is student safety. So, start being safe, first!!!
  15. Of course you have to watch out for the fluids on the ramp of the 53. The PAC is an great A/C put it in the line up at a DZ with a Casa and you have a skydivers heaven (minus the self packing chutes of course). An Instructors first concern is student safety. So, start being safe, first!!!
  16. C-130's are cool but a bit noisey C-141's are mostly retired (LIKE ME!) C-5's are bit but "lumbersome" But the C-17 that is the shit! you can repack and Dirt dive then gear up and jump in comfort! Just tell the crew to slow down so you have a chance to pack. 5 minutes from TO to Green at 18K. An Instructors first concern is student safety. So, start being safe, first!!!
  17. We are all gonna ask for pics to help in the stripper decision so might as well post 'em. Then we can all take it from there. An Instructors first concern is student safety. So, start being safe, first!!!
  18. DB Cooper second from the right back row? An Instructors first concern is student safety. So, start being safe, first!!!
  19. Yep. An Instructors first concern is student safety. So, start being safe, first!!!
  20. This is true! Since I was a T-I for the Courses can I ask you to call Professor now? An Instructors first concern is student safety. So, start being safe, first!!!
  21. Well my post is moot now as there is far better info above it. The Coach D license thing has had a longer effect than I even considered. An Instructors first concern is student safety. So, start being safe, first!!!
  22. The most recent tiff I can remember is the Coach/D license thing. I still say for Liability it is better to have a person who was tested and certified (no matter how week you think the process is). I think it sucks it raised the cost and should have been a slot only type venture (and the RW/ VRW / CRW Professional Coaches are where I think payed coaching is supposed to be). I think that decision was for DZO's and not the new members of the Org. Fast Trax sponsor issue at the World Meet(?) as reported in Skydiving magazine I think, they brought a sponsor with them but could not use them cause USPA had one (at less compensation for the Team I believe). USPA said no as not to lose the funds but Fast Trax was willing to make that up. That decision was for the Comp Com and not for the Competitors (no not a DZO issue but a point of the BOD not looking out for those members). Of course I am not privy to all facts and can only form MY OPINION on what I have been able to learn. If I learned more it could be a new opinion. Just my take. I welcome more facts or points of view, after all that is what this is for! An Instructors first concern is student safety. So, start being safe, first!!!
  23. I remember following the whole AFF debate several years ago and think it came down to defining the standards as apposed to lowering them. that is my opinion, the intent may have been as you say but I think not after Talking to 2 very respected AFF CDs. We had what 7 or 8 AFF CD's then (we have 14 now?) who all had different courses and different pass rates. Now there is a black and white written standard for all CD's, there is one grading system on what is passing or not. There is practice in the course to understand the grading system (remember the grading system is only seen marginally in the Couch Course). You have 4 jumps to pass but can only use a rejump 1 time. If you fail a Cat C and rejump (and pass it) you can't fail the Cat D or your done. But I still say the GM program as it stands is toothless and does work against the Individual Membership as the perception of DZOs on the BOD voting for DZ issues over Individual issues is there. An Instructors first concern is student safety. So, start being safe, first!!!
  24. So did you help to design any of the FRAUDULENT web pages that ASC/Skyride use to lure un-suspecting jumpers? ASC has hundreds of fake web pages (fraudulent) used to draw jumpers to them from across state lines and with out disclosing the location till money is exchanged. That is why the ASC DZ got bounced as well as the Skyride owners. The whole Criminal enterprise is connected. Try again. How many more fake profiles ya going to run up in here? you seem to have a long standing issue with spence yet you have been a member here 60 days? hmmm An Instructors first concern is student safety. So, start being safe, first!!!
  25. And you'll never be an EX, has been maybe but not an EX Running for cover, running for cover, ducking and diving, shit that was close. Is he gone? An Instructors first concern is student safety. So, start being safe, first!!!