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Everything posted by ChrisL

  1. about 6 or 7 hours total I think over a few sessions. Yep, I could bought a lot of jumps or other things with the dough. You can say that about pretty much anything though :) __ My mighty steed
  2. Heres what I did last fall... Bsbd12.png __ My mighty steed
  3. Congrats bro :) Comin up on a big one myself __ My mighty steed
  4. Same here. I'm 46 years old and my total is only 11. After 13 years I'm fully expecting this marriage to go the distance, so 11 it shall remain. I havent had a significant dry spell since I was 16. I'm just not promiscuous and I'm not ashamed of it either :) __ My mighty steed
  5. I lost a brand new contour that way at 13,000 ft. That mount WILL fail. Mine did and it cost me 300 bucks. Expensive jump. Use the CamClamp instead. I used it for the replacement and have had no problems. __ My mighty steed
  6. I weigh 200 lbs. The biggest student canopy I ever jumped was a 230 loaded at 1:1. Most of my student jumps were on a 210. __ My mighty steed
  7. Well, I'll have to disagree 75%. Dave Well then theres a small chance that you are 25% right __ My mighty steed
  8. History tells us no such thing. __ My mighty steed
  9. I wouldn't want an F111 main. Cant say if that rig is worthwhile without a lot more details on container, reserve. I'm assuming no AAD at that price? for 3000 you coud do pretty well if you shop carefully and arent in too big a rush __ My mighty steed
  10. Jesus, I'd kill for a 67 degree day here __ My mighty steed
  11. It says she spent the last 30 years in the hospital. The way I define living, she actually died in 1980 __ My mighty steed
  12. Good luck with that. I tried that in another thread today. Everyone made it political anyway and my non-political thread got deleted __ My mighty steed
  13. That actually wasn't very funny __ My mighty steed
  14. Pied at 100. Pretty standard for a REAL long time. I was proud to get pied. I probably would have been disappointed if I had not been pied. __ My mighty steed
  15. ChrisL


    My latest tat. BSBD tat __ My mighty steed
  16. Yep. Belly flying is far from dead :) __ My mighty steed
  17. I dont get why it was such a shock. I might be mildly annoyed if someone was touching my rig for no apparent reason, but "shocked" would be reserved for someone who walked over and started handling my wife's tits
  18. Welcome back! Have you jumped yet? What did you do for a recurrency jump? __ My mighty steed
  19. +1 Its even worse if you are extra heavy due to muscle mass because you lift weights. A 5' 10", 210 lb weight lifter with a 32 inch waist (me) is going to fall way faster than a 5' 10", 210 lb fat guy. This has been my curse. I've been hearing people tell me for years that I need to fly my body, but every one that ever told me that weighed 160 lbs or less :) Learn to fly your body AND get a suit that gives you a chance. This year I got a poly cotton suit from Bev with liner, booties, and extra baggy and BAM! I suddenly enjoy skydiving about 100% more because I'm no longer the guy that cant slow the hell down. __ My mighty steed
  20. Wish I could take a day at each, but I'll probably only have one day for jumping... __ My mighty steed
  21. I'm an east coast guy, jump at Cross Keys I'll be visiting my Mom in late Nov/early Dec and she lives in Idyllwild, CA which I hear is about an hour more or less from both of these drop zones. At which of these two dropzones would I be most likely to find some fun belly flying folks I could hook up with on a week day in the late fall? Wish I could take a day at each, but I'll probably only have one day for jumping... __ My mighty steed
  22. Daniel Hogan = douche bag __ My mighty steed
  23. ChrisL


    Ummm... he's always been a sociopath. Thats questionable. One of the defining qualities for a sociopath is the incapacity to love. Dexter definitely loved Rita, even when he couldn't admit it to himself. Fucked up? Certainly. Sociopath? Probably not. __ My mighty steed