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Everything posted by sum1mom

  1. What sux more is saving stuff for a garage sale - and in reality that sale is never going to happen because on a pretty weekend, I do not plan on sitting in my driveway selling junk for a quarter. It would be scary to have a reality show go through my closets. Those queer-eye-type shows would go absolutely nutz!!
  2. Good one slappie. Rebecca, please let me know your final strategy on this. Sheesh I'm horrible - I hate to shop too, and when I start to clean I'm like "oh, I can't chunk this - I'll NEED it to clean in." Or, no those can't go I can mow the yard in them. Or, I'll get THAT skinny again - I might need that, OR that just looks so cute hanging there...(party dresses and stuff) Let's either have a bonfire or garage sale.
  3. How did I miss this????? HAPPPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I guess I made a jump in your honor yesterday
  4. Man who scratches ass should not bite fingernails.
  5. BWA HA HA HA HA!!!!
  6. He who laughs last, thinks slowest.
  7. I jump, and am learning to fly. I PERSONALLY don't believe that a tandem takes you off whuffo status. But, that's just me. I have a friend that did a tandem, that is still a whuffo in her beliefs about the sport, although she'd do it again......long story.
  8. I'm looking out my office window and it is beautiful. I'm starting to {{cough}} feel sick, may need to {{cough}} go home early.
  9. BTW Gia, nice thread!! Glad someone out there warmed your heart. Amanduh, What made you suggest chicken?
  10. 0:3:1 Windy and least I got 3! Thanks for advising of the format!! I thought it was Friday/Saturday/Sunday.
  11. YES!! YAY!! I have a valentine!! What's for dinner?
  12. It's okay Amanduh....I look at it as money saved for another jump!!! (especially for those of us who have trouble locating it) Happy Valentines Day anyways!!
  13. Oops he shat his pants poor fella.
  15. Neil??? Is that You???? Spaceland Tunnel/two way/4-way w/sarge& robin neil?????
  16. #1 Your dream is waaaay out there. #2 You should never feed rabid lettuce spinach - it only makes it stronger (like Popeye) oy!!
  17. One of those dayz.. -running out of ink in the middle of a huge report -adware and creators -viruses and creators -having a scratch on my favorite CD -I absolutely hate stepping in dog poo, especially after it rains, thinking it was mud, then eeew what's that smell*$!!!##!! -Cleaning my ferret's litter box. -Bathing the ferret cuz, he always needs to make a tiny poo in the water and it grosses me out and I just want to puke Okay, I'll stop here.....for now.
  18. Oh Bobsled!!! The new pic your little monkey is proof of a future professional camera geeker!!! I wonder how he aquired that skill???
  19. I know I know....."into the pond"
  20. Oh hush Amanduh!! I saw you hooking under that tiny Stilletto last weekend!!! I saw you while I was swooping the pond. You looked really cool too. Isn't that what it's about....the "cool factor?"