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Everything posted by sum1mom

  1. QuoteI can see your point there, hate to lose the scholarship in the persuit of fun. What about AFF right as the summer break starts? If she gets a twisted ankle or some other minor ding she would have time to heal. _______________ You read my mind.
  2. - well said. My daughter loves what this sport has given to me in the short time I've been jumping. We plan to share it one day. I have given consideration to slowly putting her through the student program, as she would be on a radio for her first 20 or so jumps (yes, they fail - I know this personnally). But, a jump a month during school months isn't necessarily a great idea either.
  3. Thanks for your post, but it's not an independence issue here, it really isn't - and it is certainly not a lack of confidence in her abilities. Unfortunately, accidents happen in this sport and we all know that. We've talked at length about this - and her scholarship is her priority. The ultimate decision to jump IS indeed hers, as she is an adult. So, again to pacify her for now, is via tandems. It's still not out of the question - there is just so much to consider. The thing that's hurting us both is patience. I wish she had an insta-education (free)!!! Thanks again.
  4. I DO want to jump with's actually a dream we both share. She is on an athletic scholarship and is only a freshman in college. I don't think it would be a wise gamble to put her through solo training. She has more to lose than to gain at this point. I'm very tempted though.....
  5. Okay, I'm's a rainy day and I'm bored. My daughter is on an athletic scholarship (room/board, books, tuition, etc) and wants to skydive. I've put her up on three tandems and she's just sooo natural. For obvious reasons, I don't believe that it would be wise for me to put her through solo training. It just kills me though! We talk about jumping together and sharing the sky one day, but its just so hard waiting. I feel somewhat selfish because I get to jump almost every weekend.... Yet, she understands and is not pushing the issue too hard, though I know she is very anxious to get started on her own, as she talks about it often. Her birthday is coming up, and I'm putting her up on her 4th tandem. I'm guessing this is my only option for now....I just want to make it extra special.
  6. Hope it's not a re-post...but had to share!!
  7. On crappy days when you are stuck at home, with tons of indoor chores, there's nothing better to watch than Lifetime "Television for Women - All Day, Everyday"
  8. My avatar is proof of a jumpless weekend. It'll only get worse!!! Definately praying for blue ones.
  9. Tobasco fan here as well – and Daves! I can’t remember which one, I think it’s the “Ball Burner” - a blend of pepper seed and garlic - Yummy!!
  10. I would have protested it too!!! BTW, yes I do have those days too - but, something shiny always comes into view and I forget why I'm bitchin'
  11. Arching is over-rated.. My dream is to skydive side-by-side with my daughter......then MANY years later - with her daughter - and my great granddaughter
  12. It's not too late!! Just tell her that the tooth fairy got in a big hurry and accidentally left some magical dust behind P.S. Santa used to leave glitter in their rooms when he peeked in on them (more magic).
  13. Enjoy these wonderful magical years!!! I miss them so! I used to leave fairy footprints (flour) in my kids rooms. It was so cute to see the little sparkles in their eyes.
  14. My 14 year old daughter has learned to play some of her songs on the piano. I get free concerts all the time. At the very end of the CD "Fumbling Towards Ecstasy," she plays a solo of Possession - just Sarah and her piano. It's absolutely beautiful. are a very lucky dad!
  15. Truly one of my favorites!!!
  16. Sounds like you really loved it!! I went up in an aerobatic plane not too long ago and experienced a high that is so different from jumping. Completely on its own separate, I know where you are coming from. I'd like to pursue both. But, I think ME skydiving is SCARY enough for everyone....
  17. Geez...I would have probably jumped out of it then!! Congrats.
  18. My daughter was bitten 3 times by one of these spiders. The wounds were absolutely horrid. She had to take mega-doses of antibiotics and some vicodin for pain. These spiders are tiny, but very potent. By the way, it bit her while she was sleeping.
  19. That is just sooooooo wrong!!! Bad skydiver!!!
  20. 0:0:0 hmmmmmmmmmf Laundry was such fun.
  21. ......or your new little buddy heard you were looking for a small pet. Was he under the covers??? Did he CRAWL on you?? eeeeewww....heeebeee cheeebeees... Welcome to Texas!!
  22. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGHHHH!!! Now I'll never fall to sleep tonight. How big is that thing??? Did you keep it? Oh, and the weirdest thing I have found in my bed rig
  23. ((My apologies to the re-post police)) Even our animal friends struggle with "love" at times. (need a clicky too)