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Everything posted by sum1mom

  1. I believe it was only the isomerization unit, which is upstream of the alky unit. I will keep you posted as I find out more details - they are coming out pretty slowly.
  2. I work in Clear Lake. I could see the smoke from my office window. I was expecting a great deal of black billowing smoke, but because the explosion was related to higher end (hydrocarbon) product, the affect didn't "appear" as bad as it actually was.. I is absolutely eerie.
  3. My company does a great deal of consulting with the BP TX City folks. One of my guys was leaving to go out there right before this happened. It is my understanding that the unit was in a "turnaround" and the people that died were from a contractor J.E. Merrit, who I believe is an affiliate of Jacobs. This tragedy has affected so many. Condelences and prayers to all.
  4. The last one looks like you are letting out a big ole poot!!!
  5. How did you get him out of the door? Poor baby usually looks pretty terrified on the plane.
  6. Phree, of course I am concerned about that as well. The data that is readily available pertains to sex offenders, and that it the topic at hand. I understand where you are going with this and it opens up many other doors for discussion. We can't touch on it all - for instance, I can't screen every visitor my neighbor brings in either, right??? I'm just talking as a mother, protecting her kids, based on the information available on our most immediate threat. Besides, my kids are grown up now and are off in college. I worry more about my rig when I'm not at home.
  7. That WAS a DITTO, ya know? Besides, you "sound" like "Nell" when you type in that accent.
  8. Dit Dit... I care more about the physical/mental well-being of my children vs. anything of monetary value.
  9. On that note, and relating to the other thread, I feel that some of the repeat offenders do not get caught because their victims are dead. My kids were well informed. I couldn't protect them from everything, but I did what I could to help them stay away from a potentially dangerous situation.. It's not "shunning." Sheesh...I've raised my kids against damned near all prejudice - I just have zero tolerance with violent sex crimes, especially against children. That's just me - and doesn't make me a bad mother either.
  10. I failed to look that you weren't replying to me. I didn't know where you were coming from!!!
  11. Why the hell would the gender make a difference Turtle? The man hurt a baby.
  12. No. It doesn't change the WAY I've raised my children. It's good information to know - so you can talk with your kids about "strangers" - and 'if Mr. So & So down the street ever wants to talk with you, just keep running.' I know that if this guy happened to live right next door to me, I wouldn't be very friendly AND my children would be kept clear of him at all times. So, in this way - of course, its a good heads up. I certainly hope you'd feel the same way if you found out that your neighbor hurt a 3 y/o child.... Wouldn't you be just a little more paranoid? I know I can't know everything about everyone - but, I will do my best to protect my family from known child predators if that information is readily available.
  13. I find it good to know of someone like this guy in my neighborhood: Offense 11990004 Aggravated Sexual Assault Child General Offense Code Counts 1 Victim's Sex Female Victim's Age 3.0 Disposition Date 04/23/1990 Time 10Y Status PAR/DIS I'm glad I KNOW exactly where this predator lives.
  14. Ditto. I'm not saying "harrassment" is okay, but being informed is an absolute!! You KNOW exactly where the offender (or at least some of them) is and can at least keep your child out of harms way. Nothing is fool-proof, however knowledge is power. These people do not get better. I don't feel sorry for them. If they commit a crime towards a child, I don't give a crap about their rights....they imposed a life sentence against themselves when they committed the act. I'm not referencing the 19 y/o with 17 y/o. The information for these criminals is in the database. Shows the age of the perp and the age of the victim. I saw nothing about flashing boobs or public sex in my searches. It is very upsetting that the exact address of these criminals is not provided in the database for some states. They lost their "rights" when they harmed a child.
  15. crap, I glanced at your profile and thought you were from TX. I see at the Washington site, that they do only show the blocks, but a good clean photo is there, with their last name and everything. Can you locate him in the white pages? I tried it on one of the listings and it worked. I even found a phone number!! Oh, and just in case, here: It's good to know which house to look out for, as well as a photo. I saw the offender near me, and he looks like a regular-everyday guy. Good tool to use, to point out for your kiddos that these freaks aren't always scary looking...they could be just anybody.
  16. You can go here: Just go to the sex offender link and type in your city and zipcode, and it'll list the offenders in your area. You'll see complete names addresses and the offenses. I found there is one right around the corner from me. They are everywhere. What is a level 3?
  17. Yup. Amanduh has been hanging around me - hence the stair incident. My daughter - well, she's a clutz just like me - it's hereditary. She falls up and down stairs just like Kel every week, or just simply walks into a wall or two, or those pesky little feet get in the way..... Now, about that morphine....I hurt.
  18. Okay...fine. I was the sacrificial goat. I'm glad I could help. I hope the *others* appreciate my pain. top it off, the clumsiness daughter came to watch me and banged her head on one of the Otter props in the hangar (it had a giant orange flag around it!!). Someone send morphine.
  19. Last week was my clumsiest week EVER! Wednesday: Poke my eye with a stick while pruning trees - that freaking hurt plus I couldn't see for 24 hours. Thursday: banged the crap out of my elbow on a door. Friday: Hit the top of my head on a cabinet. Saturday: My first instant canopy. WHACK!! Back and neck...just a little sore. Sunday: Wait around for the winds to die down - got sunburned as hell. Then, while running to pick up an off-landing, i freaking busted the sh*t out of my knee. It hurts like hell today. I hope this week is a much better one. I hurt all over today...
  20. Okay....I'm pissed. You've offended me twice now!!! first, Indian beastiality (sp?) now we're picking on the Swede's? You must apologize to both sides of my family. I'm sick of your jokes. My grandfather didn't "play" with his animals! My grandmother is a total SVEDE, and my uncle's name is Sven. WTF are you thinking??? Try not typing with an accent either, you stink at it! My grandparents are both dead now and they will haunt you... .....oh look - something shiny!!! Yay!!! I love you Amanduh!! Just kidding!!
  21. sum1mom

    Another Funny

    What's so funny about that??? I've been working on my tiger puzzle for a month. Are you trying to start something with me? Troll.
  22. Cory is probably waiting for stock in Depends to go up before the public can see it. He's using respectable caution.