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Everything posted by sum1mom

  1. You edited it you big cheater!! Note to self to kick the girly-man car killer's ass.
  2. No more MR. Nice Duh> Sheesh girl, when you broke your car, did you grow a weenie? OMG you have MOOBS!!! HA HA HA!!
  3. Blame it on JumperConway. He shamed me into getting rid of it. Now, the face is a complete mystery.
  4. I WAS RIGHT!! She ran her battery down from pressing the remote, honking until the poor thing died. What a dork.
  5. yup...that's a good one. One more: "Put on a Happy Face" - tony bennett
  6. HELLLLLOOOOOO!!! Like, she's gonna know what a starter is!! If the girl goes out and beats the living sh*t out of her steering column it's your fault.
  7. I won't spin if you'll quit flailing!!! Cool seeing you lose your balance from your belly and sit on your ass though!!! must say though, you are a better skydiver than mechanic.
  8. LOLOLOL!!! She deserves every bit of the grief we are giving her. She's probably standing outside of her car with the remote in her hand desperately trying making it honk until it turns on. Oh! That's it!!! She's been doing that...she killed the battery.
  9. I AM NOT ALONE!!??? YAY!! I've packed once. I pitched and said "pleeeeeease open!" It did. Percentage-wise: here's the figure of my own pack-jobs .006%
  10. AmanDUh saw something shiney..... THOSE ARE KEYS!! USE THEM!!! Be nice to me or I'll hurt you with my staple puller-thingy...
  11. Oh!!! you must know AmanDUH!!! I just asked the same question.
  12. Put the key in the ignition. That usually works for me... Oh yeh, turn the key away from you until you hear funny noises coming from the front portion of the car. Hope this helps. Seriously though, hope its nothing serious. Sux, cuz you just outed all that $$ for your new stuff.
  13. :15:0 AMANDUH...Change your frowny face to a happy face!!! That 1 jump you made was with ME ME ME!!! That was as good as sex, right? Super secret kiss pass!! Nod secret anymore!! BWA HA HA HA. It was a fun jump girl, lotsa smiles.
  14. 2 pair of raybans 1. Left one pair in a bathroom 2. Fell off head in lake $300 X 3 (script sunglasses) 1. Smashed a pair in a door 2. Ran over in my driveway 3. Just lost another f'n pair somewhere between home and the DZ I'll just squint now.
  15. Re: the subject of 16 y/o and and 18 y/o; how can we determine if there was/was not a rape. It does happen. So, sex offendors do obviously exist with vics in this age group (i.e. date rape). So, we can't assume it was innocent just because of the age differences The only tangible information is the obvious predators on young children. Good thing is, at least we have some kind of resource out there.
  16. Yes, this is true, but you can still see if a child (i.e., 12 y/o) was assaulted by a 30 y/o man. It's good information to have - especially if you find your next door neighbor is a ped. This subject was debated not too long ago; however, I'm glad Skymama brought it back in the limelight.
  17. Thanks for sharing!! At least you didn't have on holy sox!! Hope you had an extra pair of shoes in your car!! A hop & pop exited the plane a couple of weeks ago.....really cool back flip - then there were dollar bills floating everywhere!! Poor guy lost his wallet. He was one of our packers too
  18. sum1mom


    "Don't be hatin'" You are jealous. I can fly on my head if I want to. Yoshi has seen me do it. So has Ira. You haven't because you are too chicken sh*t to jump with moi!!!
  19. sum1mom


    Most excellent Yoshi! We wish you guys the very best. If you ever need advice or help in your training, please feel free to ask!!
  20. billy, billy, billy...does this mean you prefer Boy George's "Cameleon?"
  21. You've cried too many tears this month. I'm sorry.