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Everything posted by dharma1976

  1. start by doing it high that way you know the slow flight charectreristics of the canopy... then you can apply it low. Both Scott Miller and Brian Germain hold canopy flight courses, find one that is near you and take it, they are both wonderfui teachers. Cheers Dave http://www.skyjunky.com CSpenceFLY - I can't believe the number of people willing to bet their life on someone else doing the right thing.
  2. even more fun on high speed landings ;) call Kim Pouthjseehhgsserrrr or however you say spell her name at PD and get a demo PD 143R oh wait you are in canada, that wont work.... oh well I thought it was a good idea when I started to type, next best bet is seeing if PD is going to be around you sometime soon or if someon has one you can demo to see if you like it... I like PD reserves, of course I never had to land my smart, but I found my PD flew nice.... cheers Dave http://www.skyjunky.com CSpenceFLY - I can't believe the number of people willing to bet their life on someone else doing the right thing.
  3. stupid stupid hot chicks Dave http://www.skyjunky.com CSpenceFLY - I can't believe the number of people willing to bet their life on someone else doing the right thing.
  4. and the best part is most people barely think of slow flight at all... I am usually doing two ways these days and pulling a bit towards 4K, so usually I am towards the end of the plane, which allows me to sit in brakes flat turning all the time, watching the madness unfold below. so I spend a lot of time doing flat turns, but the best flat turn I ever had to do was around a parked plane when I had about 120 jumps, the my pattern was off, unfamiliar dropzone, I turned to final and wound up downwind flared and started turf surfing with no hook turn right at a plane, I started carving (flat turning) to the left and looked to see a swooper coming right at me, so I basically flat turned left straight right right around the nose of the plane ;) being able to make slow flight turns at altitude is great, but then being able to apply them to flaring and being able to avoid obstacles when landing becomes an even more important learning task for all of us. for all of those who havent read brian germains book, the parachute and its pilot, I reccomend it highly, it changed the way I fly my canopy. Cheers Dave http://www.skyjunky.com CSpenceFLY - I can't believe the number of people willing to bet their life on someone else doing the right thing.
  5. wow, I think you may be taking a bit of a strong offense to an innocent comment, to some saying I am a silly girl is simply descriptive, without all the sexism applied, apparently on your planet, this is purely derogatory, instead of just being a word, you apply this to mean all women instead of just herself. in reality, she may very well be jsut a silly girl, and for certain I am a silly boy, but I think maybe taking a step back and realizing that wow this person probably did not mean to or have any intentions of insulting the entire female skydiving population you might maybe jsut become a happier more relaxed person in all of your doings. This post in no way inplies that I think that all women are silly, in fact raised by a single mother, and surrounded by wonderful powerful strong women in all aspects of my life I prefer to think otherwise. Cheers Dave http://www.skyjunky.com CSpenceFLY - I can't believe the number of people willing to bet their life on someone else doing the right thing.
  6. Hmmmm or is it...how about we talk about the issues at hand here like setting up a pattern for accuracy, learning to make flat turns to avoid objects, adjusting for wind changes etc etc etc and not talk about how we feel that someone disgraced the women in this sport by poking fun at herself. I know I have made many silly male blond mistakes where I did things like split my head open or broke my leg, life is too short to get our panties/tighty whites in a bundle over somethign like that eh? Cheers Dave http://www.skyjunky.com CSpenceFLY - I can't believe the number of people willing to bet their life on someone else doing the right thing.
  7. well I found that it had bad slow flight transition to front riser consistancy...I foudn the Sabre 2 a lot easier to fly on front risers (less pressure, better speed build, nicer carves when steering with the fronts) and seriously on the flare, sabre2 much nicer. Cheers Dave http://www.skyjunky.com CSpenceFLY - I can't believe the number of people willing to bet their life on someone else doing the right thing.
  8. we have this guy we call one eyed phil who shows up at sussex, he flies a 96 Jedei and swoops it all with one eye... I dont know if he is on here, but he is a hell of a swooper for a man with only one eye. Cheers Dave http://www.skyjunky.com CSpenceFLY - I can't believe the number of people willing to bet their life on someone else doing the right thing.
  9. ahhh got a little target fixation eh? we can all make that mistake, its kinda like on a motorcycle, where you look is where you go ;) Cheers Dave http://www.skyjunky.com CSpenceFLY - I can't believe the number of people willing to bet their life on someone else doing the right thing.
  10. YEah johnny, or maybe it is just the 129 that is wierd, I noticed that the 149 had lighter pressure and I have heard that the 119 has lighter pressure, maybe the 129 is a "butcher job" of a canopy like the 103 Velo ;) I would be interested in getting another 149 to gauge the difference again, will you be able to get me another demo? Cheers Dave http://www.skyjunky.com CSpenceFLY - I can't believe the number of people willing to bet their life on someone else doing the right thing.
  11. Having jump both in the 150 size, I will say go for the Sabre2 over the Pilot. On the Sabre2 the openings can be a little off heading, but I found the Pilot to be a lot less consistent than the Sabre 2 on its input controls. Overall I like the flight characteristics of the Sabre 2 over the Pilot (and having watched my pilot do some very weird things in turns, decided to sell it very quickly) I found the Flare on the Sabre2 to be much nicer then that of the pilot. Packing the sabre2 was easier since it was not made from the South African ZP. Front risers, I noticed that the pilot was a lot more inconsistent in front riser carving approaches than the Sabre2 Sabre2, have about 300 jumps on them on 150 and 170 About 50 on the Pilot Cheers Dave http://www.skyjunky.com CSpenceFLY - I can't believe the number of people willing to bet their life on someone else doing the right thing.
  12. nope thats right there was a huge discussion about all that a while ago.... cheers Dave http://www.skyjunky.com CSpenceFLY - I can't believe the number of people willing to bet their life on someone else doing the right thing.
  13. you know its funny but re-reading that and thinking about my friend makes me want to upsize to the Xfire 149 ;) Dave http://www.skyjunky.com CSpenceFLY - I can't believe the number of people willing to bet their life on someone else doing the right thing.
  14. No way!! who let him enter?? Where can i read about that? Arent they all one and the same though? ;) actually he had more jumps than that his name was Allen Tonkin and he was the manifester at Perris when it happened and he had about 300 jumps. I remember it like it was yesterday, as far as I know he is still in a wheel chair. http://www.dropzone.com/cgi-bin/forum/gforum.cgi?post=1125853;search_string=Perris%20Velo%2090;#1125853 Dave http://www.skyjunky.com CSpenceFLY - I can't believe the number of people willing to bet their life on someone else doing the right thing.
  15. and remember that swoop abortion saves a beating heart ;) Cheers Dave http://www.skyjunky.com CSpenceFLY - I can't believe the number of people willing to bet their life on someone else doing the right thing.
  16. Hey man I did it ;) in fact I took up skydiving to help me deal with giving up cocaine ;) ah yes that was me before skydiving smoking DMT and going to the bar. hehe Dave Could you imagine me on coke mike ;) or dancing around with a cooler filled with mushrooms http://www.skyjunky.com CSpenceFLY - I can't believe the number of people willing to bet their life on someone else doing the right thing.
  17. Glad to hear that you're not hurt as bad as you could have been. For people wanting to learn how to swoop, they really need to dedicate jumps towards canopy control. Get coaching and do tons of high pulls and tons of hop n' pops where traffic is not an issue. Going big on a regular load when you're first learning to swoop is asking for trouble and when you really are going big (flying an ultra high performance wing), going big on regular loads is rolling the dice. I come in so fast nowadays that I have no desire to be swooping the beer line on a regular load. There are just too many unknowns to take the risk. All it takes is one moment of laspe judegment to end yours and someone else's life. Dang ... am I starting to sound like a canopy nazi? I don't mean to be one. But swoopers need to know when to abort their swoop. Hope you heal fast so that you can get airborne again soon. just the other day a great example of this happened to me. I was setting up my usual 180 carving turn and I am coming in right on the beer line which just so happens to be the edge of the tarmack. things started to look a little dicey with the parked planes so I thought about high jacking, looked to my right to see my friend Ryan finishing his 540 right into my landing area, lightened front riser dive steered between two planes planed out and swooped in right behind my friend much to the Tandem students delight. it was hairy, but thank god all summer my friend matt and I had been doing 13,000 ft hop and pops to work on canopy skills together....all that training taught me how to change my approach by modifying how much input I was giving into the the controls. the other lesson learned here is of course the when not to swoop lesson, remember not ever landing has to be a swoop, sometimes, we have to know that if things look hairy for a landing we are planning we have to change our plan and maybe even god forbid pull a standard L pattern to land straight in. Cheers Dave http://www.skyjunky.com CSpenceFLY - I can't believe the number of people willing to bet their life on someone else doing the right thing.
  18. do you have webbing in your fingers ?? everyone does...its called webbing its at the base of the fingers near the palm... and I lost a big chunk of it last weekend in a slow carving 180 Cheers Dave http://www.skyjunky.com CSpenceFLY - I can't believe the number of people willing to bet their life on someone else doing the right thing.
  19. Agreed, i also find that it helps to pack them a different way every time. ie, lay them towards the top of the riser on one pack job and in the opposite direction on another. That way they get a little memory and stay open all the time. Makes it easier to find and grab. yeah I just dont like jumping with gloves and the risers have been chewing chunks of skin and webbing out of my fingers Cheers Dave http://www.skyjunky.com CSpenceFLY - I can't believe the number of people willing to bet their life on someone else doing the right thing.
  20. Hey Just wondering who used dive loops to pull on their front risers or if you grab the whole riser. I have actually fallen victim to the vampire risers lately where I have been losing chunks of skin no matter how much I slow down the canopy and was wondering if there was an easier softer way http://www.skyjunky.com CSpenceFLY - I can't believe the number of people willing to bet their life on someone else doing the right thing.
  21. I do a hop and pop then do some practise drills up high and carve a nice big 180 in to land ;) Cheers Dave http://www.skyjunky.com CSpenceFLY - I can't believe the number of people willing to bet their life on someone else doing the right thing.
  22. I firmly suggest that you downsize. You are special. You have a better understanding of canopy physics at 100 jumps than most people who have 1000’s of jumps. I really wouldn’t pay much attention to what these experienced jumpers are telling you. They are just jealous that you are doing so good and progressing so much faster than they did. They are trying to hold you down. If you really want to turn some heads, I recommend the Velocity 90. You will push every envelope and it will be a true test of your talent and skill in the sport. When you have survived at least a dozen landings on this canopy, you can post your success story here in the forums. Only then, will people realize how wrong they were to question your judgment. Finally a sensible answer! Bravo! Seriously, let the man jump whatever the hell he wants! Arent you tired yet of all this "should I downsize? I am in tune with my body!" nonesense?? Let them learn on THEIR mistakes. Remember what I told you the other week... always say it, cause then when someone does fuck up they have all that wonderful stuff that people said to them over the however many months years to think about when they heal...(and I know nothing of this I swear) Miska...thanks for pointing out my mistakes when I make them...I am thinking of ranch for monday since I am off...maybe if it is crappy we can get the porter up for hop and pops all day again :) Cheers Dave http://www.skyjunky.com CSpenceFLY - I can't believe the number of people willing to bet their life on someone else doing the right thing.
  23. Hi Scotty, that will work fine for Wickham, when you and a couple of others are the only ones in the air, but if you come down to Perth and Jump at York and do it you'll get in all sorts of strife Ask Pete how he does things when he has more jumpers in the air. He'll most likely tell you that S turns are not a good idea, with plane loads bigger than a 182 Come on down to Perth (York) and play in the Caravan some time how many times have I held in brakes last in the air waiting for people to stop flying slow in the pattern.... flying slow flying cursing losing altitudeflying slow and flat and then finally the slow flier decides to land and I can go forward with my pattern. it is not a really good way to learn to fly safely in the pattern. Cheers Dave http://www.skyjunky.com CSpenceFLY - I can't believe the number of people willing to bet their life on someone else doing the right thing.
  24. come to the ranch and find tom rose... he taught me everything I know about accuracy.... a great mentor when I first got off student status. or get and read brian germaines book 6 times it helped me. Cheers Dave http://www.skyjunky.com CSpenceFLY - I can't believe the number of people willing to bet their life on someone else doing the right thing.
  25. That was awesome and well put sir... and you wouldnt be talking about brian germaine would you ;) I remember him comign to sussex righ tbefore I broke my leg and he and greg rau (spelling) were both laughing and shaking thier heads at us younger guy sall rushing to downsize and showing us what could be done with a 190 specter :-P it was great! Cheers Dave http://www.skyjunky.com CSpenceFLY - I can't believe the number of people willing to bet their life on someone else doing the right thing.