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Everything posted by jakee

  1. jakee


    IT WASN'T LOST!!! IT WAS TAKEN AWAY! See what kind of trouble you get me into? Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  2. jakee


    Dude, what the hell just happened? Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  3. I'm going to try and be there a few weekends in June once my exams are over. If you're anywhere around 5'8" - 140lb I've got a Firebird you could try too. Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  4. Liz has (at least) a couple of Prodigies, couple of Classics and an Acro. Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  5. Peter Crouch has a dangerous 'weapon'? Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  6. So what happens if this does happen, and if a year later the situation is no better? My money would be that we would then start hearing about how well the troop surge had been going and how close to victory we were until the UN poked their noses in and stuffed everything up. Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  7. my faith in the intelligence and knowledge of the average LEO is sustained... Yep, good to see that the cops are getting up to date training on the effects of marijuana. Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  8. But if mainline stations are wild, wouldn't you have to invoke Jakee's Jeopardy? And is shunting permitted? We may have to consult the lovely Samantha. I'm sure she can get 'on top' of the issue. Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  9. "28A lying tongue hateth those that are afflicted by it; and a flattering mouth worketh ruin." Well that pretty much describes AiG doesn't it? Still though - I have demonstrated to you beyond question that AiG either a) intentionally lied in that article or b) are completely ignorant of even the most basic tenets of mathematics, let alone science. It's really sad that all you can come back with are insults veiled in scripture. I mean come on dude - doesn't it bother you in the slightest that AiG are lying to you? Doesn't the level of manifest intellectual dishonesty in that article alone want to make you question their modus operandi? Or do you just keep sending in your cheque every month? Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  10. Yep! Creation scientists and other biographies of interest Can creationists be scientists? Ah Pajarito, you're back. Care to address my point that your original link (the one that 'proved' all the animals could fit on the Ark) was based on a mathematical lie? Why do Answers in Genesis think it neccesary to lie about the Ark if the evidence is on their side? Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  11. Not if he had good power tools. Better than that, he had high tech futuristic alloy fittings! I find that the use of ALL CAPS often boosts my scientific credibility too. Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  12. Well, when someone starts an investigation with the preconception that "any evidence that contradicts the bible cannot be true" (paraphrased) then it kinda limits the conclusions that they can draw doesn't it? Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  13. Gotcha. Good for a lot of applications, but if I was being thrown around under a lineover or similar I don't think I would feel too happy waving three or four inches of exposed blade around - I value my face Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  14. Yeah, the boxman position after exit is a bit worrying - he'll impact the talus of the sofa if he's not careful! Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  15. I bet they drew straws to steal the Komodo dragon eggs. Or to wank off the tigers for that matter! Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  16. With a spring loaded blade? Possibly - depending on experiance levels I doubt anyone would stop you from jumping it. For me I think the advantage of a sturdy hookknife rather than a switchblade is that it is relatively easy to only cut what you want to cut and very difficult to accidentally stab yourself in a violent malfunction. Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  17. jakee

    The Secret

    Yes. Lets face it, some people will believe anything. Hell, there are people out there who think a magic man in the sky will cure cancer if they ask him nicely enough. Wow. It only took three replies. For what? Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  18. jakee

    Numbers riddle

    I say that, logically speaking, the chances of Elizabeth having OCD and letting her name govern her choice of beverage are rather small - therefore Elizabeth could be drinking whatever the hell she wants. Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  19. jakee

    The Secret

    Yes. Lets face it, some people will believe anything. Hell, there are people out there who think a magic man in the sky will cure cancer if they ask him nicely enough. Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  20. Their unbridled honesty is exceeded only by their state of the art web design
  21. Perhaps you missed my post? Pajarito's link is based on a demonstrable lie. Why would the supporters of the flood be reduced to lying about it if they thought they had any kind of actual case? Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  22. What the hell is an automatic knife? Seriously though, there is no danger of hook knives becoming illegal anywhere - not even in England! You couldn't even attack an 80 year old granny with one. Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  23. It's well known that in prehistoric times, 4 - 5,000BC there were huge flood events in the mediterrenean basin and the near/ middle east. It is quite likely for the ancestral memory of these floods to have become an oral tradition of a world consuming flood. But that is as far as it goes. Any of the details of the biblical account are obviously a pure fiction, invented over the course of countless generations of re-telling. Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  24. what happens when protest is outlawed? Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  25. This case looks different to me. She just falled in love, but not married him yet, so the sin hasn't been commited. Uh, so consorting with a man outside of wedlock is not sinful? You didn't think that through did you? Do you want to have an ideagasm?