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Everything posted by peregrinerose

  1. Intercourse and Blue Ball PA (which are not far from Paradise, PA ironically) Do or do not, there is no try -Yoda
  2. Re-read my ENTIRE post, not just the first sentence. Everything you described does happen. I've seen an AFF I put a camera helmet on a person with 50 jumps, winguits on 100 jump wonders (look at the 2 fatalities in the last year), stupid shit happens every day at DZs... some DZs/DZOs/S&TAs will say 'no' others will not. Skydiving is not always as 'safety' minded as you think it is. You just haven't been around long enough to get a really big picture of what goes on.... travel to a lot of different DZs and you'll very quickly find out which ones you won't go back to due to safety concerns. Do or do not, there is no try -Yoda
  3. I disagree with you... for every stupid stunt in kayaking there's at least one in skydiving. Just because there is a regulatory body doesn't mean that stupid doesn't happen. Hang around DZs long enough and you'll find out that some are very different than others with regard to safety. Some have an 'anything goes' mentality, some have a very strong drug culture, some are very strict with safety policies. You gave 2 examples of stupid kayakers... read back in the incidents forum.... there was a no pull a couple of years ago by a drunk/high skydiver. After-hours running over burning cars resulted in a fatality a couple of years ago and more recent injury. I'm sure there are a lot more, but those are the ones that pop in my head first. Do or do not, there is no try -Yoda
  4. Of course I considered that. If it had not struck me as authentic, I would have just let it pass. I work with a typical caseload of 16 patients....after more than 10 years, this is the only case that has gotten under my skin. I am seeking insight from others that have dealt with similar situations.....have you? I've heard some seriously weird shit in the exam room (and I did nursing home eye care for 3 years, so have experience there too). The things to keep in mind in this case... this guy is not the same person now as he was 20 (or whatever) years ago, any more than you are the same person now as you were 20 years ago. People change a LOT with time, so if you look at it as treating/working with a different person than the one he was talking about, that helps. Second thing to keep in mind... if he wasn't remorseful about what happened, he wouldn't have told you about it. Guilt for that many years is a heavy burden to carry. Some people need to eventually share the weight of that load, often not realizing how it will effect the people they share it with. Do or do not, there is no try -Yoda
  5. The short answer... absolutely yes, but we were both smart enough to stay away. I was married to someone else (infinitely better for me than he was) a year later. He was married to someone (infinitely better for him than I was) about 3 years later. Do or do not, there is no try -Yoda
  6. I emailed Sunpath about it. The email I got back was really hard to understand, very vague and not remotely coherent sentences. The gist was that they are not issuing anything right now, they are doing testing, they may or may not have a statement to make sometime next week, at least that's what I got from the gibberish-ish email Do or do not, there is no try -Yoda
  7. Where do you jump? What you describe sounds very unlike a 'small cessna DZ'. I'm on staff at Kutztown PA, and my mission is to make sure that nobody is doing solos, especially with low jump numbers. If I'm not doing AFF, I'm jumping with low timers (and having a ball doing it). If I am tied up with students, I make sure that low timers are hooked up with more experienced jumpers that I know they'll have fun with and learn something from. When I was in your shoes, a couple of more experienced jumpers did just that for my husband and I, so I try to return the favor. All of the cessna DZs I've been to have been like this. So, one of two things is going on... the other fun jumpers truly don't know that you want to jump with them (be more aggressive!!!!!!) or you have a bad attitude toward them that totally turns them off. My guess is the first one, since you're a chick, and chicks tend to be a little more on the shy side when it comes to talking with other jumpers. Do you spend all day at the DZ? Hang out after jumping is done? Have you walked up to random fun jumper and say 'hey, jump with me!'? Talked with your instructors and asked them to hook you up with someone? You have lots of options. If you want to give up, fine, go for it, that's your perogative (but also yours and the sport's loss). Where do you live? You'll probably find people on here that are willing to jump with you no matter where you are. Jen Do or do not, there is no try -Yoda
  8. I'm thinking that multiple orgasms would make that a no-brainer
  9. Nope. The piping is in the basement, hooked up straight to the heater. I have a huge space heater down there right now (yes, I'm keeping an eye on it so the house doesn't burn down) Hope that thaws them out. Go to home depot, buy the heat tape, plug it in to your electric, wrap it around the pipes, and they will both un-freeze and never freeze up again. My pipes are in the garage, froze earlier this winter, that's what we did and no problems since. Shouldn't cost you much of anything. Do or do not, there is no try -Yoda
  10. I want to make this sport as safe as possible, by working with students and grooming safer skydivers from jump number one onward. It's purely self preservation, really... I've seen too many jumpers that scare the shit out of me in the sky, just want to keep my odds of being taken out by someone acting stupid to a minimum Do or do not, there is no try -Yoda
  11. advertising "British Chick needs a ride.... :-)" Has a very different connotation than "ride from LAX needed" and will probably get some of the less savory of our sport to look far more closely at the ad. I guess you are right... Last time, it ended with LisaH giving her a ride... And we all know what kind of cow-loving freak she is. See... you proved my point But seriously, advertising her self in the phrasing she used isn't the smartest way to go about doing things, and it can bite her in the ass. Sorry for giving a damn I'm not against posting for rides, etc on here... I've 'adopted' 3 of DeWolf's students for his riggers' course on here and gave them free food/lodging/transportation for the entire week of the riggers' course when they asked for help. I didn't know any of them from a hole in the wall. Also gave another few rides from the airport. I'm also harmless. Mostly. Do or do not, there is no try -Yoda
  12. advertising "British Chick needs a ride.... :-)" Has a very different connotation than "ride from LAX needed" and will probably get some of the less savory of our sport to look far more closely at the ad. Do or do not, there is no try -Yoda
  13. I was thinking exactly the same thing. People use poor judgement sometimes and then wonder why they had a problem later Do or do not, there is no try -Yoda
  14. Sorry... In that case... Chad was in raging pain the first time after vasectomy. So bad, he was shaking and crying.. the crying was a tad embarrassing, but the shaking worked for me Do or do not, there is no try -Yoda
  15. If you throw out a PC, you need to cut it away.... that's first jump course info. Even pilot chutes in tow count for that, for the scenario you found yourself in. Great job dealing with it though. Guaranteed I'd have pissed myself at some point in that situation!!!! Do or do not, there is no try -Yoda
  16. Did you 'use it' too quickly? I don't remember how long the doc told us to wait. A month maybe. I don't think Chad had any problems, and considering he's a whiner, I'm fairly certain I'd have heard about it
  17. Seriously... you need a much thicker skin. Skydivers bash everyone, women, gays, drunks, skydivers, republicans, democrats, people in general. We tend to dish it out, but we can take it well. For a cabana boy contest one year, my husband was a gay cabana boy, it was hysterically funny, he was involved in all the other guys acts. Does that mean we hate gays? Not by a long shot. We make fun of and mock ourselves as much as the rest of the world. Learn to laugh at yourself, not just your orientation, but yourself in general. Learn that poking fun at the world does not mean hatred of the world. Relax. My husband and I would jump with you in a heartbeat and buy you a beer at the end of the day, just like we would any other friend. Nobody cares who you sleep with or who you find attractive, we all just want fun people to jump with. Do or do not, there is no try -Yoda
  18. Would you go have surgery with a surgeon who 'hadn't seen one of those before'? Seriously... take some time and honestly interview a rigger. You are trusting them with your life, take it seriously. If they are charging you extra to pack a Racer, you may want to consider taking your business elsewhere...I would (and did, actually!) Do or do not, there is no try -Yoda
  19. Awwww, quit your whining. When my husband got snipped, he sat on the couch moaning and groaning and whining and icing, while I sat beside him, with a bag of whole walnuts, cracking them and giggling maniacally, asking if it reminded him of anything Do or do not, there is no try -Yoda
  20. Where the fuck is the 'eye rolling' emoticon when a girl really needs it????????????????? Do or do not, there is no try -Yoda
  21. I think whether or not she cheated is completely irrelevant to his reaction regarding the kidney. The marriage is over, divorce as amiably as possible and move on. Rewarding her pettiness with childishness of his own doesn't solve anything. It's a battle just not worth fighting, there's nothing to gain. Do or do not, there is no try -Yoda
  22. How about walking away with what's left of your dignity and moving on with your life? Yep, I'd agree witht that. Do or do not, there is no try -Yoda
  23. Have you met many surgeons? LOL!! Good point. 6 years of candy striping convinced me I did not want to be an M.D. solely because I couldn't tolerate their personalities. Do or do not, there is no try -Yoda
  24. One I have in mind is proud of their 'no rules' policy on their web site and advertise themselves as such. I'm running into issues with that one as I'm trying to keep a friend safe, and they are undermining everything that my husband and I are telling him. The other I've seen new A license jumpers (30-40 jumps) with cameras on their heads more than once, with the endorsement of at least one of their instructors, and I've worked with a few of their students with some very odd things being taught to them (AFF for first jumps are illegal, it's ok to loosen your leg straps under canopy) Those are the only 2 that I know of that I won't visit (did I say either of them was in the east? ) Clearly, their policies work for them, they are, from what I understand, very large and busy DZs. I personally am just not comfortable with some of the things I have seen/read.... doesn't mean they are bad places, just not my cup of tea. Do or do not, there is no try -Yoda
  25. All I can say is I'm extremely glad that guy isn't my doc. I expect a higher level of maturity from the people I trust my life to. Do or do not, there is no try -Yoda