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Everything posted by peregrinerose

  1. This is exactly what my intent was (and you put it far better than I probably could have.... thank you!) And I hope you understand my expaination and accept my appology. Yep, no worries... We both are in agreement that abortions should not (in an ideal world) happen... we just have different ideas of the best way to decrease/eliminate the number of abortions in the world. Do or do not, there is no try -Yoda
  2. This is exactly what my intent was (and you put it far better than I probably could have.... thank you!) Do or do not, there is no try -Yoda
  3. So why not start killing foster kids? No, that wouldn't be right......kill them before they are offically "kids". Did you even read what I wrote??? Prevent the PREGNANCY... no preggers, no abortion, fostering, anything. Instead of focusing on the symptom of the problem (abortion), pro life groups should be focusing on the root problem (unwanted pregnancies and the situations that lead to such). Oh, by the way, I'm in the middle of adopting a 15 year old boy out of foster care. I practice my beliefs every day. When his adoption is final, we'll begin the adoption process of another teenager. As one leaves the nest, we'll adopt another, and so on. I firmly believe in practicing my ideals. And to top it all off, I'm agnostic. Do or do not, there is no try -Yoda
  4. Very nice!!!! I wasn't expecting to get into a skydiving song written by someone who never jumped, you proved me wrong, thank you!
  5. Shameless bump as the time is getting closer. The DZ now sports a building and area to camp in, showers, restrooms, and it's very own grill... camp out and have fun, maybe make a little money if you have decent accuracy
  6. I'm really torn on this one. Although I would love the title of 'supreme dictator of reproductive rights' realistically, who gets to decide who does and doesn't deserve to reproduce? On the other hand, after reading the profiles of kids in foster care, the number of parents who pop one kid out after another only to have the state have to step in and care for them is truly sick. The one family was of drug dealers and when the babies/toddlers wouldn't sleep, they were drugged to the point of near OD with whatever was laying around to knock them out. Every one of their kids has serious permanent brain damage and zero chance of being anything at all in life.... MR, developmental delay, medical issues.... that's a family that deserves to have mandatory sterilization. Do or do not, there is no try -Yoda
  7. I used to be pro-life, with no exceptions, but that has definitely changed over the past few years. There are so many truly unwanted children in the world.... foster kids, neglected kids, abandoned kids, those kids that slip through the cracks, and many end up really hurting society by draining resources, eating up welfare money, etc. I'd much rather see the focus be on preventing the 'need' for abortion.... easy access to sterilization, birth control, education, foster care reform, more adoptions of older children to help break the cycle, etc. Solve the root problem (unwanted pregnancy) and the symptom (abortion) goes away. Do or do not, there is no try -Yoda
  8. Scott is now in MD, but fundraising is still ongoing. He's still unconscious, it's going to be a long haul for him and Steph. Her blog shows her tremendous strength and humor in this rough time. Do or do not, there is no try -Yoda
  9. I don't thing him being a good guy is what the concern was in the prev. post... the last few weeks he's been very incoherent on here. The question is, is this behavior normal for him, or has he had some kid of medical event that is causing the truly bizarre posting. It's a valid concern, one I wondered about as well, if his real life friends were at least touching base with him to make sure nothing was wrong. Do or do not, there is no try -Yoda
  10. I live 45 mins south of State College, so feel free to get in touch with me regarding DZs, etc (all I ask is a chance to buy any of those Steelers tickets you don't use!!) Do or do not, there is no try -Yoda
  11. My impression is that they are only going to move him when he is medically stable enough to do so. Brain injuries like his take a very long time to come back from... months to years. It's not practical for his wife to be separated from him, nor good for him to be separated from her if she goes back to work. It's expensive for his family to keep flying over... a $20,000 plane ride is still a great deal less expensive than trying to coordinate cross country trips frequently as he's healing up. The rest of his body is perfectly fine, his only injury is the brain injury, from what Steph has posted. There's no 'rush' to bring him home, but $20,000 will take time to raise, and it's better to have the money ready to go, than be trying to raise it last minute later. Do or do not, there is no try -Yoda
  12. Another web site for those interested: Do or do not, there is no try -Yoda
  13. I haven't seen anything on here yet about Scott, but he was badly injured in a BASE incident a little over a week ago and remains in a coma in Twin Falls. Scott taught my first jump course almost 6 years ago and his wife Steph is still my idol as an AFF instructor, she's amazing. They are trying to raise the money for a medical flight back home to MD, which is not covered by insurance, for once Scott is stable enough for travel. is a news story. is Steph's blog where she's been incredible about giving updates on his condition. is the web site to make donations through if you are so inclined. Scott and Steph are great people and deserve all the support they can get right now. Do or do not, there is no try -Yoda
  14. Come and help us break the new dropzone location in right!!!!
  15. I'm assuming this was a tandem, since you talked about 'us' turning... tandem harnesses fit VERY differently from sport rigs and the way they fit can in some instances keep blood a bit more in your legs and away from your brain, making you dizzy, sometimes puke or pass out. Even I get a little queasy when riding front on tandem due to the different perspective, less control, different fit of the harness, etc. Between that and the lack of food and maybe lack of hydration as well, that will all contribute. Do or do not, there is no try -Yoda
  16. I do think caring for the environment is important. I don't have access to a recycling program in my county, so I save up all the recyclables and drive them to Harrisburg (25 miles away) once a month or so on my way to work. Saving money on energy costs and saving the environment often go hand in hand, so there's no problem with that. I guess from the recycled stance my barn is earth-friendly, as it would have likely been torn down and disposed of if the previous owners hadn't 'recycled' it
  17. I love my home and will die in it, but it's far from green (1890 bank barn renovated into a home 30 years ago). However, we are working to improve it's greenness. As soon as my tax refund is here, we're getting a solar hot water heater installed. We're going to be replacing a couple of windows at a time for more energy efficient ones, etc.... it's worth the money to raise the value of our home and decrease our energy costs. Do or do not, there is no try -Yoda
  18. Make sure you're shaking the Pred well. To avoid the throat thing, when you put the drop in, close your eyes and put your thumb/forefinger on the inner corner of your eye, closest your nose. Sit like that for a couple of minutes. It keeps the drop from draining down into your sinuses and down your throat, which means less systemic absorption and more drop to your eye where you need it. Do or do not, there is no try -Yoda
  19. Our DZ would be similar to Skyb's.. Assuming that you have your log book for us to refer to. You'd get either recurrency training or sit in on a first jump course, then a modfied Level 4 (one jump master) and go from there based on your performance on the Lv 4. So, to answer your question, you probably would not need to start all over again, but that's at the discresion of your local DZ.... call them and ask what they expect of you, since that makes more sense than getting random answers from random AFFIs
  20. 1. and 5. At the DZ I am at, student sits beside the pilot, back to the dash. Main side instructror between their legs. Video behind pilot, reserve side in tail. For exit, main side instructor has grip on student, video swings out and hangs from rear of door after main side spots and gives ok, then climbout as usual. Although student is beside open door, there is always someone with a hand on them... first main instructor, then reserve when main is climbing out. All the rest is the same as Gary's answer. Do or do not, there is no try -Yoda
  21. yep yep...ill be at the no rules ranch this weekend...time to get back into it and get my swoop on... what do you mean about the no rules ranch? not that i know for sure what they are talking about, but i will "presume" that he/she is referring to the ranch from the past when it was some serious shennanighans that you hear about in stories around the campfire at night .... **** as for my two cents on this forum, there are a lot of people that make a very very very long drive to jump at the ranch because it is that good...where else do you see 50-60 loads going up on a saturday when its not a boogie ... and plus it is true camping out there not camping amidst huge stores and malls...but to each is there own so i would say go to all that are within two hours of you -- spend a weekend at each and you make your decision blue skies!!! From the Ranch's own web site... they still advertise as being a 'no rules' DZ other than being a USPA member. Do or do not, there is no try -Yoda
  22. LOL! The surest cure for 'loner-dom' is skydiving. It turned me from a completely socially incompetent shy mousy little thing into a post whore on here and a chatterbox in person (unless I'm in a tandem harness... that shuts me up pretty quick. Tandems scare me) Do or do not, there is no try -Yoda
  23. Sorry, I had no clue where Hackettstown was, it's a haul from Collegeville, PA. However, I do have a lot of jumps at Sky's the Limit too, and during the week have been known to take some of my own students up there when KSC is closed... they've been absolutely wonderful to me up there and often even on a weekday are flying the otter. I have only good things to say about them. Do or do not, there is no try -Yoda
  24. How about Keystone Skydiving Center.... Collegeville, PA
  25. You mean other people aren't? I make ammo for my air rifle out of them. Do or do not, there is no try -Yoda