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Everything posted by eb66to77

  1. Hey bigway, Not only are you posting forum fodder you are posting it in the wrong forum. Good luck on that presidential bashing thing though. It's pretty original.
  2. Leroy, You are one big rib. I guess someone has to have cushion in the mix.
  3. On the next Jerry Springer: Llamas who like S & M
  4. SONICBEEF.COM[url] is for everyone to love and enjoy. It is still under construction but everyone can feel free to enjoy the limitted selection of options that will soon be plentiful. Have fun! BTW- I saw your pic and it was good!!
  5. HAH!! This is great stuff. Now we are truly international baby!!! So which language are you putting your name in? I'm kind of partial to English since I am American and only really speak one language even though I have a working knowledge of Sonica the forbidden language of love used mostly by "THE BEEF". GO RM 52!!!!!!!!!!!!" Welcome aboard!! Wee Beef / Wee Creator / Sonic teh Beef Hog
  6. I live in DE so it won't be long. McDuck was just in Geneva, just missed him. If you get up to DE PM me, IF I go to the Valley I will PM you. Beef and fish definately go together just as long as you mix the red and white wines zusammen/ensemble. Here is a pic I took of my wife at the DZ here.
  7. Yeah leather is awsome in case of accidents. I wear it too on longer trips. But you know what I am talking about. edited to add: There are some motorcycle clubs that are not bad organizations and I have ridden with some of them. You will be able to see which ones are the bad ones right off the bat though. As ya know just distance yourself if you feel threatened. Or go up to one of them and ask them "Aren't you Richard Simmons" Just like I saw on a TV show one time.
  8. I have almost been smacked around a few times by a swarm of these garbage eaters. My best friend almost got killed twice when he got in a very small arguement with his wife, I guess these guys are very chivalrous. BUT they are not the only group like this, you still have all the other gangs of monkeys who flock in numbers. Just let them be unless you want serious trouble. I have a Softail but in no way do I ever ride or look like I am bad ass. I don't plaster all kinds of leather on or cover it with gang specific colors and patches of poker runs in hopes of looking like a bad MO FO. I kind of like the look I get from turds who try to do there best Jessie James impression with a bird chest and zits while I am out in beach shorts and Tevas. I am with Aggie Dave that just be careful but some of us still like to ride for the pure enjoyment so feel free to shrug off the poser. Akarunaway that truly does suck but as a rider I would have helped you kill at least one of em, LOL, unless you guys were plain asking for it.
  9. And as Wonder Woman slides down her invisible snow suit pants, the crowd sees that she is already prepared for the wet underpants contest.
  10. I would like to Congradulate Wired Beef to the Fall line up. I think all of us Sonic Beefers should pool some money and buy this Wired some new pants. For the whole Blitzkrieg bashing thing, since everyone is looking for the weakest link here he isnt it. He went out to jump just like everyone else with no intention to burn it. He is so serious about BASE jumping that he is the one that brought the LSD and four gallons of baby oil to the raging German Beer kegger we had just before the jump to get ready. Tee----------Hee
  11. I do everything drunk first then beg for mercy. There is a list of members and soon I will make the listing come to virtual life. I would like to extend a great welcome to Smoked beef, Can-a-beef and, Chilled beef for gaining so much fall rate to be able to keep up with a 205 mph sit. If you have topped it then you will soon become part of>>>>>>>>>SONIC BEFF>>>>>>>>>>Later......MATT
  12. Oh man, that's it? Well I hope you're not heart broken about it. I did have another one made up but I will keep it to myself and post this one. Just thought this was one of those begging for punishment threads. I'm game. BTW- mine was so much funnier. Noted! Oh wait added the banner to add some equality
  13. That is a good picture, not at all brainless. Really I don't care either way but pointless attempts on political humor need a pointless response. Let’s see if people can come up with better ones or maybe start a new thread or something. I will send you a picture of me if you want to bust me out. No offense to anyone really. Take a look! I know all about the spelling mistakes. I am still a little tipsie.
  14. Here is my favorite three hole munch. At least that is what I think you said.
  15. Hey Chuck Happy Birthday! Sorry for the delay, we just didn't know. On behalf of Sonic Beef we are giving you your Sonic name which is MONKEY BEEF #13. It's a true honor so I would put on another 40-50 pounds or so. Later on, we'll be sure to have a cockatillio for ya. edit: nothing changed just drunken spell checked
  16. Oh yes there is definately room for Sonic Beef. That is why we are making this club available to everyone.
  17. That's cool but not the same, even though the Rodriguez Bros are welcome too. We are the English Sonic Beef. SONIC BEEF #1 is good friends with Pepe and Buritto. We didn't just come up with this or copy someone's name. John had this tattoo for about 7 months and we have been calling ourselves this for over a year. Added PIC.
  18. eb66to77


    DAMN IT!!!!!!!! You already knew the answers! So anyway no underpants?
  19. eb66to77


    what color are your underwear? and can I have them? what are you doing later? What do you think of a triple team with Sonic Beef? Which do you think is heavier, a truck load of provalone cheese or an 18th century crotchless suit of armor?
  20. I love this guy too. I am sick of hiding. This guy's avatar is good enough for me. YUP Still drunk!!!!!!!!!
  21. Alot of jumpers were asking about this new club so we put together a real simple plan to get everyone on the same sheet of music. This club isn't created to cause clicks or DZ mafia's but rather promote a healthy club atmosphere at your DZ, and in turn force the the more moronic click's to dissolve. We are huge supporters of the Skymonkey's and the soon to be members as we are both in that team. PS we are both in Germany now Drunk as all get out.........GO SONIC BEEF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. Hello just an intoduction to Sonic Beef. Here are the rules to become and prosper with Sonic Beef. #1 Jump with a member of Sonic Beef. #2 Party with a member of Sonic Beef. #3 Recieve your name and number from the member you are with. #4 Purchase your own Sonic Beef hat you cheap bastards. #5 Always be willing to help a Sonic Beef in need of a good jump , or drinking buddy, or?. #6 Any Sonic Beef member can name another. Signed MATT and JOHN #1+ #2 Sonic Beef for life. These rules are to help everyone new to the sport become a member of a very rightious jumping group and maybe become a member of another jumping group of low altitudes. We will hopefully jump with you soon.....MATT + JOHN
  23. eb66to77

    sep 11

    I feel that to be able to BASE jump one must first recognize and process certain inevitabilities. Those being the worse case scenario that there is an accident and that accident turns into the death of a either a comrade, that you have shared a portion of your life with staring off the edge of some crazy object, or yourself. I have felt the same type of feelings in both war and BASE jumping. Of course the two situations have different elements that bring you to a serious life threatening one. The people around you are natural sources of support. The friends I have from fighting and the friends I have BASE jumping experience the same type of feelings and gratitude for me as I do them. These friendships are forged much quicker and stronger than other friendships of mine and rightfully so. Tom is correct that for most, fighting isn’t as much for the good of the country, but for the people around you once the lead starts raining. You volunteer freely for both situations and understand the consequences, hopefully. I truly believe that death is a consequence of life and not as much of an integral part of the continuation of life, even if it is a factor and inevitability. Death is definitely the least desirable part of existence but something you have to risk to maintain the way of life you are most comfortable with if it warrants it. Later.....MATT added a couple words