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Everything posted by eb66to77

  1. I came from PA and think it blows. I only return to see my family. I think that NC is alot warmer and more fun. It also doesn't hurt that the DZO is one of my best friends and has a hot wife!
  2. eb66to77


    Congrats 954, stay safe
  3. Yes Its called Veterans Day or Flag Day here. And here we are 86 years later after the War to End All Wars.. and service people are still dieing for their countries in far off places. It is a good thing that so many go to serve while so many are SOOOO busy with their lives to not serve. Thank you to all those who do serve. No sweat and thank you. I didn't have any plans for the next twenty years anyway. As a veteran I thank everyone from all countries who served, are still serving, and those who never returned helping keep this world bearable. Maybe someday we will be out of a job. Peace
  4. I've got a fever, and the only cure is more Cowbell
  5. well I have 3 altis, then the glow in the dark then the same 3 altis again (in the frame for the larger pic) and after that th eebay conditions etc... Maybe we can bypass the Mac thing here with this one. Go Fishy Beef!
  6. Watch! No, watch my ears! Can you see them move? I'm doing it now, WATCH!
  7. This score and I am married with a kid on the way! WTF- I guess I got a pretty understanding wife. Her score is higher though.
  8. I think you should call him SONIC TAIL
  9. Well I am going to have my own party, with hookers and blackjack! On second thought forget the blackjack!
  10. Cock-a-tilios for all! I can't believe we are missing another Skydive Parkton throw down! Damn it! Hey Chuck you gotta get on SonicBeef.com too and spread some joy to all of the little Monkey Beefs out in Sonic World.
  11. Shit, letting them go is how we got this problem in the first place. I think they need "help" into the lion pit.
  12. Words escape me Indeed - I think there are no words in the english vocabulary for what I'm feeling right now... I used to say the word"poop" alot to express my joy or hatred for stuff, but now I say "oh, snap!" Should I go back to saying "poop"?
  13. eb66to77

    Why BASE?

    And some of us get fat, watch TV, go out and BASE jump, Go out with friends, and then go watch more TV. It's a good life, and you aren't expected to climb over 700ft. Tee-Hee
  14. Well strangely enough that is what I want to do and unless I am told otherwise, in which case I will take my mindless posts elsewhere, I am gonna do. Plus I am ugly as sin! BTW- SpongeBob made me do it!!
  15. eb66to77

    Religion & BASE

    No Homey, don't wonder/know. What I do know is that I don't care. And that is it.
  16. eb66to77

    Religion & BASE

    Haven't found god yet but if that is what gets you to climb these things, I will see you at the bottom, top, and bottom. This is a tough thread to keep in this forum but it can be done. Just remeber if it goes to the "Corner" then you will never get your point across. Peace! Sorry this wasn't and edit for RayLosi, just for the forum
  17. eb66to77

    Opps . . .

    Well I guess you are a whole lot smarter than Nick on this. Thanks for the impute though. BTW I distictly remember the moderators name being Tom. Correct me if I am wrong though. I will continue to bring my hookknife with me.
  18. #6 Sonic Screetch was added to the member list after his first BASE jump. #1 and I gave him this name due to the Shreaking screetch he made upon exit on video. Never the less he continued BASE jumping now sporting his life branded name of Sonic Screetch. Peace
  19. eb66to77

    Opps . . .

    I have made three cross ocean flights all with my hook knife and with a cypres for two of them. They definitely have a list of no-no's and whatever else they may deem dangerous also what they want to have for themselves. I don't ever travel with anything intentionally dangerous but some of the stuff I guess could be Misconstrued as dangerous. You can however have it mailed through the airline to wherever you are going or just break it so they can't use it.
  20. What a coincidence that you ask. I have recently with the diligent help of my fellow founding members and an awesome site director started[url] SONICBEEF.COM. You can sign in and get started with your Sonic Fun. It is not complete yet so jsut be patient. Bon Chance!
  21. All you stateside bastards make me sick! All these parties and what have you. Don't you know that this shit is supposed to stop until I get back? #1 and #5, make sure these guys and gals drink at least a few litres of Bitburger for #3 and I. We will be back soon.....Peace
  22. Sure....just forget about Oklahoma.....I see how it is.*** Kris, come on man! We named you but were way to drunk to go through with all the paperwork that it takes to get a Proxy through Sonic legislation. I mean it takes almost a full roll of "forms" and these German toilets err file cabinets are set to "stun" not "kill" so the process goes on. I have now initiated the proper paperwork and will soon flush, I mean, file it on Lower Case Hill. Since you have a background in this legislative process, and understand what it takes to get one of these requests through the "pipes" of Jump Club Legislation, I cast my vote. Peace
  23. I am not sure exactly how the proxy Beef thing is gonna run back in the states. You can be named as your state's Beef Liason by two of the five members. We just want to make sure we aren't naming dipshits to represent the whole club. Dipshits are gonna get named but not as the liason. They are more of a novelty. I vote yes on your liason status cause I like Texas. Let me get a backup sucka's. Peace