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Everything posted by MrRick

  1. Can your boo boo be kissed in public without getting arrested.
  2. I like his tunes good kinda mellow.
  3. Yup, we had at least 2 students do this last summer: "The slider did not go back up, so I chopped! And then...and then, the slider on the reserve stayed down too so I had to just ride that in anyway!!" Just a thouht here and not to step on any ones toes would it be possible for the instructors to show the studends a picture of a good canopy and where the slider will end up on good canopy and explain the purpose of the slider.
  4. Now i know what happened to all my beer and my girlfriend.
  5. [url]
  6. Was he going to eat his meal or did he already eat it when it went out the door.
  7. doesn't the perfix hydro mean water??? if not what do you mean, and if the water goes out how does that conect withthe elctricity....... weel unlees you have a well and the pump is pwered bythat.... [url]
  8. I am just curious how many folks have a generator for back up power if the hydro goes out. I have one and 3 years ago it saved me a lot of grief when there was a ice storm and the power went out for 24 + hrs. It kept the furnace going ( natural gas) and the sump pump in the basement.
  9. Ummm just a thought mabe next time you can just use your xray vision and leave the radar detector home.
  10. I am just happy to have tp when i need it. If the roll was over or under and none left then i would be sad.
  11. I remeber the first time i had sex i was about 6 years old . It was stormy and raining outside it was dark and late at night and i was all alone. The last time i had sex there was not a storm.
  12. How did you get out of the crimson room i have been in here for 2 weeks.
  13. Or this one
  14. I kinda like this one Would anyone elce like to share a link.
  15. Its cool here in Canada anyone mind if i toss a couple of logs on the campfire.
  16. MrRick

    Bunny Humour

    Clicky (don't forget to close the "url" tag ): Thanks . One more try to make a clicky link
  17. MrRick

    Bunny Humour

  18. Quote I gotta agree with you on this post. There is a skydiving chat line in Canada who some people must be ashamed of there name.
  19. Standing in the back ground listening to first time jumpers how great it was. And at the end of the day crack open a beer.
  20. Before i answer. Do blow up dolls count as a drought.
  21. MrRick

    Speed Traps

    Sorry but i sill dont know how to make a clicky link.
  22. MrRick

    Need a coach

    How do i make a cliky link.