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Everything posted by jumpinfarmer

  1. Poplar May 1st. It's amazing that what it says is very close to true for me.
  2. Buy frozen vegitables if you can't get fresh ones. They are frozen very soon after harvest and are normaly better than the fresh ones in most stores. Especialy buy frozen Birds-Eye peas, I just sighned a contract to grow some for them.
  3. I've always been Markey around home. Thats because our neighbor Mark owns the farm next to ours. I picked Jumpinfarmer on DZ.com because thats what I am. I also use it on a couple of farm forums I look at almost every day.
  4. Bio diesel burns very clean and has little smell. Most bio diesel sold is in the midwest and called B2 it's a blend of 2% bio diesel and regular diesel fuel. It is a better fuel than strait diesel because it has better lubricating properties. In tests an engine running on B2 will last much longer than on strait diesel fuel. I hope bio diesel and ethanol keep catching on they realy help us farmers out.
  5. QuoteI got into it because life was boring (actually I didnt know how boring it was unitl I did my first jump...then I had to get MORE. now life is good)[/replyGood answer. I thought I could just do it once to see what it was like. ]
  6. Wrong! I'm a volunteer in a surburban/rural dept. an all volunteer department. Last year we responded to just over 1,000 calls and know one got paid. Yes it is a social organization but we're also a service provided to the comunity and payed for by tax dollars. Where I'm from here in NY most all of the fire protection is from volunteers, only the large cities have paid firefighters. Now back to the topic! We watch porn all the time after drills and meetings. Whats wrong with these guys? as said before there must be more to it than we know. As a side note. One winter night after drill we had a "training film" playing on the big TV in the meeting room. Know one noticed that the blinds were open on the windows. After a short while the attendant at the gas station accrost the road called and asked about the movie. From now on the blinds get shut.
  7. Looking for a used rig and I was told to call him. On the phone he sounds like a good guy. just wondering what you all think.
  8. I had a cold and was looking for an inside job to keep me from going nuts. It only took about six hours to role it up. It took about five years to save. Most came from the farm stand.
  9. I've been saving my change for years. I figured it was a good way to keep from spending it. Now I want to buy a used rig so I roled it up today. I think the bank might not like me there's a little over 2K.
  10. This hasn't been your week has it? First your car and now this. Whats left for you to hit?
  11. Pay me enough and I'll skin one out and send it to you.
  12. Rabbits only eat grass clover and other vegitation. They also are rather clean animals, I've had alot of them over the years. Rats on the other hand are dirty, eat anything including each other and live anywhere they can. I have become an expert on rat elimination over the years. The best way is with cats. Thats where I'll stop because I could be arested for the crule things I've done to rats.
  13. I hope to maintain a life outside of the sky. Last year I did, I can't get away to jump every weekend because of the farm but when I can I try to. There are alot of times when I can't get to the DZ because of time or weather limitations Thats when I try to do other things.
  14. I could pay for my jumps by trapping rats in some of our barns. Just don't ask me to eat them!
  15. I couldn't have said it better myself.
  16. They still think they're right and I'm wrong. They both took physics in school and I didn't so they use that against me. Thanks for the help though. I tell them there's one sure way for me to prove it to them, thats to come up to the DZ and try it. Thats not going to happen so I guess I'll have to live with being wrong in there eyes.
  17. Two friends of mine don't believe that two falling human bodies don't always fall at the same rate. They don't believe me that jumpers fall at different rates. Help!
  18. How horrible. It sounds like my life story.
  19. I think of everything now in terms of jumps.
  20. Running bords help old dogs get in and also protect side of truck some from stone and mud dammage.
  21. It might be more than 8L but I don't remember. They say that it doesn't burn anymore gas than a 6L like I've got. They arn't going to trick it any though it's for a cattle trailer and genneral farm use. They are anal though about how stuff looks so it won't get wrecked like most farm trucks.
  22. They should start without heat till about 10 or so just make sure you have winter blend fuel. A gell up is know fun.
  23. The Dodges start good in most weather here. I don't know anyone with a new Chevy diesel though so I can't commant on that. A neighbor just ordered a Chevy with the 8L big block and Alison trany though I can't wait to try that.
  24. I would go nuts. I know that doesn't help make you feel better but I've never been in that position and hope it stays that way.