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Everything posted by jumpinfarmer

  1. Sounds like a great place to work. Better find a new job before you become a statistic.
  2. Yep. It's happened to me a couple of times. I wonder what they use for ink.
  3. Yea I know what you are saying. I used to ride a snowmobile to school. Kids can dream a little to, besides I'm no kid and I'd rather watch the Xgames than most any other sporting event.
  4. Not only that, but sports that the audience can participate in. For a couple hundred bucks, anybody can buy a pair of rollerblades or a snowboard or a BMX bike and start participating right away. Now look at skydiving. The cost for an A license and gear is $4000-$5000, then the jumps needed to get good, plus the whole 18 years old thing. Even street luge or wakeboarding is much more accessable to the average X-Games viewer than skydiving. Yep, its all about the demographic and selling advertising. Then how come moto x and snow x are so popular in the games? They take a lot of money and tend to attract kids in there late teens. That would be a good time to get them hooked on jumping.
  5. Cool! Is that you? Someday I'd like to try skysurffing
  6. Buy a gun and keep it under the counter. When they try to rob you just blow there head off. I will say being robbed is exciting though as strange as it seems. I've never been robbed when I wasn't there to catch the S.O.B.s though. Normally it's someone trying to get the money from the self serve farm stand, or steeling gas from the tank in the yard. A teenage kid literally shit his pants and started to cry when I told him I was going to shoot him after I caught him steeling gas one nite. He was so scared and was crying so bad that I let him go and never called the sheriff. He has came back several times and apologized and even worked for a day stacking hay, and yes I payed him. I think he learned his lesson real quick.
  7. As a farmer I can say that NAFTA probably takes six figures out of my pocket and every other farmers every year to. Canadian grain, meat, vegatables, floral products, and fruit and Mexican vegitables and fruit and other goods flow freely to this country. We sell very little to Canada other than corn and soybeans because they can grow so much more than there population needs. Mexican fruit and vegitables are not inspected as good as should be at the border. Look at the ChiChi's hepititus outbreak in PA last year. They also can use chemicles that we can't in the US, but thats OK because they are a downtrodden people. Now they wan't to sell us down streem to the Austrailians and New Zeland. This will devistate the dairy and sugar industries in this country. The only ones to benifit are the big businesses. YOU the consumer will never see a lower price for anything you buy. Sorry for the ranting but this bugs the hell out of me and there isn't much I can do about it. Marc
  8. You warned me not to start a thread about this, but every rig I see seems to have a Sabre in it. Maybe thats why there for sale. Thanks Marc
  9. I think those of us in the snowbound north country should gang up and lynch him for rubbing this in. It will be weeks till we can jump around here.
  10. Put moth balls down the hole. I have been told that works. Since you don't want to kill them, otherwise I've got dozzens of lethal ways.
  11. I completely overlooked it at first. Bet you couldn't do it again though. Hey is that the Frontier Photo Mat in the background? Keep thinking warm thoughts Jimmy T. Marc
  12. I think I already know the answers I'll get, but whats your opinion on a Sabre canopy. I'm looking at a 170 and have been told they can have some real violent opening shocks. Also would it be good for a beginner? It would be loaded at just over 1.1. Thanks Marc
  13. Becarfull what you say, USPA reacts to a lot of state and local issues. Would you say they are over stepping there bounds by doing so. I think it's the purpose of an organization to step in where ever precedent setting legislation may be passed. Thats why people join an organization so they have a larger voice.
  14. I'm looking to buy a first rig. I've got 22 jumps and hope to make alot more in the future. I've been looking for used gear for a couple of months and don't seem to find anything thats what I want. Should I just buy new and get what I want and something that fits or keep trying to find a used one. Thanks for any advice. Marc
  15. I think I can count on my hands the times I've been to church in my life. However I consider myself a religiuos person. How can this be? Being a farmer and always having lived in the country I feel surounded by Gods creation every day. The land, trees, weather, and the ability he has given me to do his work. I do to others as I wish them to do to me. I often find myself lending a hand to others even when I already have a full plate of work to do. I do this because I feel it's the right thing to do. Last spring I made the choice to make a skydive. At the time I prayed that I hadn't made a selfish decision by risking my life and potentialy leaving my family in a bad situation. Wile I didn't feel as though God gave me his permition I did over come the fear I had. When I was in the plane( the first time for me) I realised I had been given a gift. For as many times as I look at the land, I don't think I ever really saw it till that day in the air. When I was up there hanging from the risers all by myself I realy could feal his presents. I was totaly struck by the grandure of all Gods creation. I still don't go to church however I believe even more than ever. As selfish as it may sound I'm with the others when I say jumping on Sunday morning is my church. Just like farm work on some Sundays is also my church.
  16. Don't use heat tape if you can help it. There's a reason why they call it fire insurance test tape around here. Your better off letting the water run just a little. Also if the house is out where the wind blows, put some bales of straw or hay around the foundation. It looks like hell but it will keep the under side of the house rather warm. If they freeze again try to get them thawed before they burst. If there mettle pipes, copper, iron, exc. the best way is with an arc welder. Most plumbers or welders would be able to do that.
  17. When I was a kid we had a plane spray sweet corn for us every year. He and his son took turns flying the plane. The father was nuts, but the kid was insane. I always wanted to go for a ride, but the folks wouldn't let me. I remember stopping traffic on a state road once so they could fly under the power wires. When I was real little I wanted to be a fireman. My favorite show on TV was Emergency. I wanted to be the guy that got to ware the air-pac. Later on I wanted to farm, just like the old man. I guess I did allright I'm a volunteer firefighter, and full time farmer.
  18. What do firemen do for the railroad? Fireman is an old term used for the man that shovled coal into the old steam engines. I'm just full of useless knoledge!
  19. Don't complain. We have about 30" on the ground here.
  20. Up here we measure the snow in feet. It's also 6 out right now and thats the high for the day. Winter in Western New York got to love it.
  21. If you want to see snow come to NY. We've had snow every day since Jan. 3. About 30inches on the ground now. Makes for great snowmobiling.
  22. Look in the back of the S.I.M..
  23. How hard is it to snowboard? I have to go to a get to gather at a ski hill next week and thought I might try it. I have skied once and hated it. I was terrified, but I think snowboading looks easier. Is this true? Maybe skydiving has given me more confidence in my abilities.
  24. Oct. 25. The DZ is closed for winter and it's very cold and snow is deep. If I had my A I would try to get away to a Warm DZ for a few days, but I don't. When spring comes I'll have to hit it hard.
  25. I don't think they should have to go. I however am a little jellous, when I was in school I never remember having a day off for cold weather. Snow and ice and lack of electric were differant. I remember going one morning in a bad snowstorm, the bus got stuck in a drift and we were there for over an hour before the towns road grader pulled us out. After that they just took us back home for the day.