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  1. taipan


    Crap weather. Bored Stiff. So my minature brain wants to know where the term "whuffo" all began and where it came from! Anyone know?? I know important stuff like where "saved by the bell" and "mad as a hatter" come from but am stumped on "Whuffo". Hear it all the time, know what it means, but who the hell made it up?
  2. The only reason for walking back to retrieve your altimeter would be to avoid setting a bad example in front of students. I did put my helmet over my wrist once I realised what was missing because of a few people I didn't know who was on the load. And the ones i did know saw I didn't have it on whilst climbing they would have given me my due payout! There is a lesson here because the reason for my distraction was my concentration on everones chest strap being done up properly. One jumper on the previous load didn't have his on properly. Fortunately it was just my alti i forgot and not my rig!!!
  3. So far I think the best answer belongs to dkf1979 for this quote: Maybe I'd offer my freefly buddy $20 to let me use his. Op-regs say do not jump. But yes I jumped to save myself $20.00 and not to waste a jump ticket. My partner initiated break off, I trust him and my eyes. If I was camera or solo I still would have jumped. At >3000 jumps yes,
  4. I agree with that regarding experienced jumpers. However this was a starcrest load so i'm guessing it could have had other inexperienced jumpers on it as well. With these variables the question would be best asked of the dzso at the time of organizing whether it would be best to leave early if you go low or wait to planned break off altitude before you start tracking.
  5. Scenario- You embark on an intended 2way freefly from 14000'. You are climbing and are at 4000' and realise you have left your visual alti on the ground. You have a dytter and your partner has both a visual and audible. You inform your partner of the 'problem'. Do you jump?
  6. I would submit that the lessons are a) don't loose track of altitude b) understand the problems that an ADD can cause c) value the fact that an AAD can save your life and is worth the investment My $.02.. Totally agree here. I would like to add, if someone was low and unable to get back to base I would want them to get the hell out of my way early so I would be safe. I have two eyes but they are not perfect when trying to see someone under me camouflaged against the ground. Safety tip- If low get out of eveyones space. Track off early(not on heading).