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Everything posted by ChasingBlueSky

  1. No, "we don't necessarily know either' since XP hides lots of stuff... I replied to someone as week or 2 ago on this same subject - the more of us that turn off this Mesenger "feature" the better. Pass the word. Dave T PS: popupkiller works for most popup ads (Google it). Canning Messenger has finished the job. Interesting bit - I talked to a friend about messenger and MS Messenger (this guy works for MS) is a source of many headaches over there and no one knows why they decided to seperate ver5 from the service, and why they didn't do any name changes on it either. Most people don't realize if they have upgraded to ver5 or up that they still have another copy of MSM running at the same time (ver4.7) _________________________________________ you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me.... I WILL fly again.....
  2. I had spybot remove some files it should not have touched. _________________________________________ you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me.... I WILL fly again.....
  3. nice link. too bad we won't see fireworks all over the place this year due to the patriot act. kinda ironic, huh? _________________________________________ you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me.... I WILL fly again.....
  4.[url] I've seen this logbook get mentioned from time to time. _________________________________________ you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me.... I WILL fly again.....
  5. There is the messenger service (which is also connected to MS Messenger 4.5, or is it 4.7) then there is all the other versions of MS Messenger. As long as you do not need to receive alert messages from a network administrator, you can disable the messenger service. Use the tool to remove 4.7 and you can keep ver5 or higher installed. (Chris, eeneR knows how to do this). You never received these messages on 98 because the messenger service is native to NT based OSs (2000 and XP). The spammers are taking advantage of an administrative tool to send out spam. It becomes easier to find this open port when you use CS or AOL - but they do not see you. They are blindly sending out broadcast messages. There are several good pop-up stoppers out there, however I have not found a good free one yet. Most have a 30 day trial, then you have to pay to go beyond that. Also, go to and get Lavasofts Ad-Aware to remove any spyware from your system. I've found it to be the best one to use on XP without doing any damage to your OS. _________________________________________ you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me.... I WILL fly again.....
  6. You will also want a Notary there to witness the signature. _________________________________________ you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me.... I WILL fly again.....
  7. SPOILER ALERT BELOW!!!! Spoiler Alert Saw the movie - it was eh, ok, I guess. Some of the editing to make it look/feel like a comic book was annoying at times, and perfectly executed at other times. The story moved painfully slow - almost no need for this to be a two hour movie. What little story there was in the beginning was handled well and acted out convincingly......the background was changed on how/why he became the Hulk and it wasn't that fact, it helped drive the story more. From the first hints of the bottled rage/anger that Bruce had (showing the Hulk behind a door) including the first appearance of the beast was done great. Any other time Hulk was on screen the story and movie came to a halt. It seems that the movie is all about how a dad can screw up his kid for years, then in one instant become Dr. Phil and realize they have repressed memories, etc etc...... The Hulk CGI? Well, he looks like a big green we have anything else we can put it up against for comparison? Since there isn't any 20 foot tall green men in the world, there is no doubt that this is a computer image on screen that has the ability to show two emotions - blank face and angry face. Suspension of disbelief? Eh, maybe the first time you see him. They never explain why David Banner sets off a Gamma Bomb at the military base back in the 60s. Other than trying to stick true to the comic book by having a gamma explosion (which is what created the hulk), that entire sequence doesn't make sense - nor the payoff of the accident that follows. My only guess as to why they have this explosion? It can be used as a device for the sequel - someone else that had too much gamma exposure. The movie has two endings - where it should have ended in San Fran, and the predictable "we need a big fight against another big monster" sequence which was too dark to see what was going on (most likely to hide poor CGI - just like the non-stop rain in Godzilla). I guess the only way for a father and son to work out their anger with each other is to turn into huge monsters and beat each other up. Gen. Thunderbolt Ross was probably the best character in the movie - and also the closest to what he was in the comics. Nolte did another good job of over acting, Eric Bana did a good job of showing no emotions for the first half then looking like a very constipated angry man the second half. Jennifer Connely has taken yet another "victim wife/girlfriend of a mad scientist who loses his mind" role. She seems like a great actor, I would love to see her in a better role someday. An ok comic book movie. But a bad movie overall. _________________________________________ you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me.... I WILL fly again.....
  8. War of the Worlds, Halloween 1,2 and 3 (my brother and I hid in the bathroom for an hour after seeing #3). Poltergeist only scared me with the guy ripping his face off (plus I couldn't eat pork chops again after that scene). _________________________________________ you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me.... I WILL fly again.....
  9. Hey Amber - sorry to hear about that - give me a call. I understand how hard it is - its almost exactly five years since I had to put my dog to sleep. Had him for 15 years....I had just come home from making my first skydive and I was in a great mood. When I came home, Mom told me the dog, Gizmo, hadn't moved from that spot all day and she had to force water down his throat because he hadn't had anything to drink in days. Luckily the vet was a bit more sympathetic than your experience and allowed me and my sister to be in the room with him at the end. His medical problems had gone to far and the vet said that it was time......then my dog went and made it even harder by waking up and decided to jump into my lap and lick my face - afterall, why would he want to make this easier on us??? I still have his collar and name tag these five years later... Two weeks later, as I was trying to decide at the convention if I was going to make my second tandem there, two dogs, exactly like him came up and tried to jump in my lap...... It doesn't help now - but in time you will not hurt as much, smile more at all the memories about him and always remeber how he was a part of your family. _________________________________________ you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me.... I WILL fly again.....
  10. Let me know if you find anything in Chicago on the computer geek side, I've been looking since march. _________________________________________ you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me.... I WILL fly again.....
  11. Ha ha! I've always told my boss that if I'm ever involved in an accident with injuries, that I'm going to act just like the rest of them. Screaming and hollering and making a big deal out of it. I might even tell them to fly me out! Yea, but you would probably be the first to actually jump out of the life flight chopper! Glad to hear you are ok - don't suppose it was one of them elder folk that seem to gather in Florida? Oh yea - might want to hold off on that beer until after the drug test. Hmmm...sounds like you got some of that free time you have been needing. Now, are you going to use it to study or jump? _________________________________________ you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me.... I WILL fly again.....
  12. Wow - I spend one Sat away from the DZ and I miss out on all the folk? oh yea - 0:2:0 2 great jumps with lowtimers to help work on skills and got to watch a friend deploy her own parachute for the first time. _________________________________________ you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me.... I WILL fly again.....
  13. The Apology by Plato _________________________________________ you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me.... I WILL fly again.....
  14. If I stick my hand in the fire and get burned, can I sue someone because there wasn't any signs posted and no one briefed me on it? _________________________________________ you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me.... I WILL fly again.....
  15. Good deal - the only problem with LCD's is there are a few you get true color from them - most have trouble doing more than one shade of grey. However, if I found a deal like that, I'd probably pick it up as well. _________________________________________ you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me.... I WILL fly again.....
  16. I know how that feels - Skybirthday - July 17th, 1999. 450 jumps. Missed some time due to two busted knees and two bouts of unemployment (been sans job since March and REALLY need to find once - the car payments are just about to drain me) as well as rehab for lower back injury from a ski trip. Guy I graduated with now has over 1000. As soon as I have a job again - it'll be back to 10+ a weekend instead of 2 a weekend. _________________________________________ you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me.... I WILL fly again.....
  17. Don't forget - almost every author of the Hulk has changed the story some. Grey Hulk anyone? Pantheon? Maestro? See what I mean. I haven't seen the movie yet - but if Ang Lee heavily relied upon the Peter David stories, I would be a happy man. _________________________________________ you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me.... I WILL fly again.....
  18. That's a TYPICAL woman, when they know what makes you happy, they DON'T want you to have it. At least you don't sound jaded Ivan. A lot of whuffos feel this isn't much to ask for - they don't see why we have such a passion for an activity that they see as dangerous and wreckless. My closest friends and family still think I will quit the sport - they seem to ask every few months. It used to annoy me, not I just laugh at the predictable routine of it. (happened again last night at the party I was at - meanwhile I had 4 people tell me they wanted to do a tandem now). My ex-girlfriend was a whuffo and didn't like that I would spend every Sat away from her (despite that she had Friday and Sunday night) or how "nuts" we all are (she wouldn't even watch my videos). You just learn to deal with it in time. Some whuffo-skydiver relationships do work just have to find the right one. _________________________________________ you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me.... I WILL fly again.....
  19. I am passing on something I saw on the SDC website this morning: Benefit for Johnny "Love" Cangelosi Hey all, There will be a party......I mean Benefit....that is what I meant, for Johnny Love. Johnny had a pretty bad accident a couple of months ago, and doesn't have insurance, we are going to help him and Julia out. It is at Wisefool's pub in Licoln Park on Sunday the 22nd from 2 pm until 2 am. Live bands, comedy, raffles including a Skydive Chicago gift certificate (Thanks Missy), a Fender guitar, gift certificates for many, many restaurants, autographed footballs and jersey from Joe Montana and Brett Favre (sp). $10 at the door is the donation. Validated Parking at Children's Mem hospital is only $3. Help us help out a friend, and have a great time doing it. Bring your extra change and the cover donation goes down, if we get enough change there will be a free shot for the entire bar! Drink specials will abound! Dress Code: Ladies clothing is optional, guys wear something, anything. Johnny will be showing up, he was going to jump his new electric wheelchair naked through two flaming hoops of fire over a pond of Piranha but the fire marshal nixed it. has a map to get there, we would love to see you there. I am Wes Head _________________________________________ you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me.... I WILL fly again.....
  20. actually - I felt long ago they ruined the comic book with the tv show. While the comic was always about a man that was struggling with his inner demons and broken mind the TV show seemed to be The Fugitive with a big green guy instead of the one-armed man. _________________________________________ you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me.... I WILL fly again.....
  21. Home alone? Damn Brian - when I talked to you yesterday you still had a guy. Cutaway? _________________________________________ you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me.... I WILL fly again.....
  22. Yes but it doesn't look like the source is available. So it will only run on i86 linux not sparc. Source not available?! Zounds! Blah - get a real version of System V - AIX!!! Now that is a grea Unix OS BTW - I have at least that many systems in my home office here at home. _________________________________________ you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me.... I WILL fly again.....
  23. I'm pretty sure it's a fast food item or it can be a reference to an obscure, early computer type device that has a semi cult following of web fingered, bubble eyed group of people who refuse to admit the world is round and that the PC is the standard. M ost A pplications C rash I f N ot T he O perating S ystem H angs _________________________________________ you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me.... I WILL fly again.....
  24. Glad I could help be a distraction! Here is a tidbit for this one - it was the sunset load (and last jump before the Memorial Service on Monday), so we went to 15.1k (thanks Chad!!!) We were going so fast I needed to wear my swoops the entire jump so the camera guy in a short sleeve shirt and jeans could keep up (plus his first camera jump this season). Now go back and look at how quick I signal her to roll off at 8k. FASSST! :) _________________________________________ you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me.... I WILL fly again.....
  25. Took someone on their first Rodeo jump this weekend. You can find it in the Rodeo Jump folder - file is named Rodeo. All the other files in that folder are video grabs from the jump. Thanks to Jakal for filming the jump and editing the video. _________________________________________ you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me.... I WILL fly again.....