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Everything posted by cvfd1399

  1. Copy that thanks. The mt1-xx is a 2 pin also with a fxc so there might be some similarities in the 2 rigs that might make them me ok with it. I will ask thanks. Chad
  2. Cool b/c I have the opportunity to get 2 mt1-xx's but I am holding off to see if it is FF friendly. I was told that I can get a racer or a vector my size that is FF friendly any thought on that.
  3. Thanks It is a BIOTCHHH to find a rig that is Tso to my weight that is FF friendly. The reason I say that is one day I will want to play around with FF and I don't want to buy a rig and end up a year later not being to do anything other than belly fly. Edited to add: yes I am jumping a MT1-XX I dare even ask if it is FF friendly. Would there ever by any mods to make one such?
  4. I weigh 305 but I am loosing weight. Any way I go I still need a big rig. What kinda rig you got?
  5. You could have paid for all the slots and made a jump.
  6. cvfd1399


    Ahhhhh or AAAAAAHHHHHHH!?
  7. I am looking for a rig to jump and came across this. It is 3,788.47 u.s. dollars I am 6'4 305# if that helps. What do you guys think?
  8. When is everyone going to be there? Proally more people on the saturday and sunday?
  9. Oops the date on this work computer is off I was wondering why William as there last weekend lol Ok well I will be there this 2004 boogie Edited to add: I have been at work for 40 hours STRAIGHT at this point. I am about to cry to be home now.
  10. I will be there. Will just have gotten off of AFF tho. I belly fall at 140mph! Something to think about lol
  11. ScrdofHites you sure are pretty. Congrats on jump, can I buy a rig now(hidden message)
  12. Did not have time to post more last night but here is a few moments I remember. I am a big guy and this was the first jump(#3) where the JM let go. There was talk about people keeping up with me but I would have never thought I would have seen this. I jump out of the otter, coa, prcp, and toe taps. This was the first time I got to see anyone in the air with me. My reserve JM was in a "cannonball" position and my main JM was sitflying it was AWESOME sight to see them orbiting around me so close I looked into their eyes. Pulled and pop ouch should have not loosed that leg strap that much so, a light spank from her but it was all good. Control checks and set up pattern for landing. The LZ is about 8 inches of grass and with the rain it had about 4 inches of water over it in places. Came in for a flare and did a butt slide like I was on a ride at a water park. Had to be a funny site to see my ass skipping across the grass. Ok on to jump 2 level 4 one JM, in the door of the otter (which I love) out the door coa Jm moves in front of me. I get this funny face with a tongue and remember ha ha ooh shit legs out. Coa nod to start turns get nod back from JM release right turn stop left turn stop, by this time he is above me time for a dock. Track forward and he is descending down to my level closer closer and we touch for a second but not on the same level. Stopped track and waited for him to appear. look left look right look above... Hmm no JM well I am done with what I had to do if he is not here... heading-alt-heading-alt 5.5k lock on wave pull, ahh that is better nice soft opening glad I tightened leg straps up more this time. Control check played with canopy hey I am directly over the airport. HEY look over there it's my fav' otter coming in for landing. Maybe I should move from directly over the airport. Fly over some ok that is cool what is the blade doing, ooh it changed a bit time to set up my pattern. Ok think about what he is going to say over radio. "Turn left" yep thats what I thought I needed to do "left,right,left right" ok on final wait for it wait for it flare flare. I pulled to the finger tips and waited till the ground got to me instead of reaching for it. STOOD UP! I did not scream until Mr. Mike Brown the radio man ran over to me screaming, and I thought ooh my first stand up landing. WOO HOO I did not get to enjoy it much cus about 5 seconds later a tandem landed near me and covered me with their canopy lol. I love this sport!!!! Edited to add: On first load my wife went out the door after me on her first tandem!
  13. Ooh my god that is so bad. Will help out as much as possible.
  14. Passed and made first stand up landing WOO HOOO!
  15. I rode a sunken boat(25' down) up out of the water(towed by a twin 250 merc fisheries boat) to pull the plug and let the water drain out what a sight to come out of the water like a submarine. the boat sank bottom down so all i had to do was dive down tie off to the bow and let them pull it up on semi plane until the water ran out put the plug back in and handed it back to the dumb ass owner.
  16. What is the name of the first sound track played. It sounds really cool. I would love to D/L it.
  17. cvfd1399

    Oh, my God

    Are jumpsuits that much! I don't need that if so.
  18. I have not checked my health or life ins. yet to see what would happen if they found out I skydive or what they will do for me if I got hurt. I was public about it at first but now I am quiet.
  19. I usually decide to drink if I plan on not eating that night usually about 7. If I drink after I eat it is a waste of time and money nothing happens unless half a bottle of ever clear goes down.
  20. cvfd1399


    I love Bush and am a faithful supporter but this is BULLSHIT. This is the first thing I have disagreed with.