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Everything posted by cvfd1399

  1. If you ever went to Jamaica that question would never cross your mind. Except for some of the top resorts that place is a crap hole.
  2. I am sorry for the times you are going through it is tough to look for anything good out of this other than he is alive. One thing I really want to say to you is you did save his life that is the greatest gift you can ever give him. Good job with the C.P.R. {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{VIBES}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
  3. he he I thought he said he was jumping that rig before he bought it. Did the guy do a chute swap on him before he got it.
  4. Can I buy your old chute as a wall hanger? You jumped it and found 20 holes? Did you have to cut away?
  5. Isn't it disgraceful to cut a hole in and wear a real flag?
  6. That whole Ivan and repost thing is so focking old.
  7. Can someone please post video of the demo. I was on a fire call and did not get to see.
  8. Yea I downloaded it before I found blur. Very wierd sounds they sing
  9. Shit I got on lime wire and typed it in as that but got alot of bs crap I will try it is blur thanks.
  10. It was on the pontus video and the "hook" of the whole song was the guy yelling "WOO HOO" It is driving me NUCKING FUTS trying to figure it out. Thanks
  11. That is what the label showed it as. I still call it a beer funnel. It needs mods but it is a start. I would bring this but I have no way to get it there.
  12. 653 MPH It's all in the wrist. Click the mouse then drag it straight down and out of the window while still holding the mouse. Then bring it on the other side of the monkey and reintroduce the still held down pointer back into the box and you slap the shit outta him.
  13. Something similar to this but with a stand.
  14. Is there already a designated beer funnel for Gold Coast or should I design and make the multi-outlet beer funnel to be designated the GC mardi gras beer funnel? IF you want it let me know how many outlets to put on it(4,6,8,10 or more!) Hell I can make a assembly line.
  15. cvfd1399


    A whale produces 50 gallons of sperm at ejaculation.....I bet you always wondered what made the ocean salty huh!
  16. I use the same MT1-XX, but aubrey knows more about it.
  17. The smell of bug spray makes you think of skydiving Explain that?
  18. The only reason I used the video like that is it is the only video I had lol. I understand what you mean tho. Wife took the video while I geared up. There was swooping and my first stand up landing on that same tape but somehow she erased it before I got it home.
  19. So just let it jump from scene to scene? Also the sight may go down for the day soon I almost reached my bandwidth limit while trying to get it all configured right on the site.
  20. sorry bout the connection. Is there anything that I can do on my end other than having small files that would help out video watchers as far as speed goes?