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Everything posted by nicrussell

  1. QuoteI. I'll never forget the day when some out-of-towners hassled me at the Potato Bridge and threatened to call the cops on me for jumping. reply] I dont think I will ever understand the Nark complex. why would people get so involved in something that really doesnt concern them, or have any possiblity of causing them harm.
  2. its good that day blazin is alive and well in nor cal. but i do hope he gets down safely. good luck man.
  3. no need for you to say sorry sorry, i was just a little drunk. oops. and i am sorry
  4. Bullshit. Being a very knwledgeble rider, who rode amany step in systems in the early production stages I say BS. You are correct insaying the clicker COULD be adapted to suit you BASE needs. However most riders that I know prefer the insta step in vs. the direct control that snaps have. more adjustable for certain needs and last longer due to different construction techniques. the clicker and most other step ins will wallow in rentaldom for a long time. but, whatever.
  5. just kidding, its just this site has "lost" a lot of traffic and pointless banter due to all you phuckers in WV. damn i am jealous. be safe out their today ladies and boys. nic
  6. I always leave my pc UNPACKED until the night of the jump. The pc wants to be open, wants to be spread out, leave it that way until u need her to be tight. along those lines, when I was younger and a boy scout, we were tought that you should leave your sleeping bag stretched out during times of inactiveness (sp?) due to loss of insulationg properties. And my t hought with parachutes (and pc's) being contained in a certain state could yield a hesitation that a jumper would not desire. but, whatever, I dont pack my reserve every 120 days. (did I say that out loud) oops, whatever..
  7. be invited. And to be one of the lucky few few I believe it takes a certain skill, jump, knowledge, level as well as a reputation of a safe jumper. I could be wrong, I have yet to be invited (rightfully so). next year I hope
  8. [ I couldn't pack so neat even to save my life! I must have a pretty forgiving canopy... awhh, what could possibly go wrong??
  9. Quote. You also have a high honor now....FIRST JOHNNY UTAH BASE COURSE GRADUATE TO GET INJURED. and own up to it online. jk. Jamie you're my boy, heal up fast cuz I can only tolerate you as ground crew for so long. -nic
  10. nicrussell

    Silly Tricks

    We should send a copy of that to certain "other" authorities with a line saying "this is how you hold a jumpers pilot chute: before the jump, not after."
  11. my first and only reserve ride was on a swift 178!! I looked up and thought WTF?!!! i counted the cells 3 or four times. hahaha. I stood it up.
  12. Go JAMIE Go!! number 100!! fuck yeah, on like what 23 objects, 8 of which you opened?!! correct me if i am wrong but you are my craziest best BASE buddy!!! (did I just say that out loud) nic
  13. nicrussell

    Greenie . . .

    thats impressive, only helmets? jk Im being a smartass.
  14. In fact the don't even suggest that BASE happens. Its like a bad step child in their eyes. Do you see any BASE in the rag they call parachutist besides PAID advertisements. The only reason I even pay the fucking dues is because i like to skydive at a boogie now and then. fuck. I LOATHE THE STANCE OF THE USPA THAT base 'ISNT' PARACHUTING. FUCKEM!!! does this mean i lose my precious member number
  15. yes and no. In sheer height it is lower than everest. however people who climb everest rarely start at the beach. miles kicks ass!!
  16. nicrussell

    Wich one?

    By this do you mean that the blackjack inflates faster so with the same delay youwill gain 4 seconds of canopy time (I know this is an arbitrary number). Or did you mean it is easier to put your blackjack down in 6 seconds of flight vs 10 seconds of the older canopies?
  17. Holy crap! Wasabi stuntmans!!! Yes!!!!! Snort wasabi, shot of sake, ponzu soss in your eye! . Thats it. I will NEVER go to a sushi bar with you. and after the tequila stuntmen, i will never go to a mexican restaurant with you. haha
  18. I would spend the time to give this a thoughtful rep.......... Ooh! something shiny! ~J Is shiny YOUR favorite color too!?
  19. It would lenghten the distance from stow to canopy, giving a deeperer brake setting. Probably resulting in a severely stalled canopy.
  20. I'll add some delirium to that! I did 21 skydives for my 21st birthday and that was mentally and physically exausting. (i was slightly hung over, oops, did i say that..?)
  21. Two stops on the way to the bridge, its not that long a drive Nick!! --nic