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Everything posted by JerryBaumchen

  1. Hi folks, Can tv get any wackier? "The show hasn’t been named yet, but it is expected to premiere as a nationally syndicated daytime show." So what do you think she could call it? IMO 'Kangaroo Court' has been used too much to be realistically available. Jerry Baumchen
  2. Hi Ken, IMO there are two things that could ( hopefully ) solve this problem: 1. Get rid of all political parties. Each person would run with no affiliation; just as themselves. 2. Open the primaries to all voters for all candidates regardless of party; the two candidates who get the most votes go to the general election regardless of party. Just my $0.02, Jerry Baumchen
  3. Hi Tim, Yup, everytime that I see that ad I wonder who their tech advisor was. Jerry Baumchen
  4. Hi South, Neither. Would you like to show us one? And I am writing about that which is factual; not that what you might disagree with John Kallend on. Jerry Baumchen
  5. Hi rush, You show me just one post by John Kallend where he is wrong on the facts. You simply cannot. Jerry Baumchen
  6. Hi rush, Once again: Show me one post in which John Kallend is wrong on the facts. I'm still waiting. Jerry Baumchen
  7. Hi rush, And you have never gotten back to me with a post in which John Kallend was wrong. Jerry Baumchen PS) Your horse-puckey sidestepping the issue does not really count.
  8. Hi trab, This reminds me of a woman at work about 40 yrs ago. She was in her late '50's or early '60's and got married for the first time. She was just elated and kept talking about what all she had missed out on over the years. Jerry Baumchen
  9. Hi rush, I have said this before on here, I challenge you to find one post of John's in which he is wrong on the facts. Not on what you disagree with him on; that is a subjective matter. I'm waiting, Jerry Baumchen
  10. Hi 0312, I tend to agree. However, we are finding that there are a lot of racists & bigots out there. And more will come out of the woodwork in the general election. Then why doesn't the GOP just kick Trump out of the party? I really do not know if they can; but it would solve the problem for the more middle-of-the-road people. IMO there are a number of potential GOP candidates that are hoping that Trump cannot secure enough delegates and to throw into a convention decision. JEB, Romney, Kasich, Rubio, et al. Jerry Baumchen
  11. Hi yoink, I do not think it is a bad idea. When I read about Michael Bloomberg ( who has almost no experience ), I would not discount him. It is the bombast that I cannot support. Oh, and the racist/bigotted remarks. Jerry Baumchen
  12. Hi Niki, At the height of the Watergate scandal, Richard Nixon considered surrounding the White House with US Marshals to keep everyone's hands off of the tapes. Read 'The Rise & Fall of the Third Reich' and you will learn a lot about 'it can't happen here.' Jerry Baumchen
  13. Hi Terry, Live & learn: Jerry Baumchen
  14. Hi Joe, Kristallnacht II anyone? Jerry Baumchen
  15. Hi Michael, A few years ago I talked to them about this. At that time they told me that it was because they had no experience with semi-stowless bags. So I offered to build them one for free so they could get some experience. They declined my offer. Jerry Baumchen
  16. Hi turtle, Which 'voter base' are you referring to? Jerry Baumchen
  17. Hi 434, Possibly; here are some cartoons from around the world: Jerry Baumchen
  18. Hi tsalnukt, Based only upon the many taped repairs that I have had to re-repair over the years, I would never tape a canopy. IMO leave it alone ( keep an eye on it ) or do a proper patch. Tape merely introduces an adhesive into your canopy, and that is not good. Jerry Baumchen
  19. Hi Bill, It is the drowning man/straw syndrome. Jerry Baumchen
  20. Hi Sky, A few days ago the WSJ had an article ( with photos & instructions ) on how get in. Jerry Baumchen
  21. Hi folks, Jerry Baumchen
  22. Hi aka, Or this: Anybody know where Wendy is? Jerry Baumchen
  23. Hi Bill, And I agree; but I am hopeful & counting on decent Americans. The WSJ today had an article that said Speaker Paul Ryan has called both Trump & Cruz to discuss 'things.' My thinking is that he wants them to be more moderate so that the R's do not lose the House. And there was another article in today's WSJ about what might happen if not one of the R's has the delegates to get the nomination on the first ballot. Let the back stabbing begin. Jerry Baumchen
  24. Hi Mark, That is about 99% correct. My best friend probably has more jumps on a NoStoBag than anyone. He occasionally finds a tuck-tab out when picking up his gear. It has never caused him a problem. Jerry Baumchen
  25. Hi 377, C-9 had nothing over the apex. Navy conical had a total cover over the apex. Probably some version of a C-9, Jerry Baumchen