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Everything posted by JerryBaumchen

  1. Hi Mark, Do you actually think that Biden is not being covered 24x7? If you do, I have this beachfront property in Iowa we could talk about. Jerry Baumchen
  2. Hi Bill, I think that most men who marry somewhat later in life get that rep, Jerry Baumchen
  3. Hi folks, Looks like the dipstick is still at it: 'FDA warns Alex Jones over false coronavirus claims' There are moments when I think they should just let the idiots buy this crap. Jerry Baumchen
  4. Hi Will, Ssssshhhhhhh; you do NOT want Trump knowing things like this. Jerry Baumchen
  5. Hi Robert, +1 - If only, Jerry Baumchen
  6. Hi Doug, I am not in disagreement. The first time I ever voted for POTUS ( 1964 ), the choices were worse on one side ( the D's ) and better on the other side ( the R's ). Therefore, I have concluded that Joe Biden is a good candidate. You just need to put things into persective. Jerry Baumchen
  7. Hi Joe, While I doubt he meets your criteria, our only hope now is Joe Biden. Everyone who wants to save this country needs to get behind him in our hour of need. Jerry Baumchen PS) No, Joe was not my first pick.
  8. Hi John, Good to hear; best wishes. Jerry Baumchen
  9. Hi folks, Anyone happen to see Frontline last nite? This reminds me of it: 'Kushner’s team seeks national coronavirus surveillance system' I've been saying that the Trump Admin is shades of the Third Reich; I might be wrong, it is shades of the PRC. Jerry Baumchen
  10. Hi Ron, That has about the same validity of all of your other posts. Jerry Baumchen
  11. Hi voilsb, IMO the basic design/function remain the same. Only the details of how it is configured differ. Let's say you have a raw design of something. You want your design detailed, functional & operational. You give the raw design to two engineers, put each in a separate room. You will get two different devices that both work just fine, yet slightly different. Prior to all of this 'shelter in place,' Kelly and I were going to get together to take the necessary installation/packing photos for his new manual. Now, time will tell. Jerry Baumchen
  12. Hi Will, That is an understatement. Best skit ever put together. Jerry Baumchen
  13. Hi Robert, That revolving door at the White House is an updated version of 'Who's on first:' Jerry Baumchen
  14. Hi Joe, I had the very same thought as I watched that news clip. Ah, memories of Rex Tillerson. Jerry Baumchen
  15. Hi Joe, That's two questions in one. IMO Pence is not any more capable of dealing with something like this than Trump is. An actual adult? A whole world of difference IMO. Jerry Baumchen PS) One thing that I will give Pence; his religion is thru & thru. Where with Trump it is barely skin deep, if that.
  16. Hi Joe, IMO it is human nature to never admit that you are wrong or that you made a mistake. Ask any child. I also think that there are some on here who know that they 'completely fucked up', but will never actually admit it. I also think that, in the far reaches of their mind(s), they know that they did. But, I could be completely wrong; however, I was not wrong when I voted for Hillary. Jerry Baumchen
  17. Hi Joe, I think that he knows* if this 'recession' continues into Nov, he is toast for re-election. Jerry Baumchen * Or has been told by his toady advisers.
  18. Hi NIgel, I would welcome you to the club; but, I think you've been here for quite while. Jerry Baumchen
  19. Hi Sky, And, Oregon ( my state ) just shipped 140 ventilators to New York because they need them more than we do. Jerry Baumchen
  20. Hi Ken, Does seem that he is asking people to join up with the ACA; while his Administration is trying to shut it down. Jerry BAumchen
  21. Hi Ken, He's probably in denial about that also. Jerry Baumchen
  22. Hi Wendy, The mantra of the true salesman; Willie Loman would be proud. Jerry Baumchen
  23. Hi Markm It is called the Constitution. Jerry Baumchen
  24. Hi Ken, I am sure that you are referring to the 'leader' in the White House. Jerry Baumchen