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Everything posted by JerryBaumchen

  1. Hi Peter, I could not agree more. Jerry Baumchen
  2. Hi Sky, I wonder what country that reminds me of? Hmmmmmm, Jerry Baumchen
  3. Hi Brent, IMO If only it were so. How do you feel about the 2008 bail-outs? For me, I think more banks should have been allowed to go under. Obviously, Lehman Bros was in very bad shape; but, others were nearly as bad. Jerry Baumchen
  4. Hi Mark, Not me; I cannot speak for Walt. Jerry Baumchen PS) Mark, I 'think' it was three yrs ago ( at the Symposium ), a retired military rigger from somewhere in New York state, gave a seminar/packing demo on National rigs. He was/operated National's authorized repair station. To the best of my knowledge, National no longer sews up any of their products. It's all contracted out.
  5. Hi Walt, You might consider writing to National & see what you get back. If they do respond, then you have something to keep for future reference. Jerry Baumchen PS) And, yes I know it is easy to ask 'the other guy' to write a letter.
  6. Hi Ken, As a proud veteran, it damn sure is. Jerry Baumchen
  7. Hi Brent, About 20+ yrs ago, I was reading an article about Saudi oil production. In the article, the then Saudi Oil Minister said that the Stone Age did not end because we ran out of rocks. Jerry Baumchen
  8. Hi folks, Add one more to the list; Secretary of the Navy Thomas Modly' ‘USS Roosevelt Commander Removed After Criticizing Handling Of Coronavirus Outbreak’ Only in TrumpWorld do these types of things happen. So much for caring about the troops that you command & care about. Jerry Baumchen
  9. Hi John, Best of wishes to him & you. Jerry Baumchen
  10. Hi Joe, But, but, Trump said . . . . . Jerry Baumchen
  11. Hi Brent, I've thought that some of your posts were somewhat of the stupid type; this one IMO damn sure is. Jerry Baumchen The guy with a good friend who owns a Tesla &, according to Brent, cannot drive it anywhere.
  12. Hi Terry, And I do not blame them either. However, if a mfr says that their gear does have a Service Life, then they should put it in writing. Jerry Baumchen PS) To Walt / dpre guy: I once had a copy of the letter from National but no longer have it. Sorry.
  13. Hi Jonathon, Look here: Jerry Baumchen
  14. Hi John, This should answer your question ( from Wikipedia ): In 1998, Nunes entered the "top two" primary race for California's 20th congressional district seat held by Cal Dooley. He finished in third place. In 2002, Nunes ran for the Republican nomination in the 21st congressional district, a new district created through reapportionment after the 2000 United States Census. Nunes was the only major candidate from Tulare County; Patterson and Briggs were both from Fresno. This was critical, as 58% of the district's population was in Tulare County. Patterson and Briggs split the vote in Fresno County, allowing Nunes to win by a four-point margin over Patterson, his nearest competitor. Nunes won 46.5% of the vote in Tulare County and 28.1% of the vote in Fresno County. Nunes was also helped by a strong showing in the rural part of the district. The district is solidly Republican, and Nunes coasted to victory in November. He was reelected seven times against only nominal Democratic opposition until 2018, when he faced a serious opponent and won his ninth election by 5%. He ran unopposed in the 2010 general election. Nunes's district was renumbered the 22nd after the 2010 census. It lost most of eastern Tulare County to the neighboring 23rd District, and now has a small plurality of Hispanic voters. Despite these changes, it is no less Republican than its predecessor. Nunes was reelected with 62% of the vote in 2012, 72% in 2014, 68% in 2016, and 53% in 2018. In 2018 Nunes faced Democratic nominee Andrew Janz, a Fresno County prosecutor. Nunes defeated Janz with 53% of the vote to Janz's 47%, easily the closest race of his career. It does look his re-election prospects are becoming less & less. There is hope on the horizon. Jerry Baumchen
  15. Hi Keith, That reminds of the guy, back about 1961, who ran an ad in a NYC newspaper that said, 'Send $5 to [ some P O Box address ]'. The money started coming in. The Post Office went after him for fraud. His defense was that he had not promised anyone anything. The result: No charges against him. What was it Barnum said? Jerry Baumchen
  16. Hi Bill, I got to thinking about this a while back. I do not see any of the charging stations that have any type of secure attachment. Let's say you drive to work, plug your EV in & head for the office, planning on it being charged when you get off of work. But, some wise a$$ teenager, with nothing better to do, decides to unplug your car. Now, you're stuck, at least for a fair amount of time. Jerry B aumchen
  17. Hi Joe, What do you mean 'out of work?' Aren't you the one who did the OP on the strippers in Portland doing door-to-door deliveries? Jerry Baumchen
  18. Hi airdvr, To the best of my knowledge, not here in Oregon. Jerry Baumchen
  19. Hi Ken, It really comes down to the actual design & how it functions. Consumers can currently buy a variety of electrical 'gadgets' that are fairly high current products. My son-in-law is a electrical engineer who works in design. I just sent him an email to get to work on designing an adapter. Jerry Baumchen PS) Isn't it amazing how we now have so much time to spend on this forum?
  20. Hi DJL, The codes, regulations, you name it, always follow the technology. It will come. Jerry Baumchen
  21. Hi Wendy, You have hit the crux of the entire discussion. Me, I'm a 'the glass if 1/2 full' kind of guy. Always have been, always will. Or maybe it is the engineer in me. Jerry Baumchen PS) I designed & TSO'd my first rig because I saw an opportunity to overcome a problem.
  22. Hi Brent, Last year ( I seem to remember it as then ), the head of Toyota said that by 2050 all of the cars that they make would be EV's. I seriously doubt that he took that position due to any gov't. pressure. As for: 'as much as they want big SUVs and full sized pick up trucks' IMO that is a Kodak moment; not what the future will see. Jerry Baumchen PS) I own two cars, neither are EV's. And, I doubt that I will be buying anymore cars in my lifetime. I am very satisfied with the two that I own.
  23. Hi Brent, Back at you: Why are so many major car mfrs ( USA, Japan, Europe ) investing in building them? Jerry Baumchen
  24. Hi Phil, Hey, crim. def. lawyers need to eat too. Jerry Baumchen
  25. Hi Brent, Are you sure that should not be busting? Former Texas Gov. John Connally went from boom to bust in those oil fields. I remember one newspaper article where they had photos of he & his wife selling their paintings on the front lawn during their bankrupcy. Jerry Baumchen