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Everything posted by JoeWeber

  1. More Ron Gobbledigook. I'd say let's bet on it (and I will) but bet on what? Again you say nothing but with authority per normal.
  2. JoeWeber


    Yes, of course. It just takes the proper mindset.
  3. Piffle. There are things you can not hug out of people. Self focused carelessness about the fate of their fellow human beings being #1.
  4. It seems like you are still alive in spite of the cock up. What happened buddy? Did they close your gym?
  5. Man, I'm really struggling with this one. Is there a code? ·ǝɹǝɥ pǝʇɐʇs uǝǝq sɐɥ sɐ ʻdɯnɹꓕ ʇuǝpᴉsǝɹꓒ ˌˌʇuᴉoddɐˌˌ ʎๅᴉɹɐssǝɔǝu ʇˌupᴉp ǝH ·sʇᴉɯɹǝd ʎๅǝɹǝɯ ǝɥ ʇɐɥʍ sɐ ǝɯɐs ǝɥʇ ʎๅᴉɹɐssǝɔǝu ʇˌuǝɹɐ ɥɔᴉɥʍ sʇdǝɔǝɹd sᴉɥ sɐ ɓuᴉɥʇ ǝɯɐs ǝɥʇ ʎๅᴉɹɐssǝɔǝu ʇˌuǝɹɐ sǝǝɹɔǝp sᴉɥ ʻɓuᴉɥʇʎɹǝʌǝ ɹǝʌo ʎʇuɓᴉǝɹǝʌos suᴉɐʇuᴉɐɯ poꓨ ɥɓnoɥʇๅⱯ .ereh detats neeb sah sa ,pmurT tnediserP "tnioppa" ylirassecen t'ndid eH .stimrep ylerem eh tahw sa emas eht ylirassecen t'nera hcihw stpecerp sih sa gniht emas eht ylirassecen t'nera seerced sih ,gnihtyreve revo ytngierevos sniatniam doG hguohtlA
  6. Son of a bitch! That's how he did it. He won by being first. Give yourself an extra cookie.
  7. Did I? Not so. I simply was pointing out that you are playing a pointless game. It's over. Trump not only lost he is endlessly exposing his supporters to be dupes and fools. Bitter pills.
  8. Of course you have zero proof. Tell you what, why not wait until you are history before arguing from the position. You won't have a long wait, that's certain.
  9. Will do. In the meantime please check your baseless bias.
  10. In your opinion, are there any firearms developed for any purpose that should not be available for general purchase and use in America?
  11. Now give them a Nobel to share and the Trumpette's will all self destruct.
  12. Are there "almost" monotonic functions? I'm pretty sure Reagan wasn't almost.
  13. How these self styled Patriots are so duped into believing that Trump won is no real mystery.
  14. I guess I'm just a hopeless romantic, or a complete dipshit. The latter probably.
  15. 9-0 that Trump has no case, Ron. So now what? Will you ever accept reality?
  16. Then let's get creative. How about Zero Federal Tax on all public college educators salaries. (yes, skydekker there are in's and outs there) Then add on a tax credit for all state and local income tax obligations. If needed add on a housing allowance. That sort of thing. I'm good with more of my taxes going to our public institutions to help compete with the big endowments.
  17. Not student debt help. I'm all for help if it means renegotiation but a continuation of the obligation. Outright forgiveness is what I'm opposed to.
  18. So that's why you are here? Just to argue yourself silly and get to say moving the goal posts again? Stating that I believe in the sanctity of contract law in no way implies that I believe there should be no amendments to contracts. That's just another of your made up statements to redirect the conversation. You think you're clever at it but you are not. And no, I did not pivot to stating I "don't believe in severe changes/amendments." Again, more fabrication on your part. See, the difference here is that I didn't make my career in the government or in a corporate job where the money I moved from column A to column B wasn't mine. In the real world, when it's your money, you understand that if you default you suffer. In the real world when you don't pay your collateral goes away and your credit rating drops. Reality. Furthermore, I've lived on the lenders side as well doing hard money loans. So yes, I believe in the sanctity of contract law as respects student loans and other personal loans and, obviously, secured loans. I am also versed in more complex agreements that have renegotiation features. So you just go on thinking what you like.
  19. By "one" I meant a "someone" not Phelps Dodge or the mortgage work out department at Wells Fargo. In the real world when ones default they either turn over the collateral or suffer some contract change. In some odd situations a lender might suffer a cram down. But everyone just walking away for the greater good just does not happen. Sorry for the confusion.
  20. The topic was a student loan to an individual and the forgiving of such loans. Those are generally unsecured personal loans. Hence, they are difficult to discharge. You all chose to chime in with information on government contracts and other corporate type contract situations that might cause a review. That's moving the goal posts and changing the discussion.
  21. And how many billions of other peoples money do you forgive on an annual basis? Zero Billions? Thought so. Renegotiation, including bankruptcy, and forgiveness are different things.
  22. It's a curiosity how that idea, which once I found abhorrent, now rings with a certain joie de vivre.