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Everything posted by JoeWeber

  1. I pointed this out a while ago, it's a consequence of how he lives. I'm certain that everyone he allows around him is mostly agreeable, or non confrontational, with his views. Brent is a strong personality whose technique is obvious in his posts: get in your face, argue that you aren't aware, and then call it over. To wit: "thanks for playing." He's not a troll, he's damn smart and simply quite used to winning. We are simply amusements for him.
  2. And I'm thinking you are right.
  3. Not that I do not enjoy repeating myself, realizing it or not, but I am of the opinion that TriGirl should be kidnapped and set to work on something serious like the Secret Service whether she likes it or not.
  4. Sadly, I know an ex-marine who fits the profile. This will likely go over as well as a turd in the Christmas punch bowl but I'm of the opinion that the years long Christianization of all of our armed forces, with the Army in the lead, requires all of us to wonder where any individual soldiers loyalty will ultimately lie. Just as we now need to concern ourselves with, based on actual awful evidence, where lies our police officers loyalty. Pollyannish assertions that a Sadat like assassination could never happen here because of X, Y or Z must be tempered by an honest appraisal of those whom we trust to protect our leaders.
  5. Quite likely, I'm thinking. However, I'm certain TriGirl has the Marines in line.
  6. And, to our credit, not one Airspeed Member. We are the champions!
  7. So a good guy with polluted water could have prevented this?
  8. Many are moving to Texas for relaxed gun laws and free CO2. Gotta love the free market.
  9. This is complete insanity. Our nation can afford 13 Nuclear Powered Aircraft Carrier Battle Groups but not snuggies for our troops? It's embarrassing.
  10. I do. Same as you do. SHTF is always right around the corner. When every last thing you believe is crumbling around you it's time for reflection. Go ahead and cherry pick out abortion, in spite of settled science, and also cherry pick out immigration, in spite of the proven economic benefits and what you have left with us is a bunch of people who just want better for their fellow man. Not because of Jesus but simply because it's the right way to live. We don't need a moral leader because we have a moral compass that shows us the path. That's who Liberals are, Ron. We aren't a pejorative term, we're human beings who want better for each other. All you need to do is take a step back and you will see that truth.
  11. Negative. The problem is how selfish assholes have perverted our system. That's the thing here, sadly. It's not the system, it's the people you hang with but don't confront.
  12. You do not get that. You get pabulum.
  13. I hope it's soon. So, I was wondering, will we need a new and expanded second amendment that allows Q-Anon and other moron Congress people to carry guns at inaugurations they oppose? And really, should there be any limits? Obviously, now that the second amendment people have demonstrated that congress people need protection from guns in the capitol it seems to follow that only a good congress person with a gun can defend against a bad congress person with a gun, yes? Maybe the president should be moved around in a bullet proof sedan chair so no ones rights are infringed. Safety first and thinking second, I always say.
  14. Where is airdvr to point out that's not a majority and clear evidence that both sides do it equally?
  15. Look man, I'm struggling to just keep up. Let me check with Judge Pirro.
  16. And reentered society after lifting up the man hole cover, crawling out at night, and getting a much needed bath and her hair done, I suppose.
  17. Another Trumpinacci sequence. Coincidence?
  18. Got me. I'll check with the Q analyzers and get back to you.
  19. #1 after already being the #1 most deserving, I'd say.
  20. In more pleasing news, Jared and Ivanka are not going to be members of the swanky private club near their $30 Million dollar building lot they just purchased on Indian Creek Island. That would be the spoiled brat version of the no-fly list, methinks.
  21. TriGirl, What are your thoughts when you read that the true loyalty of our troops is being questioned by the public you have sworn to protect? In full disclosure, I am among those who have serious concerns give the trajectory of things and the numbers of hard core Trump supporters in uniform. Joe
  22. Sure it is. airdvr told us so. Maybe he's finally taken some time to watch the video reports of the day long enough to see that fine American dusting off that officers head with a fire extinguisher instead of OANN and Newsmax.
  23. This is rich: Ed Stetzer, head of the Billy Graham Center at Wheaton College, tells NPR that he was very disturbed to see so many self-professed evangelicals taking part in the deadly riots last week at the Capitol building that were designed to overturn the results of the 2020 election. "Part of this reckoning is: How did we get here?" he said. "How were we so easily fooled by conspiracy theories? We need to make clear who we are. And our allegiance is to King Jesus, not to what boasting political leader might come next."
  24. It's all bullshit. Bill, airdvr, all of them here somehow find it impossible to own up to the truth: they backed a mad man instead of America. Even when their candidate causes mayhem and insurrection in the nations capitol they stand shoulder to shoulder ignoring the facts. So, let's all call for more bygones and get us some unity and by the way have you looked at the budget lately? Why it's scandalous how the Democrats want to spend when we're broke. It's deplorable, too!
  25. Nothing, absolutely nothing-real or imagined-that has previously occurred is in any way, shape or form equatable with the President of the United States fomenting insurrection against the United States by encouraging American citizens to storm the Capitol of the United States of America with the intent to create chaos and destruction so as to overturn the legitimate election of a new President of the United States. That, however, is exactly what you are saying and, frankly, it's your credibility that is being destroyed not ours. Please reconsider your position.