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Everything posted by JoeWeber

  1. Okay, I'm a fuck up. Is there some kind of youtube tutorial that can make me smarter?
  2. Man, you just don't get it. It's like the people who laughed at Trumps mocking of a disabled reporter, was that OK? You have Gay friends, we're assured, are they sicko's? Would you laugh at someone with Tourettes? Are you so locked into a narrow understanding that you cannot understand that how we see ourselves happens at the level of the brain not our belt buckles?
  3. Those ladies have bigger brass balls than you will ever have: at least they can publicly admit who they are inside. We straights hung ourselves up to dry on the cross of Judeo-Christian ethics long ago. We perversely believe, against all obvious evidence to the contrary, that in every case when someones outside doesn't agree with their inside it's a perversion. Those people aren't transitioning, we are. Show some humanity.
  4. I've been wondering how well the Rat Cage on Top idea worked against US Javelin anti-tank missile's. Not too good, apparently.
  5. Surely you're joking, Mr. Kallend. It's called Rankism, the psychology behind putting others down to assuage your own sense of insecurity.
  6. For the gazillionth time, it's not about how well Harris or Biden are serving our country it's about how Trump is not mis-serving our country from the oval office. And really, if you were a true patriot who wanted Trump nowhere near the Whitehouse or Congress again you wouldn't be doing your damndest to tear them down for no other reason than you have an internet connection and are perpetually bored.
  7. As Kamala Harris is serving her country?
  8. 100 Zillion Flies can't be wrong.
  9. Sorry, no. The established trolling minimum here is lot's.
  10. Let's just disagree, yes?
  11. Great. Fine. What do you propose we do? March on the Capitol and overturn the election?
  12. I reject the denigrating bit comparing of her to a beauty queen; in other words an airhead bimbo or whatever is the real definition behind your usage. She's vastly more than that. I am simply not concerned about her as you seem to be. Kamala Harris made Biden's presidency a reality and for that I'm grateful. As all things political are quid pro quo's I am happy to forgive her propensity to speak in word salads, or Farsi for that matter, in exchange for Trump not being our President anymore.
  13. Nope, I'll concede that the quotes are accurate. And to be a sport I am doing it without any attempt at verification.
  14. I guess it'll be a bit more trouble the next time you claim you aren't getting your facts from Fox News.
  15. You're also no ninny as some here believe. He donated his salary as a misdirection. He then commenced to violate all of the norms of Presidential servitude by scarfing up any emolument in arms reach. He may have left with less that he said he had on day one but that was actually a metric shit pot more than he actually had. No surprise to the awake, seems to me.
  16. You are fucking joking, right? Tell me that you just left your job teaching first grade and haven't yet readjusted to speaking to adults.
  17. Did you not also point out in these pages that your personal safety regime was to descend fast under a small parachute thus avoiding the crowd? I'm sure that's a paraphrase but is it close?
  18. Let's just disagree and move on, yes?
  19. Knock off the puerile explanations and flippant condescension, Ken, it's getting tedious. If you had anything real you would say it. But you don't.
  20. Nope. That is the question with primary relevance. What Canada gives in limited supply comes only from the initial expense from other nations taxpayers. If we followed Canada's example Ukraine would be toast. So maybe our house isn't in complete disorder.
  21. Answer the questions first, please.
  22. Yes. You know, the kind of weapons that cost big money when they are self developed.
  23. This is more current: You danced away form it earlier but I'd appreciate a real answer to the question: "Now the tricky bit, if the United States and the rest of NATO were equaling but not exceeding Canada's contribution to Ukraines defense, and that includes the level of sophistication of homeland developed war material, would Ukraine be in the position it is today 5 weeks post invasion?" And I'll add a second question: would you be good with that?