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Everything posted by Nightingale

  1. {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{VIBES}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
  2. my mom's family celebrates christmas on the 24th. My dad's family celebrates on the 25th. my folks are still married, but this arrangement works out great, because we get to see both sets of grandparents and aunts/uncles/cousins, and don't feel like we have to rush off somewhere else... perhaps you and your daughter could start a special christmas eve tradition, and then alternate on the other holidays? Ask her what she wants, but don't let her decision hold all the weight. kids shouldn't have to choose between parents.
  3. hehe... they don't get it. the only way they will get it is to try it. which they won't do. so give up. you'll meet lots of new people. I know I did.
  4. Your rights: 1. freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, and freedom to petition the government if you have a grievance. 2. the right to keep and bear arms 3. the right to not have soldiers quartered in your home without your permission 4. the right if protection against illegal search and seizure. 5. the right to a grand jury indictment for a capital crime (unless you are military), the right to not be a witness against yourself, and the right to keep your life, liberty, and property unless due process of the law says otherwise. 6. the right to a speedy and public trial, the right to a defense attorney, and the right to confront your accusers. 7. the right to trial by jury for controversy exceeding a monetary value of $20. 8. the right of protection against cruel and unusual punishment, excessive bail, and excessive fines. 9. Certain rights in the constitution cannot be construed to deny other rights retained by the people. 10. powers not delegated to the feds by the constitution are reserved to the states or to the people. Nope... No right to fly on an airplane. The airlines have to enforce the same rules for everyone, but if, for example, American Airlines decides no rigs on board, they are within their rights to do so, as long as the same rule applies to everyone.
  5. don't split individual days, but you get her every other holiday (you get her on thanksgiving, her mom gets her on christmas, etc). I don't have kids, but I mediated a situation between two good friends who had split up and ended up with the same issue. This is what they agreed upon. You should be able to see your kid on holidays. As her father, you have a right of access to your child, dependant on whatever custody arrangement you currently have (if you don't have a custody arrangement, I would suggest seeing a lawyer to formalize this...its important to have something in writing. if its not formal, her mother could take her anywhere without consulting you, law enforcement couldn't do anything because she'd be with a parent, and custody battles over state or national lines are a PITA.) If her mother is not willing to either 1. abide by your current custody agreement, if you have one, or 2. permit you access to your child on at least half the holidays, see a lawyer. Best of luck!
  6. Nightingale


    Different branches pronounce it differently.
  7. FLK used to be a an abbreviation used in student files years ago to explain some student's problems... stood for "Funny Looking Kid" ah, the interesting things one finds in graduate Special Education texts...
  8. Huh....I never really differentiated between the two. I guess that's why I didn't have any subcategories for "Yes!" I always had the pessimistic attitude, and I just waited to see how short of a time a "Yes" would make themself a "No." "Mr. Right-Nows" are the guys I date between serious relationships... they're the fun goofballs that you can laugh and joke and hang out with and have a great time, but not the kind to get serious. I don't feel bad about doing the rebound thing with one of these guys, because they're not looking for something serious either.
  9. smoking at all is gross and grounds for a cutaway.
  10. my categories Mr. Right: LTR potential here Mr. Right Now: hmm... might be fun for a while Mr. Friend: You're sweet but not my type Mr. Ummm No: Well, I guess he's okay, but not for me. Mr. HELL NO!: Definitely not my type, or anyone who is either smoking or drunk when hitting on me.
  11. I've heard wonderful things about Rent, but I'd also suggest you see Cats if you get the chance.
  12. my friends know to either get me jump tickets or square1 gift certificates. (although I've told them that if they come out and do tandems or AFF, they don't have to get me anything, because seeing their faces when they land will be gift enough!) The parents know I want a sewing machine. Not particular about what kind so long as it can sew a straight line through thick fabric. This is actually more of a gift FOR my parents, because I've been taking over their office several times a month to make use of my mom's machine. Hard for them to use their computer when I've got fabric laid out everywhere. I'll be happy if my brother remembers to get me a card.
  13. Nightingale

  14. If you're that worried about it... stop drinking for a week or two, leaving a can or two in the fridge. If you can do that easily, then you probably don't have anything to worry about. If you can't stop, then you probably have a problem.
  15. its normal if you're sleeping together. otherwise, probably not.
  16. hmm... main is my main concern, of course, since I'll be packing it. However, I don't want to piss off my rigger by picking a container that makes the reserve awful to pack either.
  17. I was talking about MY ex, silly. I hope he decides the tandem was enough for him....
  18. which container is easiest to pack? I did okay with the Javelin yesterday, but I was just curious how different they really are.
  19. I read the first hand account of this... the observer said the man's eyes had been "boiled white"
  20. hehe... he's a nice guy and all... but I really hope he remains a one-jump whuffo. would make my life easier.
  21. I had an awesome AFF course at Perris. I'd recommend it to anyone.