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Everything posted by timmyfitz

  1. Why do you include 3 hours of tunnel time as if it's a requirement to get an AFF instructor rating?
  2. At the top of the page there is a tab labeled "dropzone". Click that tab and follow the links to North American, then United States, then Arizona. From the dropzones listed, you should find most of the information you are looking for from their web pages. If not you will have to call. Also you can look at uspa.org. At the top of that page you will find a tab labeled "become a skydiver". Click that link and follow the instructions. No matter which method you choose to learn, by 25 jumps you should be qualified for your A license. Static line/IAD is usually cheaper than AFF but either method has their advantages and disadvantages.
  3. Not following your own advice? http://www.dropzone.com/cgi-bin/forum/gforum.cgi?post=3814603;search_string=messenger;#3814603 Are you trying to claim that Saint Ronald Reagan's Director of Management and Budget has no credibility on economic issues? I figured you would miss the point. Just using your own words to show your hypocrisy.
  4. Not following your own advice? http://www.dropzone.com/cgi-bin/forum/gforum.cgi?post=3814603;search_string=messenger;#3814603
  5. You are going to lose a lot of people if you keep using those scientific terms. Or Jenga blocks.
  6. Pilots choice to work there or not. If the pilot is flying at a 182 dropzone to build hours, getting paid $8 a load is a good deal. Or he could spend $150 an hour to rent a 182 to build hours. Not such a good deal.
  7. This should explain it. http://www.jewcy.com/files/images/Greater%20Internet%20Fuckwad%20TheorySIMPLE.img_assist_custom.jpg
  8. George HW Bush made his appearance at the national Jamboree in his second term? Oops, meant to say last term. That implies there was a first term - no improvement.
  9. why would you mount a camera at that angle - it is possible it got knocked down, at :52 notice that the legs are still crossed like Mr Cool, something seems fishy, and I love the wave off without looking around, so anyway, great example of how NOT to save your life too slow to deal wth mal, and how about LOOK DOWN TO SEE THE HANDLES THAT WILL SAVE YOUR LIFE the "blind man" technique of feeling around for the handles is not good You are funny. You made me laugh. You may need some anger management therapy. You and Andy could get a 2 for 1 discount.
  10. I understand your point but it does not apply in all situations. Sometimes tracking should only be done to the extent of getting good separation from your group. If you have a group in front of you and a group behind you, you could track into their airspace. Of course this would depend on the size of the groups and may also be remedied by more separation at exit time. But since we do not live in a perfect world, tracking hard and fast for as long as humanly possible may not always be the correct decision.
  11. George HW Bush made his appearance at the national Jamboree in his second term? I laughed at that too. I didn't know Bush senior had a second term? I guess headoverheels knows something we don't know. Hope he isn't a history teacher. Good point there, timmo. Totally cancels out the fact that this thread is breathtakingly stupid. Thanks for adding more stupidity to the thread.
  12. George HW Bush made his appearance at the national Jamboree in his second term? I laughed at that too. I didn't know Bush senior had a second term? I guess headoverheels knows something we don't know. Hope he isn't a history teacher.
  13. You have a major flaw in your reasoning. You think that because no one has replied to you then you must be right. When a more likely reason is that no one is responding to you because you have brought up this topic a thousand times, flawed as it is, and you think that the outcome of your rants will be different. I think most people are just ignoring you, like I usually do and should have done this time.
  14. What a fucking cop out! Harden up and back up your assertions if you are going to take the effort. 9/11 is blamed for all that shit, based on the 'intellegence' and we are not allowed to question these assertions, even when this 'intellegence' has failed us numerous times in the past? Like fucking shit, if you want to live under thumb like a lemming then help yourself, but don't try to ridicule me, if you cannot actually substanciate those assertions. Bring it on sunshine! Not you nor any of these self proclaimed experts have been able to clarify your standpoint on these unanswered questions without resorting to relying someones word for it. I am still asking questions on possibly the most relevant subject in modern history and you try to call me an idiot! You want to act like it is an irrelevant subject and that there is no need to discuss it anymore and whether the presented hypothesis is in fact correct and learn from what happened. It is blatanlty obvious why you think this way and you may fool yourself and you lemming mates, but you certainly do not fool me. If you can convince me then fine. If you heav intregrety you would be able to confirm your thoughts concisely without ridiculing anybody and laying it out in easily understood language. If all you have is ridicule to protect yourself, then you are nothing more than a cop out. And you have the audacity to imply that I am an idiot. Can anyone else picture the bulging veins and frothing at the mouth?
  15. Or you could have read Opendore's comment. 8 months from his post made on 8/2. Not 6 years ago. brettski is right what he said to you.
  16. Nope. Never said that. Try again.
  17. Wow, you guys have been busy since I left yesterday. I would suggest you both get outside and play instead of typing away at the computer trying to justify your ignorance with stories and analogies completely unrelated.
  18. The odds would be very low, no matter whose son it is. From the information so far, it was justified.
  19. I see you didn't respond to the content of my previous post which shows the flaw from your early post in this thread. That's OK. I'm going outside to enjoy the sunshine now. I'll help you with this problem later.
  20. How many years were there in the decade of the 80's? It is 1980 to 1989. 10 years. If you take out 1980 and 1989 what you have left is 1981 to 1988. Eight years. My math is fine. Irrelevant to the problem at hand. See rhaig's explanation if you don't like mine. Try again, and do it properly. We're talking length of presidential terms in this thread, something you seem to have a really hard time grasping. Reagan was inaugurated Jan 1981 and left office Jan 1989. 1989 - 1981 = 8. 8 years is the length of 2 presidential terms. QED You are simply WRONG. (The process is called SUBTRACTION. Most people learn it in grade school) Yes if you say 1989-1981=8 years you are correct but you weren't doing addition or subtraction originally. You were just stating a series of years. A series of years that consist of 1981 to 1988 is 8 years. If you would like to use specific dates that will change the outcome but you didn't. You used a series of years-1981 to 1988. If you had a job that started on Jan 20th 1981 and ended Dec 31st 1988, would you be more apt to tell a prospective employer you had 8 years experience or 7 years?
  21. How many years were there in the decade of the 80's? It is 1980 to 1989. 10 years. If you take out 1980 and 1989 what you have left is 1981 to 1988. Eight years. My math is fine.
  22. Since you want to take this in a direction using mile markers, I'll show you your flaw. If you are starting at mile marker 81 that means you have already driven through the 81st mile(Dec 31st, 1981) and you are sitting at the beginning of mile 82 (Jan 1st, 1982). You can't count the 81st mile since you have already driven through it. The problem with your example is you say you are starting at mile marker 81 when in fact you are starting at the beginning of the 82nd mile. Why are you trying to include mile 81 when you have already driven through it? Is that like when you counted Monday twice to make an eight day week. LMAO. How many years were there in the decade of the 80's? It is 1980 to 1989. 10 years. If you take out 1980 and 1989 what you have left is 1981 to 1988. Eight years. If you are still having problems counting you can contact this guy. He may be able to help you. http://www.braindrop.co.uk/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2007/04/the-count.jpg
  23. So if it's monday, it won't be monday again for 8 days. Mon (1) - Tues (2) - Wed (3) - Thurs (4) - Fri (5) - Sat (6) - Sun (7) - Mon (8). Wow, an 8 day week; must be a corporate thing to get more productivity; those pesky Republicans and their fuzzy math. It must be a moron thing to believe you can count Monday twice and consider it an eight day week. Only you Lucky. Since you and Kallend seem to be having a lot of problems with this seemly simple math problem, I'll spell it out for you once again. 1981(1st year) 1982 (second year) 1983 (3rd year) 1984 (4th year) 1985 (5th year) 1986 (6th year) 1987 (7th year) 1988 (8th year) If you need further instruction, ask Kallend. He has PM'd asking the details of how this math thing works. After several PM's back and forth I think he has it figure out now. If he can't give you the answer that helps you understand, I'm working on an animation type thing that may help. It may even be shown on Sesame Street later.
  24. I think you may have missed my point. (btw I'm a registered republican)
  25. 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88.........Looks like 8 years to me. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) So according to timmy math the distance from milepost 81 to milepost 82 on the highway is 2 miles. 81, 82 (1) (2) In fact, milepost 81 is 1 mile from itself: 81 (1) No wonder Reagan and Bush ran up huge deficits. They don't start highways at milepost 1, they start at zero miles. So if you got to milepost 2 then you have driven 2 miles. Sorry you are having a problem with this. Simple things are hard for some people to understand. Nice try at redirect by talking about milepost because that is in no way the same. I'll help by getting us back on track. 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88=8 years (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) If you still don't understand, PM me and I'll try to explain it to you in simpler terms.