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Everything posted by jdthomas

  1. There is more then one balloon in this world, why can't you have one as well? www.greenboxphotography.com
  2. QuoteShaun, Any word on the hot air balloon? reply] Shaun I may have a contact for a balloon if you need. let me know if you want that info. Joe www.greenboxphotography.com
  3. I think another negative is that by unstowing the brakes you just increased the speed of the parachute while you are tending to other tasks. You have 3000 jumps so with your developed level of awareness this is OK, but for other jumpers I think slower closing speed is best when they are taking off booties, messing with the slider, etc. When the canopy has your full attention then let it loose. DougH Agreed that I have a higher level of awerness and agreed the the closing speed will be faster when teh parachute is in full flight, however the act of stowing a slider, unzipping booties takes time. lets say that you deploy, then you unzip booties, and then stow the slider, (now you have burned altitude that you can't get back) and then you go to release the brakes to find that one may be hung up to say a tension knot.. if you are uncomforable landing with your rear risers or the the release of the brakes from one side and not the other causes your canopy to spin, then you may have to cutaway.. you have wasted time and found yourself closer to the dirt because you unzipped booties and stowed a slider.. wich granted takes second to do, but that is still altitude lost. To me a control check of the canopy is priority, I can land with booties on, I can land with my slider unstowed. Back to students days, it's the canopy there? is it square? controlability check! Joe www.greenboxphotography.com
  4. I have no problems with taking my hands out of my toggles once the canopy is in flight. After i release the brakes to make sure my canopy has full range of flight and I am sure that no one is in my airspace I remove hands from toggles and stow my slider. I then return my hands to the toggles and resume flight. Note that stowing the slider is the least of the priority after the parachute is deplyed and I can and will land with it uncollapsed if the traffic is heavy. The positive of taking my hands out is collapsing the slider or position my helmet, etc.. the negative is that it can make it harder to put my hands back into the toggles after they are released, to combat this I made big grab toggles so my hands slip into them easy even with gloves on. Joe www.greenboxphotography.com
  5. No and I need to as I understand my friend Richaird Christy has a small roll in the movie, so I guess I need to support him in his work when ever I can. www.greenboxphotography.com
  6. Thanks And to the other gus with the blinker fluid remarks, I don't know alot about cars but I am not stupid, I know that the fluid is good, checked it the other day and added some wd-40 in the mix to make it smoother and then resealed it with duct tape to hold it all in.... www.greenboxphotography.com
  7. Maybe a simple thing but I just don't know much about cars. Why is one blinker suddenly flashing and making the clicking noise faster then the other side blinker? Joe www.greenboxphotography.com
  8. A few pics of the the faces and event. My wife christina under her new canopy. The host Shaun (unstable) Smith shows some packing talent. The Man himself JJ swoops on into the peas, a load of jumpers including my wife, JJ and papa gayley get ready to make another load. The milk man packs his rig for another jump, and last pic is of jason Norris holding his first place medal from the landing accuracy comp. Joe www.greenboxphotography.com
  9. Not sure if this will be a clicky or not, but here is a video Fletch made for marnie some time back. http://youtube.com/watch?v=y_qAy-4TcXw Joe www.greenboxphotography.com
  10. We had a great time during teh 60 load day.. that was a fun experience. You ksupc kids know how to do things right! See you all soon. Joe www.greenboxphotography.com
  11. My wfie and I are saddend by this, Jennifer will be missed by many people. Justice, I am sorry for your loss and hope that you are doing well. Jennifer had just accomplished a riggers ticket and was a bright up and coming jumper, she offered alot to the sport and others she was with. Joe www.greenboxphotography.com
  12. I took Marnie on her first jump (tandem) and always called her one of my skychildren. She and my wife went thru the student progression at the same time. That was one cold winter for Fletcher as he was about thier soul source of instruction during those winter months. Fast fwd a year or so later and Marnie and Fletch started dating and I saw a change in my friend as Marnie was his other half. I am sad today, my wife is deeply hurt as well as we both have lost our good friend Marnie. Fleth and the others at ffx, we are thinking about you and miss you all. Joe and Christina www.greenboxphotography.com
  13. I apologize. Perhaps I should have clarified that I-70 through Kansas was long, straight, and boring. The winds through KS were 50 mph yesterday and it felt like being in a wrestling match to keep my car in the lane. I did notice a breeze the other day! www.greenboxphotography.com
  14. QuoteQuote Day 1: Traveled thru 5 states: GA,TN,KY,IL,and MO Day 2: MO, KS, CO Kansas by far was the longest, most boring part of the roadtrip..thank God for XM Radio! reply] kansas is not a boring state, you just did not take the time to see what it has to offer! I am glad that your trip went well. www.greenboxphotography.com
  15. I always try to spice up the night when talking to dispatch.. I don't go to medical lodge I go to medicine log or maybe I will add an S to every word i say to mess with them..my favorite is another retirment home called doolee center or as I call it drooly center.... dispatch likes that one the best, my boss on the other hand listens to the radio at home and I get called shortly after the call is over and the usual threats are given and I just say okay, got it just as I have for the last two years and really piss him off as I walk away! Thank you Dispatchers.... Joe www.greenboxphotography.com
  16. It was a major violation of my time www.greenboxphotography.com
  17. I would say that kasnas is the mid way point to the west coast of the us making us, well Midwest! The most east part of the state has us 69, it is the scenic military highway that used to be the edge of the frontier as the states moved west, I would say thats a pretty good cut off point from East to west. I am from Kansas and have always called this the midwest as most people that are from here do as well. Joe www.greenboxphotography.com
  18. the X used to do this for a living and she made decent money at it. Here in the Kansas City suburb of Overland park the massage people have to have a city permit and many hours of school, the next township over they do not have to have any education at all in massage. Be sure to check out your local and state laws before going at this project and good luck in what ever route you choose. Joe www.greenboxphotography.com
  19. Don. First mistake was getting info from wiki- then to say that midwesterners are not known for creativty.. come on man. the next time you climb in the cessna at the dz just think about that creativeness. Cessna, made in kansas! kansas is considered to most to be the home of avaiation, and you think midwest people are non creative! shame on you! www.greenboxphotography.com
  20. Is Richard Christy still on the show? www.greenboxphotography.com
  21. I want to earn a little bit of that really good money.. where is the rigging loft thats making the fat cash and i am moving there of course it would not matter because if I do any rigging at all I give all the money away to animal shelters! Evere hear the term lucky dog? www.greenboxphotography.com
  22. Wow! You should only hope that jimmy does not read this. www.greenboxphotography.com
  23. he has a link to the jimmy coiner promo video, what more do you need in life? www.greenboxphotography.com
  24. I think I saw a pic of that landing! I try to land out by the tall grass and away from the ditch on the east side of the filed when jumping at that dz with a North wind, it's the only clean air area! www.greenboxphotography.com
  25. I am sure that my wife would liek to be on the Kansas record attempt. just like others have posted, we are going because the legend will be there. www.greenboxphotography.com