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Everything posted by jdthomas

  1. After years of charging a lunch on demand while at the dz I started to actually charge cash for 40$.. then I went to 50$ and gave half of that to animal shelter so I was actually making 25$ per repack but the dogs and cats at the no kill shelter where getting fed so the trade off to me was good. I have since retired from active rigging and will squeeze a rig in here and there if someone has to have it quick or some special deal.. but I try not to rig for anyone but myself and my wife. On that rare chance that i do rigging I still charge 50 dollars but now it all goes to the dog shelter! Joe www.greenboxphotography.com
  2. sorry for your loss... I know that it will be hard time for us to loose any of our pets. we have two dogs, three horses and a fish. For you and th eloss of your cat you can honor it's life by rescuing another from a shelter and giving it a good life! www.greenboxphotography.com
  3. looks like the park by our home.. the place is over run with deer right now! www.greenboxphotography.com
  4. He confirmed that he'd be there on our facebook page... He's good!
  5. Sean, has Jimmy not confirmed yet? If no then I am a maybe at this time.. how can it be a boogie in kansas without the legend around? www.greenboxphotography.com
  6. "Yeah, it's like having a shot without a beer chaser... It's good, but it's not "pass out with your face balanced on a bottle" kind-a-good! " Do we know anyone that has ever passed out with thier face balanced on a bottle? I wonder if JIMMY knows who we are talking about? I thnk there is even a picture of that event if I remember correctly. Joe www.greenboxphotography.com
  7. The loss of our friends was great that day, thanks to Robert for his actions the toll was far less then it could have been what a nobel action in a time of crisis! awesome and inspiring to say the least. He and the others are missed. www.greenboxphotography.com
  8. as kallend sits there shaking his head while looking at the pic's. www.greenboxphotography.com
  9. Wow, Same story here excpet with my step father, he really was ofended when i did that and asked me to step outside to chat and told me that i could never do that again unless I ask permission to do so ahead of time. He is a very good man and likes formal rules. And since he set some rules and treats my mother so well i won't argue his rules and just respect his wishes.. as far as the origional post.. well why not go to the store in advance and cook all but one meal at home and really spend time with each other cooking a meal? www.greenboxphotography.com
  10. Of-a-course Jim-Jim-Jimmy-Jim is a-gunna be there! He'll probably be doing FF organizing, but AFAIK informally. No doubt there will be a lot going on! Well jimmy crack corn and I don't care If Jimmy cricket is freefly org or not, just as long as he is there is all that matters.. bogies just don't work without "Jimbo". www.greenboxphotography.com
  11. So - Let's get The list going - you all know da rules! 4x4edgeman (Pending Successfull 13th PRCP! ) AllisonH KSJumper Unstable Uhmmmm Little Joe here, ready to Mock the coinman... Boogie dates noted.. see you there! www.greenboxphotography.com
  12. I see that you have changed your issues on some of travis actions, either way thats fine as your opinion is fine either way, we don't have to agree. But really, killing in the name of fun is okay for you? So where do you draw the line? did you get mad when Mike Vick the football guy was having dogs fight to the death or was that okay as well? afetr all thier just dogs right, I mean travis was killing just fish. maybe random killing of deer, fish, dogs birds and rabbits is okay but you draw the line with humans? when is it okay to just kill for fun? Joe www.greenboxphotography.com
  13. In my opinion he (travis) is not much of a role model.. here is a pic from his web site of him shooting at fish from a boat, he litters the desert floor with motorcycle parts (oil, fuels) and destroys plant life to make himself look good for video sales. (note: I assume he littered the desert floor with fuels as I have no way to prove or disprove that act) Joe Edit to add pic! What's wrong with shooting fish? It's been a few years since I've done it, but it wasn't illegal then, and certainly not wrong for any other reason. Bitches are hard to hit, as well. Also, my understanding is that the GC bike/BASE jump was a permitted activity done with minimal fuel/oil, and that the bike and/or parts were collected aftewards. Well to me shooting fish or trying to shoot fish is just a waste of life if you in fact do shoot them. I am an avid hunter and harvest for food and not one animal will ever be on display in my home, the death of an animal is not for fun but for food in my home, to harm otherwise is the act of someone with an issues.. it's like getting into fights at a bar.. to kill for fun is odd and maybe one should be check out mentally.. (in my opinion) the next is whats minimal amount of fuel and oil.. if someone was to dump oil in your lawn, sidewalk or drive you would want the minimal amount, but you probably would not want any dumped at all right? Joe www.greenboxphotography.com
  14. True on that, but it's not private when you post your actions on your web site or make videos of it for profit. Agree that no one is perfect, but I think (once agin just my thoughts) he is reckless and has shown alot of disrespect and whats more sad about that is it's disrespect for his profit and to make himself look cool. I will teach my children respect and shooting at fish is not respect. www.greenboxphotography.com
  15. In my opinion he (travis) is not much of a role model.. here is a pic from his web site of him shooting at fish from a boat, he litters the desert floor with motorcycle parts (oil, fuels) and destroys plant life to make himself look good for video sales. (note: I assume he littered the desert floor with fuels as I have no way to prove or disprove that act) Joe Edit to add pic! www.greenboxphotography.com
  16. yes you are right, it is very possible this could have happend, I can see not adding alot of gas, but i would bet that they added oil to the top and even if they did not the oild would still spill out when the case broke. Here is a pic from Travis web site where he is shooting at fish off a boat, the guy shoots at fish for fun, base jumps and skydives with redbull cans and lets them go in freefall, i doubt he cared if there was oil, gas or motorcycle debris left on the floor of that canyon. www.greenboxphotography.com
  17. sure that act of taking the dirt bike off the cliff would be fun, thought about it years ago as well as with a car into a strip pit as where I grew up we had high walled cliffs into strip pits and we jumped off them all the time to swim.. rode a bike over the edge of the small cliff as well as inside an inflated innertube.. but did not dump oil or gas into the soil for the process nor did the act destroy native plant life for fun! I understand the fule burn for a skydive, it's a very selfish act indeed and I wish that there was another way around it outside of base jumping. But the two do not really compare to the act of destroying the plants and area for a sale of a video. Why are you so frustrated that anyone can offer anything outside of what you want to hear? yes the stunt was neat, or sure i dreamed of that as a kid?.. is that what you want to hear and then you will be pumped up? just because we voice a concern that does not line up with the stunt or your dreams is no reason to get upset and have to run off the speakers corner. www.greenboxphotography.com
  18. Yeah...most couldn't do that, with a pistol. Heck of it is....nobody'd give a crap about it, had it been a rat. The PETA people would have still screamed about it! I am impressee with his skills and as well think what an ass to do such a thing. I was rasied not to kill what you are not going to eat. Disrespect to animals is just that and it really shows a person for what they are. www.greenboxphotography.com
  19. i to hope that he cleaned up the parts, oil, and gas as well as replanted things where he destroyed them.. seriously i am not a tree hugging hippy but I hope he cleaned all that up. www.greenboxphotography.com
  20. If you are working 8's then you should have at least two days off, are you currently working flex shift or do you have the same two days off each week and are those back to back days off? See if you can get sat and sunday off, maybe someone will trade there night 8hrs for you so you can have 8off on sat during the day time hrs. get out of the dispatch office and get on a truck, you will enjoy it so much better. Joe www.greenboxphotography.com
  21. I work in ems and my hours where rock soild until I went to prn this last year? what shift system are you using? I did one 16hr shift and one 24hr shift and got my 40 hrs in like that. I worked on Thursday at 1600 to 8am Fri. (16 hrs) and 8am sat to 8am sunday (24hr) the dz was within an hour from my work and if we jumped I meet my wife there Sunday morning at 9am. I have worked at ems services where you got hours based on availbility and I will never work for another system that does that.. you can't be on 24/7 or you will burn out quick.. you already have a work expcectancy of 5 years, why go any sooner? www.greenboxphotography.com
  22. Airport terminal strangley enough in two diffrent countrys.. high school gym hallway while a graduation was going on and in a middle school gym after a demo into that school. Floor of casa after this guys canopy fell out of his rig.. get a new closing loop was the moral of that story! www.greenboxphotography.com
  23. then why not check out mullins DZ since it is close as well? www.greenboxphotography.com
  24. Shaun I had an astra for years, I liked the thing but having to turn it off after each jump was a hassel that I did not like. outside of that they seemed to be built well and that appealed to me as well, the batteries where cheaper and not having to send it in every 4 years was nice as well.. now I am wondering why I sold the thing or why I purchased the cypress I have now.. well my cypress will for some unkonw reason be junk in 4 years. I will review whats on the market at that time and go from there.. good questions about the astra though! www.greenboxphotography.com
  25. skydive skyranch in Siloam is a great DZ, your profile says you are in Texas.. why travel to Ark? Keith noted that skydive airtight is open and that is as well a great dz to check out and it appears to be open for sure. Joe www.greenboxphotography.com