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Everything posted by freefallfreak

  1. quote]you must be type 2 Yep, I am. I sometimes wish that I had type 1 so I could regulate it better. So true. Meds and diet is only an educated guess from time to time. The pancreas is a suprising organ that I can't control, altho with close monitoring the natural insulin it produces sporadically with type 2 I have a better jump on it than in past years. I'm looking forward to those years you spoke of, lol, with the testing every day. Unfortunately, my fingers get tired of being stuck for blood all the time so I don't test as often as I should. They (commercials) say that a person can test in different parts of the body now with the new meters but my docs at the VA tell me that other than the fingers, the test can be misleading so I'm "stuck" with sore fingers most of the time. TripleF "Upon seeing the shadow of a pigeon, one must resist the urge to look up."
  2. Damn...I'd give my left nu.....uhhh....I mean my...uhhh, never mind...that 87 register on a blood sugar count is outstanding and as a diabetic it would be wonderful if I could score that low. My little meter registers an average of about 110 to 115 and thats the best I can do without a starvation diet and meds. Great news for you, dear. TripleF "Upon seeing the shadow of a pigeon, one must resist the urge to look up."
  3. Evil?? Nooo...say it ain't so...not our little dzdiva. But, just in case it's true, I have an idea. Grab a roll of tin foil and go upset a Now, I know you know what to do with the foil and you know it's not only funny, it's evil to play "that particular prank" on a whole neighborhood, so go for it. TripleF "Upon seeing the shadow of a pigeon, one must resist the urge to look up."
  4. OMG..where you been, brother?? TripleF "Upon seeing the shadow of a pigeon, one must resist the urge to look up."
  5. Brother, I have no doubts that she'll pull through this. Remember that she has Viking blood flowing through her veins. My prayers are always with you - I hope you know that. TripleF P.S. Honk-honk.. "Upon seeing the shadow of a pigeon, one must resist the urge to look up."
  6. ***Atlanta's not the south. It's inconveniently placed in the south. *** Speaking as an true Atlanta native, you just lost your G.R.I.T.S. card. Atlanta is a true Southern city even if we do have a bunch of Northern Aggressors living here. TripleF "Upon seeing the shadow of a pigeon, one must resist the urge to look up."
  7. Happy B'day to you, Happy B'day to you. Happy B'day small Aiden, Happy B'day to you. TripleF "Upon seeing the shadow of a pigeon, one must resist the urge to look up."
  8. With my health, I don't dare miss it. TripleF "Upon seeing the shadow of a pigeon, one must resist the urge to look up."
  9. I lived in Trego for a few years and skiied Big Sky a lot. It'a a great place, has plenty of instructors for lessons, a fantastic view from the bar, a great fireplace and lots of ambience. It would be my choice. TripleF "Upon seeing the shadow of a pigeon, one must resist the urge to look up."
  10. G'day, Sunny, I didn't know you had read that post, either, but thanks a million times. It's a great love story and kinda' mushy but 36 years ago her and I were divorced. We hadn't seen each other for 36 years and when we met for coffee, 36 years melted, vanished like a ghost, and we were back in one another's arms in a heartbeat. Cheryl was my first love, has always been in my heart all these years and I guess it was just meant to be. TripleF "Upon seeing the shadow of a pigeon, one must resist the urge to look up."
  11. Hey Cris, Thanks, buddy. I didn't think anyone had read that little post about my upcoming "event". I'm pretty excited about it, tho. TripleF "Upon seeing the shadow of a pigeon, one must resist the urge to look up."
  12. Hey, I could have told you that...him,my wingman shark, jtval,merrick and pammi, dzdiva, you sunny, flyangel2...geez, the list goes on and on and on that I can't begin to list them all...are all my heros...and I wouldn't trade any of ya'll for the world. TripleF "Upon seeing the shadow of a pigeon, one must resist the urge to look up."
  13. Michele, my dear... I read this thread with great care and concern, as I thought you were making a play for me. It seems that I fit all your requirements and as insane as it is, I'd love to fill the position. Unfortunately for you and I, I have done the impossible thing - my ex-wife contacted me a while back - we are now engaged and plan to re-marry. Yes, the one, the only, the original TripleF is giving up his complete freedom, willingly I might add, and will settle down for a life, whatever is left of it, of bliss with the one woman I've loved all my adult life anyway. I'm sorry you didn't post this earlier cause I would have applied but sometimes time slips by and we lose out... TripleF "Upon seeing the shadow of a pigeon, one must resist the urge to look up."
  14. Nope...not me. I have too many voices in my head to hear the music. TripleF "Upon seeing the shadow of a pigeon, one must resist the urge to look up."
  15. Woo-hoooo...I just went by Toomer's Corner....Our tree is such a pretty white, lol... TripleF "Upon seeing the shadow of a pigeon, one must resist the urge to look up."
  16. You are right about being a big boy, lol. Now, if I could just grow up instead of out, lol. It's amazing...I've been away from jumping for a while now and the pounds just seem to come from nowhere and land on ME!! ' Thanks for the well wishes, Wendy. Coming from you, that means a lot. As stated before, we were just too young (17 and 19) and didn't know what life was all about. She grew up, I grew out and after my post last night, we talked on the phone about this subject just like we've done every night for two weeks. We'll just have to see where it all leads. Who knows....ya'll may have another fledgeling skydiver on your hands or more likely, a new whuffo.... TripleF "Upon seeing the shadow of a pigeon, one must resist the urge to look up."
  17. OH MY GOD....I'm in agreement with a GREENIE...... "Upon seeing the shadow of a pigeon, one must resist the urge to look up."
  18. Ahhh, I'm not too sure about that....My ex-wife from 36 years ago just looked me up a couple of weeks ago - and we are actually communicating better than ever. Maybe I'm wrong in a lot of other's thinking, but bottom line is this - there are a lot of feelings still between us that are growing every day - stronger than ever before (we were too young back then) and we both seem to believe (just a bit) that the time for us wasn't then but maybe it is now. Wish me luck with this cause I'm not gonna' listen to all the voices in my head. They complain too much, lol. I'm just following the little whisper in my heart and maybe something good will come out of this. TripleF "Upon seeing the shadow of a pigeon, one must resist the urge to look up."
  19. "You're so ugly you'd make a Pit Bulldog leave the back of a meat truck on a dead run." TripleF "Upon seeing the shadow of a pigeon, one must resist the urge to look up."
  20. Oh Dear, Dear Sunny, I'd certainly be the most greatful old geezer in the world...but you'd be disappointed..I'm so ugly, I can make a freight train take a dirt In fact, Keith Richards lives in my mirror. But thanks for boosting my old ego. Uhhh, unless you take that carriage ride with me - and then we'll fly off into the sunset together, hand in hand, lips pressed together, bodies melting into one another and heat so hot it'd melt steel. TripleF "Upon seeing the shadow of a pigeon, one must resist the urge to look up."
  21. Of course...but you are a lovely freak... TripleF "Upon seeing the shadow of a pigeon, one must resist the urge to look up."
  22. You mean you DON'T??? TripleF "Upon seeing the shadow of a pigeon, one must resist the urge to look up."
  23. O'Keefe High...Atlanta, Ga. TripleF "Upon seeing the shadow of a pigeon, one must resist the urge to look up."
  24. Seriously?? Only one... Jack House...we all knew he was a little bit "slow" but didn't think he was crazy...that is, until he murdered two small boys with his bare hands in a drunken frenzy, in Hotlanta back in about 1970-71. He is now, and has been, on Death Row in Jackson, Ga since 1971-72 but they won't execute have to be sane to be executed and he pretends/plays to commit suicide each time his execution date rolls around and they pack him off to a hospital and delay his execution. I'd pull the trigger on him myself if I ever got the chance for what he did, but unfortunately, that will never happen. TripleF "Upon seeing the shadow of a pigeon, one must resist the urge to look up."
  25. Oh, shit....Oakdale native, huh?? TripleF "Upon seeing the shadow of a pigeon, one must resist the urge to look up."