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Everything posted by bigbearfng

  1. Airman-I have to reply....As for in the supermarket....if the clerk pushes it and wants to sign a CA (citizens arrest) then you have to take the arrest. Some depts give a fair amt of leeway-you could just cite release (give a ticket with a court date to appear, and finish the paperwork later) and some dept dont. Thank OJ for the new laws that mandate an arrest when one party claims they got hit in domestics. I've advised the male half that he should leave and go to a friends house till it blows over-I explain that she makes the claim-then I have to take him to jail; even if it's found to be unfounded later and it sounds like BS to me, I still have to hook him. I have no ability to make a "discretionary decision" in these cases. So yea, there's some things that suck, but don't always blame the patrol cop-some things they have no choice over....
  2. Last misrouted chest strap I caught was on a gal I was jumping with-NO I didn't grab it! I just pointed repeatedly, and still got accused of bein' a pervert by my friends.....
  3. When I did first did tracking dives with a wrist mount alti only, I'd get nervous, and strain to keep checking the alti on my wrist-of course then I'd go low and get way behind. With a chest mount alti you can glance at it during tracking and then keep your head on a swivel to con't clearing airspace. Just a thought, that may help out the comfort level while tracking....
  4. I also check where the airport is in relation to where I am at just incase I am long and need to leave my breaks set upon opening to make it back. First off I consider myself a newb still. Only dumb question is the one not asked..... I won't ask anyone to do something on a jump that they're not comfortable with. No critizism from me on your post-however your above comment jumped out at me; please reconsider leaving your brakes stowed after opening-it's bit some folk on the butt!!! I understand someone may not have the strengh to hold rear risers to extend your range back, but I'd rather see them unstow right away and pick a spot to land out early, rather than find out a problem much later.....possibly too late....
  5. QuoteIt's the truth. "BASE jumping is illegal" Until that very common misconception goes away, people will continue to call the police whenever they see a jump. If you land in the street, and a police officer sees you, he will assume that you need to be arrested. Hey, not all of us! I'll give ya a high five, and most of the guys I work with would too!
  6. I think the current situation is downright embarrassing to the sport (not to mention irresponsible, tragic, and cold), and I see no reason for "mike" to not give more information than "your son is dead". That really pisses me off. The above about sums it up for me-hey "Mike guy" grow some damn balls and step back up to the plate; otherwise go burn your gear and crawl back in your damn hole! And as others have said-no shit-do not remove gear or disturb the scene other than to attempt to render aid!!!! I realize I may think differently after working the street, but it boggles my mind that anyone would suggest doing this. To do so just raises all the red flags of possible foul play!!! And then the diggin will really start; just as stated happened in another post here.
  7. Jeez...this really is deja vous- a la skydiving; eg: wingloading/jump a camera at 30 J. etc. As JP said. And then you could take a page from Ron-as they lie there bleeding " I told ya so".......
  8. Well ya-I've got a snowplow, snowblower, snowmobile, season pass and the skis have fresh wax-bring it on!
  9. I've been a subscriber to Outside mag for quite a few years-and I'll continue it. But I was still pleasantly suprised with the article; certainly not the usual media fare and well worth finding the magazine. The author Tim Sohn even bothered to talk to and quote Tom A!
  10. I'll be at Perris tomorrow-Wed. Anybody else? Get some bellyfliers together?
  11. Hey, where's Ron at for this one??? Are you on vacation? Or given up?!
  12. I've recently been putting together a new rig and selling my old gear. I've been following the common advice from here on with good results and everyone feels comfortable with the deal then. When buy or sell-offer to send the item to their local dz/rigger; you can actually address it to the dz, attn: the riggers name. Ask the rigger to act as broker; most are more than willing to. I of course insist on paying my rigger for the inspection, and the beer.... This addresses the problem of someone not knowing a piece of material from a canopy. If they won't agree to this, then buyer beware.....good luck!
  13. And I have to throw in a big thank you to them for inviting my rookie ass to jump with them all day on Tues!!!! It really made my day....OK, it made my week!!
  14. This is sounding more like a thread for bonfire.....but I have to respond to a few comments on here..... If you happen to be toolin down the road and a kid runs out in front of you-an unavoidable accident-kid shot out from between parked cars not visible till he was in front of your bumper.....=a damn tragic accident. However, now if you're under the influence-be it tokin or drinkin-it's manslaughter......don't believe me take a look at quite a few recent cases for yourself. I work in Ca. however it's common in all the states that DAs will file manslaughter in these cases now. And as far as the comments about "sounds like a parent" and "obviously never tried it" "older folk" tried it way before ya'll were born...
  15. I've tried searching here, but didn't find any comments on long term durability of jav's leather look materials or the houndstooth combos. Anyone had one for a few thousand jumps yet? Problems with it? Or any comments about it looks cheesy?
  16. Yea, thats it, thanks! Anybody else think it looks kinda hinky too?
  17. sorry I keep screwin up the link to it, but it's item #7195220915; under skydiving, the 4th page right now on ebay. If someone could link it here I'd appreciate it! A jav odysey with jumpsuit etc. And another ad above it with just the rig. They say they don't know anything about just looks hinky to me. Anybody recoginize it? Have it ripped off recently? It could just be my healthy paranoia again, but.....
  18. How current/not current is she? Also if a jumper took a fjc years ago, and then took time off with no jumps, how long before requiring another fjc vs "refresher" would be appropriate?
  19. Is there a site that says the actual sq ft of reserves? I've been looking at a new to me/used rig with a sabre 2 170 in it but the reserve is pdr 160; and that size worries me......was initially going to pass on it, even though it's a good deal, but if it's actually a size bigger???? Thanks!
  20. Also, please don't succumb to the pressure of anyone yelling for you to hurry up and go.....yes I did it-but only once! And before anyone here hollers about "don't take too much time in the door because you hose the rest of the groups"-ya, keep it reasonable.
  21. [ What is the current legal status of this situation? What happened after the police took him away? Has he been charged with a crime? I am interested in how all this is playing out in the legal system. Is there anyone from Rantoul, or the WFFC staff that can shed light on this? There are some additional issues that bear looking into. This young man has a web site where he sells electronic gear and holds auctions. It even makes the claim “If we don’t have it, we will get it just ask.” He also has a thread on these forums with links to aid for Hurricane Katrina victims. His postings stopped abruptly when someone posted “Don’t I remember you from the WFFC?” Some have suggested that he might be using his web site to fence stolen property. There are also plenty of hurricane relief scams going around. There is no proof of this, and I am not accusing at this point, but boy, it sure makes you go “hmmmmm” given his demonstrated behavior. This may be worth investigating further. ------------------------------------------------------- Arrest and conviction records are public info-but you'll need name and dob; otherwise it's hunt it down in person by date. Also; I have run into shoplifters that I would consider really ill, but they just had a bunch of stolen stuff piled up at home. They didn't actively try to sell and make a profit from it; when it turns to that it's a lot more..... You may not be able to obtain much detailed info on an active investigation-I'm can assure you that if we arrested this guy, search warrants for home/computer etc. would be applied for; and when stolen credit cards/forgery/fraud become involved it takes a lot of work to put it all together for a good case. A lot of stones to be turned over......
  22. Yup, gotta remember Lutz (spelling?) was at Perris-even tried to sue the power co. for putting those power lines in his way......
  23. I was only reading this until your second post. Dude-how old are you????? It obviously sounds like you havn't been on the receiving end of one of those phone calls in your life yet......... GROW UP!
  24. I believe it was in the history and trivia forum that I found a link a while ago to the military jump from a high altitude balloon-he broke the sound barrier jumping from 108K??? Is that the correct altitude anyone???
  25. Hey Bill, you've just got to move up here at 7000ft helps, but then your doc might try to tell you you're polycythemic.