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Everything posted by bigbearfng

  1. Jeff was at Perris till today, now in Elsinore and then will be back at Perris. And yup, after demo I went and ordered one. It's only money......
  2. There was a court decision in liberal ca that let the individual deputy sue the false complaintant. Our county-San Bernardino-T stop, he cited her, she P formed him, said he said he'd let her go if she agreed to have sex with him. And good deputy had his tape recorder running. It came to a lawsuit filed, and before it went too far the county counsel asked her lawyer if he'd like to hear the tape..... Afterwards the deputy did get to sue the subject and won. Minimal amount that you could never collect anyway of course. And being Ca. a subsequent court decision reversed the prior so we can no longer sue for malicious false accusations....of course!!! And to the previous posters talking about cops trying to escalate situations...yes they do exist, rare but do exist. And I can assure you they do go down for it too. I always figure there is a camera rolling, plus my tape. Case in point Webb- guy with a phone cam was nearby. He's on trial right now for attempt manslaughter- do a search if you dont believe me-our county also. And the good cops don't care for those guys either, makes the job a lot harder!
  3. [and maybe, if that WAS me, laughing 'cause I wasn't wearing anything under my robes... But that's just me. Now that's really funny!!!!!!
  4. Now to have fun watchin them.....give them a bowl of water and some sugarcubes!!!
  5. Collapsed end cells it's not just my sabre 2.(170) Does most everyones sabre 2 also hunt around on opening? Tried my packing and different packers, filmed openings-not dropping a shoulder etc....So if it's just another trait of the sabre 2 I'll live with it.
  6. In my case I rolled the nose after I put on the new slider-you'd thought I rolled up a spectre! Took forever to open. Just shoved the nose in and it was nice openings.
  7. Do a search here.....anyway, call PD tell them the size of your slider and they'll recomend a new slider... buy it- night and day diff! PS- dont roll the nose after you put on the new slider from PD!
  8. Just rub it in Lew!!!!! Ya, a lot of us wish we could be there too!!!!
  9. Your post made me think quite a while......I used to think in similar terms about competitive skydivers, especially 4 ways takin it too far; but after workin nationals at Perris I discovered that there are those type of attitudes in every discipline; personally I thought that the swoopers outnumbered rw in that regard. But the fact was the great majority of serious competitive skydivers I met were really down to earth people that blew away those stereotypes for me.
  10. here i am drunk in the bomshelter, I came here today to do a memorial jump for my dad that died at home with me on hospice yesterday and there's a memorial/ash dive fior from friends here, this sport, keeps me goin....I just had to post a big thank you to everyone for keepin my sanity! Thank You!
  11. Life is a terminal condition..... Everybody dies, be it from skydiving or otherwise, so what are we supposed to do-not have any friends so you don't know anybody who died? I prefer to enjoy friendships and life while I can, I know life is short. And try to lead a life that if I die tomorrow I can accept it.
  12. Come on, obvious answer-depends on who the sex would be with!
  13. You didn't leave a choice for's my therapy. Don't know what a shrink would say to that, other than I guess I'm kinda fucked up anyway.....
  14. Welcome! I'll be there in the AM. I'll even buy the beer! Looks like great weather tomorrow, but it might suck for a day or two after that....
  15. Father figure???? More like grandfather figure!
  16. It would be nice if, somewhere in your title or your introduction, you actually stated what it is that you're talking about. Point taken, it was too late to edit, talked to Skymamma and she did it. Thanks! And to the other poster-no, no cape, no fanfare, just feel that this is one assignment well worth putting xtra time into.:-)
  17. I screwed up making it a clicky ..again! Help anybody?
  18. I'm still amazed at how many folk don't know about these websites... most states now have one, it's great that it's now a public data base! My latest assignment is tracking down the ones that havn't registered. So public service announcement. Calif's is Show your kids, get informed, pass it on, I call it healthy paranoia.:-)
  19. bigbearfng

    Point Break

    Hey, Patrick Swayze actually did skydive, so give the movie credit for that; but does anyone know if any of the other actors in it have actually jumped???? Also has anybody heard if Swayze is still actively jumping?
  20. I'm finding this kinda difficult to articulate.... The recent incident in Belize; I'm finding myself wanting to ask about depth perception over water-I've heard that folk have chopped their main before landing on water at excess altitude; so can the same theory apply to not being able to estimate altitude the other way over water-it looks like you've still got lots of altitude left..... I'm then realizing why I want to ask-at least for myself-it's trying to find a "reason", because shit, given similar circumstances with me in it, if it can happen to a guy that experienced what chance does my rookie ass stand!? A hook turn, OK, I can tell myself-I don't do that, so I'm OK there....forgot to turn on the cypress at the DZ-OK, I know that; so I can break the chain of events there.....but when it's unk. and especially someone you've met, and you know he's really experienced and not a yahoo.....shit, I find that it's hard not to try to grasp for a reason.... Alright, sorry for the rambling, but I think I can now understand where sometimes the "speculation" is coming from. Granted I'm sure a good amount of it is bullshit speculation, but some of it I'm sure is coming from another direction........... BSBD
  21. One more thought-current for improvement really depends on how/who you skydive with. A bunch of 2ways or so with other newbs vs. 4way with the likes of Christy Fricken and Dan BC makes a world of difference for me!!! Gawd, they make me feel sooo slow! But Dans nice about it-just tells me I still suck, but I just suck less....
  22. Just a fu post-Christy asked me to post a fu if I had a good time-it was great! Lotsa folk showed up-we kept her running organizing 4 ways. And terrific free coaching from Uli, Christy, Pat Mcgowan et al! And lotsa video debriefs too. She'll be organizing a few more in the near future, so be sure and keep her busy!
  23. Hmmm, yep, you've got some points. There's bone head skydivers, and there's bonehead cops. I'll be the first to admit that there's cops that make every other cops job harder. And don't worry, if a cop bones up, the courts will decide on the constitutionalty of it, and then that policy is implemented. So if you do run into a dipshit-please p-form and take it to court! It'll make it easier for the rest of us! Just please remember that the majority do have common sense! Hey, you've got a 415 neighbors, one has a chickenshit $158.00 warrant; take him to jail on it and it solves the immed. problem, you won't have to come back and it can't escalate further-what would you do? On the surface and in a report it sounds chickenshit.... I'm sure your brother-in-law can tell you lots of instances like this one. And there are some things with no discretionary leeway. Others there's lots! Somebody with a joint or two? Not otherwise causing problems? I tell them to throw it out on the ground; I used to tell them to "make it disappear" but stopped that line after one guy ate it! I laughed my ass off!
  24. Christy Frikken Insanity said she's putting together 4 way pu that weekend-I'll be there, anybody else?