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Everything posted by headoverheels

  1. She had a busy 43 days. She buried the Queen, the pound and her political party.
  2. I have no objection to muskets having no serial number. Or cannon.
  3. My brother's wife tested positive. Over a series of days, she sometimes tested positive, mostly negative, on RAT, while always testing positive on PCR (until she was over it). He never tested positive, but I don't know whether he went for a PCR test.
  4. Well this is as off topic as John's bear, but this MAGAt fraudster plead guilty to vandalizing his own property and torching his camper. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/a-man-who-falsely-claimed-vandals-targeted-his-house-because-of-his-trump-flag-has-pleaded-guilty-to-fraud/ar-AA12QWZN
  5. And yet, the latest poll has him lagging by only 1.5%, with a 2.9% margin of error, and only 5.3% undecided voters.
  6. And oil companies now making more than 2x the profit they did under Trump.
  7. The lawsuit will never go forward. Trump would be subject to discovery, including all sorts of documents, texts, emails, etc. The first time he says "plead the fifth" the judge will dismiss the case.
  8. Another Trump appointed judge has rejected Mike Pillow's lawsuit against the FBI, seeking to have his phone returned. They cited the 11th District decision against Trump from a couple of days ago. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ySbveQ2LF3o
  9. Probably getting to the point that you can knock off some official you don't like, and people will think Putin was behind it.
  10. An amusing video from QE2's funeral https://www.heraldscotland.com/politics/22312286.liz-truss-mistaken-minor-royal-tv-coverage-queens-funeral/
  11. headoverheels


    Walker cannot even explain any single policy he supports. He is incoherent in his public statements, like someone under the influence of drugs or with mental deficiancies. He will do nothing for the people of Georgia, other than be a rubber stamp for whatever national policy (not Georgia) the Republicans tell him to vote on -- assuming that someone is sitting right there with him to make sure he doesn't screw that up. Walker never was that bright, and seems to have been knocked on the head too many times. He claims to have graduated in the top 1% of his college class, but dropped out and never graduated at all. He claims to have worked with the police, but in that regard is more like a kid that claims to pilot an airliner because he was given some plastic wings by a flight attendant. He has pulled a gun and threatened more than one lover, and is a deadbeat dad. In under two years in the Senate, Warnock has already done a lot for Georgia residents, including rural Georgia farmers. He is smart and articulate, actually has an interest in helping to improve the living conditions of Georgians. Walker talks about "fans." It really is amazing how literally stupid Georgia voters are as a group. How they could have picked the Jewish Space Laser lady over her right wing primary opponent, I will never fully grok. I grew up there, and all of my family still reside there or in North Carolina. Many Georgians have traded their country for a red hat, and don't even recognize what they have lost.
  12. Defenestration is an economical yet effective method. Look out below!
  13. This route to statutes and amendments is only available in about half of the states. https://ballotpedia.org/States_with_initiative_or_referendum
  14. What makes you think that she was joking?
  15. As did I. Not so much as a sniffle, except during hayfever season. I will get the bivalent booster on Friday.
  16. I welcome some discussion on the new Prime Minister, as the only other opinion that I have seen was from Russell Kane.
  17. The fork is just to poke anyone who tries to get a piece of chicken from the bucket.
  18. That seems to be from a police practice range. i.e., black guy, facing the other way.
  19. Is that the full size silhouette of a typical American of the constitution era, or the silhouette of today's typical obese American?