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Everything posted by headoverheels

  1. 52% pure. Unless having your ex lay there like she was dead counts for necrophilia
  2. $18 if you buy a block. I think normal price is 19 dollars, but I am not sure.. never bought just 1 ticket. With an Otter around you should be able to take care of a block of tickets I may see you folks there, or I may go see that plane's usual home, where block tickets are $13. Kinda breakeven for me, since BAS is closer than Lodi.
  3. If there is no exclusion in the policy, then you should be covered. Even if skydiving is not mentioned in the policy, look for exclusions relating to non-scheduled aviation flights. Most often, these only exclude crew members (i.e., private pilots), but read carefully if you are concerned. When are you going? Maybe I'll see you there. Gary
  4. http://www.pleix.net/PlaidItsu.html Video, needs a fast connection, which is why I do this important stuff at work!
  5. Hi Mary, One of my Georgia Tech jump buddies way back when had that same number, 13. Once he got past that, he turned out to be a good skydiver. In his S/L logbook were comments like "great fetal position." I had 6 static line jumps before freefall, so "less than 10."
  6. No, you think that way because you are disturbed!
  7. Also, besides the density of air issue, the instrument could read incorrectly with temperature. You can probably check that about your individual altimeter by sticking it in the freezer (or just outside), and seeing whether zero shifts significantly.
  8. The aircraft altimeters are also off in the same way. All of these are just measuring a change in pressure. I'd have to go look it up, to know how much, so I'll let you search it out. Maybe google for altimeter error with temperature, or some such. My recollection is that, at extremely cold temperatures (what those are, I don't know), the altimeter reading can be off by 10%; PV=nRT says about 0.35% error per degree C deviation from the "standard" temperature of 15C. OTOH, the air is more dense, so you will be falling slower.
  9. I pull lower in the winter, but not for the reason you think. I still pull at the same indicated altitude, but air is denser at lower temperatures. So, the indicated altitude is higher than the actual altitude when it is colder than a "standard temperature" day. If it's cold enough to worry about getting cold under canopy, I'll be in front of the fire, pulling on a cold beer.
  10. Hi Shawn, I was also at the wedding. I've been jumping all along, mostly at Lodi with your old friends. I can't place you right off, but I'm pretty sure we'll recognize each other. Gary
  11. I know absolutely nothing about them, so ask people at your DZ about build quality, customer service, etc. All things being equal, if they are close by, you can have them do all measurements for the suit. If something isn't right, you shouldn't have any problem getting it fixed.
  12. I put 900 jumps and repacks on my Raven F-111 main, and someone bought it and jumped it after me. I wouldn't be too worried about 60 repacks on my MicroRaven reserve.
  13. For old women, they don't call them Pampers, they call them Depends.
  14. Only repack if you enjoy it! I don't know what my personal limit would be, but it's a heck of a lot longer than the 120 day reserve repack cycle.
  15. As my lawyer brother explained it to me, it was when he was separated from his house, his stocks, his bank accounts....
  16. I couldn't find a page with the helmet, in English. The helmet has been in use for about 1 year in Germany, came to the U.S. about a month ago, doesn't have any west coast dealers yet. U.S. is handled by: Ken Krueger Paratec-USA, Inc. PO Box 276 Valhalla, NY 10595 Tel: 914-484-1448 Fax: 914-997-7747 [email protected] I've exchanged e-mails and spoken to Ken, who seems very helpful. He's going to send me a demo unit -- I'll report back after I have a chance to evaluate it. I'm mainly interested because of the room to accomodate eye glasses. The only other full face one that does, with my head size/shape, is the Havok, which I didn't like all that well.
  17. Tonight is the night When dead leaves fly like witches, On brooms, 'cross the sky
  18. RoysPlayThing, 'cause she's lonely.
  19. ROFL! That was my question. Eh, maybe he's a freeflier. Yeah, but doesn't Kate have a womens VRW record?
  20. http://www.paratec.de/Seiten/Archiv.html In German.
  21. Make a flarpy noise audio clip, and post it!
  22. Not a problem, but part of the reason to have experienced jumpers. I would hold onto the bow of the windscreen, facing the tail, left foot on the wing, right foot still inside, dive at the trailing edge of the wing, and be sure to keep my legs straight until clear of the tail.