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Everything posted by skytrixaz

  1. Sounds like you're a very compassionate person. Many years ago I learned what it means to be actively dying, a term I'd never heard before. To be actively dying means a person's body (usually someone who is terminally ill) is physically changing as it readies for death. The changes can include not eating, difficulty moving arms and legs, sometimes being confused, cold hands and feet, sleeping more as the person withdraws from the environment. What about actively living? For me its to hug a friend, notice a sunset, to be available when someone needs me, to create music with my piano, marvel at the child I've given birth to and her inner beauty, walk daily with my Creator. The fact that this nurse seemed to have to repeat three times "well you should know he's actively dying", she obviously missed the subtle signal from this man's family that they were in dire need of emotional support....whatever happened to TLC and compassion? Caring for a dying loved one at home is extremely challenging for a family. What about the dying man? Feeling loss of control, frustration, dispair, increased dependence on others in the dying process. I also can understand how difficult it must be for doctors/nurses/health professionals. Managed care limits their time with patients, bounces patients through, which in turn limits their perspective. I think you handled the situation just fine.
  2. Here's the website:
  3. You don't know what Bill was thinking...uncool communication style. Ask if you want to know what someone else is thinking. g
  4. skytrixaz


    Falls more in the category of a Narcissistic Personality Disorder with deceitful behaviors.
  5. skytrixaz


    Infidelity—cheating—is the world’s easiest, stupidest, most reprehensible thing to do; it doesn’t take any brains, skill, nor charm to cheat whether it be on income taxes, boyfriend or stealing something that isn’t yours. It doesn’t require much of anything except a lack of a moral compass. g
  6. I'm you have any children of your own. If so, what are their ages and do they live with you. g
  7. Go for it!!! Just stay focused, safe and of course...have FUN g
  8. Hey...I think you're on to something. Seriously ladies...if we can figure out the answers to the male behavior, we can stop misunderstanding each other...learn to appreciate and cherish each other. g
  9. I've seen your weight belts...awesome one on the market. I'd buy one from you in a heartbeat!!! Unfortunately...I bought mine before I knew you Art. If I ever need another weight're the one I would call. hugs... g
  10. Yea...they have video cameras in the wind tunnel...
  11. With a $50 budget... *One-year subscription to Climbing Magazine $29.95 Put the current issue in a box with some type of climbing gadgets (GPS device...) with a note of the year's subscription. * Take him to dinner and a comedy club. * Take him to Disney(whatever) or BushGardens for the day...
  12. I wish you a successful POPS record!!! V V V V V V V V P.S. My teammate's "first" POPS record...clue his initials are JC....ooooops BEER!
  13. First I would tell him all the wonderful things you love about him. I would also tell him how you feel when he lies to you without blaming (i.e., I don't feel like you value me and it makes me question whether I'm valueable...just an can fill in with your own feelings). Hold him accountable for his actions and expect him to follow through. Remember...he'll treat you whatever way you allow him to treat you. You're also being challenged to grow. I wish you the best.
  14. understandable... That her ex-boyfriend's job to figure out...not hers. She just needs to figure out why she puts up with his lying... g
  15. My post refers to lying where it relates to Skybabe76's initial question regarding her relationship with her ex-boyfriend...the message he is sending her when he lies is "you aren't worth the truth"...whether its to escape accountability, it frees him from having to deal with her at the moment, conflicts, etc....whatever the payoff is for ex-boyfriend at that given moment. g
  16. False words are not only evil in themselves, but they infect the soul with evil. -- Socrates
  17. In a nutshell, lying to another person boils down to escaping accountability for whatever reason. The message someone who lies sends is "you aren't worth the truth...I'll just avoid dealing with you." Figure out why you put up with his lying...he'll only treat you the way you let him treat you. g
  18. I agree Chaoskitty... "Synchroized Swimming With Music"...
  19. I did answer it. Its a matter of personal choice and priorities. Read my posts again. We all know that its a given you're going to have to pay for an organized skills camp and tunnel camp for various reasons. My point is...if there are people who are willing to do a voluntary no strings attached 2-way drill dive and fun jumps...why not? There's still alot to be learned from those jumps not to mention fun. If someone asks to be paid...its your choice to say "ok" or "no thanks". Since there seem to be so many people in SSkydiver's position...what can we as experienced jumpers do to help them recognize their talents? For me, its making myself available to include them on a fun jump, drill dive, sharing knowledge...whatever it takes, and doing so genuinely. That's all. No...I didn't say that...that's someone else's post.
  20. But thats not what she said. Why are you explaining what someone else meant anyway? Do you know this for sure? Who is arguing now? Emma is just stating her opinion...I'm capable of stating my opinion. And for the one is arguing. I sense some hostility in your post...are you ok? Its a matter of choice and personal priorities how one chooses to spend one's money with regard to skydiving. I prefer to pay for a skills camp, tunnel camp, 4-way training because that's the bigger payoff for me. If someone choose to pay for a 2-way drill dive...that's their choice. As I mentioned before...there are plenty of people who are willing to do a 2-way drill dives just for the asking. Oh let me see, you can even pay for a World Champion to be on your 4-way team and compete at Nationals (wow...learning curve would go up dramatically). Nobody said that...that's how you're filtering it. Only you know the answer to that question. If you're being asked to coach...other skydiver value your knowledge and input. Relax...these are all just opinions and have no reflection on you. g
  21. Does anyone at your dz have one you could borrow temporarily?
  22. skytrixaz

    passed my c

    Way cool...congratulations on your "A" license