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Everything posted by SkydiverRick

  1. What about Mullins King-Air? never pull low......unless you are
  2. Shows like O'reillys show is great IMO because it is a new concept. Bill says he is independent, but I know he is a bit right of that. But for the most part he is fair. I think that a person can be indepent and still lean left or right. IMO being independent allows a person to chose on each issue. never pull low......unless you are
  3. I disagree. We are talking about a situation where a person is landing off the dz. Unless the spotting at your dz is unusually bad, it is probably rare to land in that location. It is easy to get distracted by other obstacles in an off dz landing and not see the lines until too late. Experience also plays a factor. I always teach a beginning jumper to land in the middle of a big field. I'm not going to disagree with your recommendation. My flying instructor many years ago told me how to look for power lines, and now I do this almost automatically whenever I'm flying or jumping in a new location. I still maintain that if you have good eyesight and you actively look for powerlines, you can see them in plenty of time to set up a landing where they are not a factor. The problem arises if you fixate on where you want to land and don't scan the surroundings for things like powerlines etc. I'm not totally disagreeing with your logic. As an experienced jumper I might pick a spot that I would not recommend to a student. I have seen jumpers hit things (sometimes each other) while under canopy at the dz, let alone off the dz. I don't think that anyone would question Roger Nelsons experience' but he collided with another jumper which should have been easier to see than a power line. never pull low......unless you are
  4. Why not have all reporters list their affiliation along with their name, like the politicians do, after all, is a reporter all that different than a politician? Good idea. The media is always trying to pass themselves off as the fourth branch of the government. never pull low......unless you are
  5. I share the conservative view point with you. Lumping Florida and California together isn't fair however. California has a Democrat for govenor (at least for now).Also California is one of the most liberal states in the US. Florida has a Republican govenor. Their views are pretty evenly divided, as we all saw during the last presidential election. never pull low......unless you are
  6. You keep repeating this idea as a fact. Prove it. Does anyone else think that that woudl be really neccessary? Why should I have to overstate the obvious? Why waste time proving the obvious? never pull low......unless you are
  7. This depends on your eyesight. If you can't see powerlines until you are too close to take avoiding action, you may need glasses. I disagree. We are talking about a situation where a person is landing off the dz. Unless the spotting at your dz is unusually bad, it is probably rare to land in that location. It is easy to get distracted by other obstacles in an off dz landing and not see the lines until too late. Experience also plays a factor. I always teach a beginning jumper to land in the middle of a big field. never pull low......unless you are
  8. Chris, I really think you should try and get information from more sources than just the American news, whether it is ABC, CBS, CNN or Fox. You will find that things are being reported much differently in many other countries. I hear Al Jazeera (sp?) is fair and balanced. never pull low......unless you are
  9. Not to mention that on O'Reilly, for one, he never totally bashes anyone. He'll argue his point, and when the conversation is over, he'll shrug, say "I disagree with you, but that's your opinion", and let it slide. Other programs are similar. The discussions may become heated, but it's always fair and balanced in the fact that everyone is allowed to state their opinion, whether someone else disagrees or not. Bill O'Reilly always gives the other person the last word. I've never seen that done on CNN. never pull low......unless you are
  10. I think when liberals ask us to look at both sides, they mean left and lefter. If you make a good case for the right they start name calling. If they were only as tolerant as they want everyone else to be.... never pull low......unless you are
  11. I've been to a few Mullins Boogies myself. I always left tired with a big smile. Nobody does it like Mike. never pull low......unless you are
  12. I'm glad we did. He was a much better president than actor. never pull low......unless you are
  13. As soon as someone starts yelling at a person they stop listening. Kind of counter productive if you ask me. I would discuss it with them quietly when I calmed down. If that didn't help I'd pass it on to the dz management. never pull low......unless you are
  14. What about silk scarfs and valliums? never pull low......unless you are
  15. I know a guy that won't even kiss on the first date, for the same reason that you mentioned. never pull low......unless you are
  16. Six 20-way jumps into the Johnson Space Center. I was lucky enough to be chosen to jump with the winning team. Even though the teams were picked sandlot style, it would be difficult to put a better group of jumpers together. White team rocks. never pull low......unless you are
  17. Heard normal private pilots call skydivers 'rats of the sky' and people who paraglide have used 'canopy size is directly proportional to penis size - that's why those dumbarse skydivers are so macho, to make up for their inferiority. Years ago I remember skydivers being referred to as "bikers of the sky". As far as pilots are concerned, I just tell them that they are the cheapest part of the airplane and the easiest to replace (I will concede that a good jump pilot is worth much more). If anybody starts jumping to impress their friends, they will be disappointed. Skydiving seems to upset people with fragile egos. If you start jumping, most of your friends will be jumpers anyway. never pull low......unless you are
  18. What I am asking about is the Instructor making crude comments while tightening/loosening a chest strap on a Double D student and making them embarassed. Unacceptable. never pull low......unless you are
  19. Yes, you can do something about that. At my DZ, staff do NOT date students. They do NOT sleep with students, they don't do anything that could be considered unprofessional with students. Anything less then that can not only setup the DZ/Instructor for a sexual harrassment suit, but it can give the DZ a reputation that is not easily erased.) I don't think that instructors should be hitting on the students. I think that it is impossible to regulate someoes sex life. How many teenagers get pregnant every year despite their parents efforts to the contrary? You can date a doctor, just not your doctor. What if an instructor brings a date out for a jump? Do they have to break-up? I consider the packers, manifest, etc staff. I see no sexual harassment issues with them dating students. never pull low......unless you are
  20. Michael Moore is an asshat. never pull low......unless you are
  21. IMO - yes. In the skydiving world - you are a newborn. A somewhat vocal but self aware creature mouthing off about the world when all it's experienced has come through the nipple on the bottle filled by your instructors - and adminisered with love and care at exactly the right time and tempreture. I don't think, at this time, as a newborn, you need to know about MSG, or genetically modified foods. Or alcohol, or rape or porn or war or ecconomics. Right now, every bit of your intelect and being should be directed at growth - and survival. You're not ready to hear your 2 favorite instructors strongly disagreeing with the correct procedure for a pilot chute in tow, or a dual canopy situation - paticularly when the option of disconnecting an RSL is not available to you, as it is at your DZ. To do so would cause doubt - uncertainty. As instructors we know that death follows those two around. Thanks Tonto, I was looking for the right words and you found them for me. Instructors have issues that the average jumper doesn't have to deal with. Skydiving instruction is constantly evolving. Having a forum to stay on top of things is a good idea. never pull low......unless you are
  22. I think that it would be very useful. never pull low......unless you are
  23. yeah... lord knows no straight man has ever partaken is such abobination! Edited to add: between the same sex.... That's what makes them straight. never pull low......unless you are
  24. Glad to hear it Buck. Can't wait to get back up in the air with you. This time you won't be driving. never pull low......unless you are
  25. Why do lawyers always button the top button on their shirts? So the foreskin doesn't show. never pull low......unless you are