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Everything posted by Breezejunky

  1. Nice response. Defensiveness gone, kind of refreshing! I too am part owner of a business and even those who just breeze in at 8:30 on the dot bug my ass. If an employee is always early or on time I never care if they are late - even really late - once in a while because there is obviously a good reason. Employers always notice regular punctuality or the lack there of.
  2. Down one since Friday but it's not that good as I've been in bed sick all weekend eating mostly ice cream. Although I ate a lot of ice cream! So if I keep this off until Friday I'll be glad because I won't be able to exercise much with this cough.
  3. Completely change your exercise routine. Assuming you have one. Your body gets used to the same routine so you have to shake it up a little. Do at least one very long cardio session a week (endurance) and one or two anaerobic interval cardio's a week . Plus weights, walking swimming, cross country skiing, kayaking, play 2 games of soccer, one of water polo and at least one night of great sex and that should do it.....
  4. I agree completely. Also, if you are down to your last 5 pounds, don't expect to see fast results if you are doing it right.
  5. Wow, did I ever call it right on Monday! I was up three pounds last Monday so I said that if I stayed motivated I'd lose those three plus one. Which is exactly what I did! So, as weird as this is, I'm down 4 pounds since Monday but I'm only down 1 lb since Friday! Anyway, my numbers since Friday are: 185/177/160/-1 That's 8 solid pounds in three weeks! Been working out a lot too so feeling pretty good. I expect things will slow down to a pound a week or so from here on out though. Yay me!
  6. Aren't they one and the same?
  7. Sigh... One of those weird anomalies, I'm not worried because I did some good things this weekend as far as fighting off bad habits (ie laying about all day feeding my hangover with food) it goes... 185/181/160/+3 I'm going to stay motivated and I bet I drop that three plus one by Friday!
  8. Happy Friday all! 185/178/160/2 Yaaayyy!! Off to the pool to go celebrate with laps!
  9. Oh Maaannnn!!! I only wiped out two landings the whole time I was there and you caught one on film! Nice canopy though eh?
  10. Yep, feel good that I didn't gain even if I didn't lose. Did a great sloth imitation this weekend so I'm pleased. I've got 4 whole days to move that scale down 185/180/160/0 Start/current/goal/lost since last weigh-in This will be how I'm recording my numbers from now on. Hey, any chance we make Mondays the Fat Bastard check-in for those of us who want to make this more fun? The Weight Lost Challenge just sounds like every other gruelling weight loss thing I've done my whole life and I was really looking forward to being part of a proud and boisterous group of determined fun people who aren't afraid to laugh at themselves while trying to better themselves. No biggy really. Just wish we could give PC a rest and just have fun. Like I said before, I felt kind of liberated poking fun at myself in a group of people who all feel they need to drop a few pounds. If a skinny person called me a fat bastard, yes, I might take offense but when we are all in the same boat, (to varying degrees) why would it bother anyone?
  11. I am so excited about this fund! It is a great way for me to say thank you directly to the people in Thailand who were so wonderful to me during World Team 04. Not only that, it is a way to say thank you on behalf of other skydivers. The RTAF made the world record attempts affordable by supporting us completely in our endeavor and it made for an absolutely incredible experience! It is also comforting to know that the money will be put to good use as I completely trust the integrity of BJ and Bobbie Worth and am well aware of the friendships and connections they've made in Thailand. I hope that all skydivers, but especially those who have benefitted from the incredible hospitality of the Thai people, will give generously. You will get double the bang for your buck by not only helping a wonderful people in need but also by raising the profile of the sport that means so much to many of us. Please, let's do ourselves proud! Give something. Give anything!
  12. I know someone. She has to keep herself in check when partying in order to keep from drunk dialing her old DZO to say thank you!
  13. Bummer. I liked Fat Bastard. There was something so liberating about the whole thing. I hate the word "Weight" Now that's a heavy word.
  14. Fat Bastard check-ins Accountabilty starts Hope I reach my goal!
  15. Off to a good start: 185/180/160/5 I believe that's how Duece suggested posting it: start/current/goal/lost Edited to ask if that should be lost since last check in only or total?
  16. Nope...One suitcase (mostly gear) is still at the front door and the other is open on the floor in my bedroom. Most of the laundry is done though. Eventually I'll throw the rest into the guest room until I need it. Lots of the stuff is still in the suitcases when I go to pack for the next skydiving trip!
  17. I'm with you on Monday and Friday. Could be kind of funny to see what kind of weekend pattern develops I'm going to measure weight. Basically, if the weight is coming off, the inches are coming off. I understand the whole muscle weighs more than fat thing but regardless, if I lose 25lbs, I'm going to look better. If I lose it while gaining muscle, I'm going to look way better! I wish I didn't like eating as much as I do like exercising! Well, off to play water polo. Man, do I ever not feel like putting on my bathing suit right now!
  18. Noooo!!!!!!! Not Monday! Need some time to make up for any sins over the weekend! (Is it bad to plan for for being bad?)
  19. OK, I'll bite! (Pun intended) This could be just what I need to get motivated again. Highest ever: 235 Highest since starting skydiving: 220 Lowest since being 235: 170 (last year) Current: 185 (Very naughty Christmas!) Goal: 160 Don't know BMI. I'll see if I can get it tomorrow at the gym. How often are we going to post results? Any particular day? This might be kind of fun!
  20. I just saw it and really liked it. I thought the acting was fantastic. Very natural, not overdone. It's what people act like in real life. Sure most of it is speculation, but what else do you think they talked about for all those hours? It wasn't really what I'd call a "suspense" movie though that element is certainly there. Regardless of how they ultimately died (I don't believe for a second it's insurance fraud) the end would've been no less traumatic for the victims; especially for the one that had to die alone. If you are the type that can put yourself in the story, you will like this movie a lot. If you like to sit back and be entertained, it might not be for you.
  21. Breezejunky


    I know this belongs in "Events and Places to Jump" but I need help FAST! Very last minute change of holiday plans leaves me suddenly in the southern Utah area from the 27th thru New Years. Planned to go to Z-Hills tomorrow but can't get a cheap flight to Utah on the 26/27 so would like to try to get close to Utah starting tomorrow. Anything going on within a 3-5 hour drive of the St George Utah area over Christmas?
  22. Where is the nearest one for fun jumpers? It looks like I'll be spending New Years near St George so I thought I'd try to get a couple of days of jumping in over Christmas first.