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Everything posted by Breezejunky

  1. Whether 4'2" and 200 lbs (fat-I don't care how much weight they lift) or 6'11" and 200 lbs (skinny) the weight is the same. Four 200 lb wonders plus gear in a freshly fuelled 182 is going to make for a slower climb. I really don't think Slyder was cutting up fat people. Even skinny people should think twice about eating Big Macs. (Woppers are way better)
  2. Oh, never mind. I didn't read all the posts. I'm glad your jump went well!! :)
  3. Do the old risk vs ....I don't know what it's called. I jumped 6 months after a shattered femur/broken pelvis thing that had me in the hospital for 7 weeks. I had very specific skydiving goals that meant enough to me that I decided to take my chances. If I had mangled myself, everyone (including myself, perhaps) would have said I was an idiot. I didn't, I achieved one of my goals and it was incredibly fulfilling. Would I have pushed myself just to horse around on weekends? No way. It wasn't worth the risk. It's so hard to sit on the ground but you really have to weigh the consequences.
  4. As a fairly experienced jumper (for a Canadian DZ) I have two thoughts...well, several thoughts on this. I LOVE to jump with an enthusiastic new jumper who has a passion for the sport. There really is nothing quite like a newbie doing something they've never done before or doing more points than they imagined was possible. (especially when they are wearing and open face helmet and the wind catches their lips when they start grinning and their face explodes!) However, I too am always trying to improve and there is not a bottomless pit of money and often only so many jumps you can get in in a day. I LOVE doing a kick ass jump with other experienced jumpers. I'm sorry, but I do. It's a lot of fun and I want to do more of it. I've spent an insane amount of money on coaching so I could do that. I also want to work on other flying skills and disciplines and jumping with low timers can only help to a point. I always try very hard to encourage new jumpers in the sport and part of that is also spending time on the ground with them and by the campfire too. Here's something that worked for me when I was beginning. Get to the DZ early, stay late. There are lots of experienced jumpers, even ones that are there to train, who are perhaps waiting for their jump buddies/team mates to show up, who just want to get in the air. That's when you are going to get more opportunity to get those jumps in. I personally don't know any experienced jumper (who still jumps for fun) who doesn't enjoy taking low timers up so please cut us a little slack.
  5. Wow, I see there are a few touchy ones here! You have very valid points and I think you presented them well. You said it was a bit of a rant and it was. I thought that was ok to do on this forum. It didn't sound winey to me. I thought the big mac comment was funny myself and I'm surprised anyone took offense to it. I was 220 (without gear) when I started jumping and sometimes when we saw we had a heavy load AND the pilot just fueled we were bummed too, but not about to bump ourselves as it's hard enough to get on a load. There was even the odd time (before we got the new engine and wing extensions) when the pilot called it quits on the climb and we got out early. Usually by that time we didn't care as we were sick of being in the plane anyway and that last 1000 feet was not worth the extra 8 minutes! There were plenty of times we got extra altitude so it all works out in the end. It is just something to think about if you can people. On one hand we have people talking about the family atmoshpere and jumping with everyone regardless of size then someone else saying that they are a paying customer and expect full altitude and to hell with the DZO...well, some "family" DZ's consider the DZO as part of the family. They have to make a living folks. Also, some older 182's starting off from a higher field elevation on a hot humid day will take so long to get to altitude that the DZO would definately take a loss. It may have nothing at all to do with the quality of the maintenance. There can be a HUGE difference between the performance of two perfectly healthy 182's! I agree with what someone said and chill out people! Rhonda
  6. Six degrees and sun! Tomorrow many will jump! Bye, bye winter blahs! Yippee! At last a winter jump at my home DZ! Rhonda
  7. Hey All, Thanks for your input. The discussion was slow to get going so I hadn't checked for a while and have pretty much made my mind up. In general, mush of what was posted supports my decision. Here's how things turned out: Though I love Ford and my 88 Ranger was the best vehicle I ever owned, Ford is not the way to go with Diesel. The engine is fine but the front end has issues and is expensive to fix. I almost went GM as there was a smokin deal out there on a fully loaded one. All-in-all I hear the GM is a decent truck and I would like to have given it a try as I've not owned one before. I still think they aren't as tough as I would like though. (I do plan on doing the odd off-road venture) I'm going with a 2002 ext. cab 4x4 Dodge ram 2500 sport w/ off road & towing pkg. There is a definite consensus that the Cummins is an excellent engine. And as luck would have it it's red! (colour: it's a girl thing) 2002 is the year they fixed up their tranny problems. It's fully loaded and in mint condition with only 78,000 km and it still has the dealer warranty. I talked the guy down further by having him remove the topper and running boards (running boards are for sissy's!) Ok, I've been having a lot of fun with that comment among all the truck owning suppliers and customers I have. What the hell is the point of those sissy-looking running boards anyway? (Except that my 68 yr old mother would certainly appreciate them whenever she has to get in and out of my truck) Later, Rhonda
  8. I've heard the Cummins is great. It would be nice if there there was combination out there with the Cummins engine and a reliable transmission. I've had my fill of standard transmissions though I know they are more practical. I'll be using the truck for winter driving in Toronto traffic so I'd really prefer automatic.
  9. Looking to buy a 2002 diesel 3/4 ton truck. Anyone know much about them? I've heard different things like Dodge has the best engine but the tranny sucks, chev is the best ride, Ford is the toughest blah, blah,blah. I tow a 5th wheel RV and usually go fairly long distances. I want a reliable engine/tranny combination that will last. It's not my main vehicle so I'd like to just buy one good truck to last 10-15 years for winter driving and trailer towing. I'd like to hear from people with truck experience not just ones who are Chev/Ford/Dodge fanatics. Thanks Rhonda
  10. All in all I've had it packed by two riggers, myself and most recently two different packers in Eloy. The one I worked the most with was Ray who has packed for Airspeed for years. He was aware of the problem and tried different things. Nothing worked. The wing loading is 1.2:1 As for slider's new and it's been sent back once. I would think PD would know what slider to put on their canopy's, no? Or do you usually have to specify. I've never done that before.
  11. Took a quick look but don't have time to for much more so sorry if this has been addressed. I ordered a Sabre 2 in June, got it in September, jumped it 7 times and sent it back. Terrible end cell closer, slider hang up, right turn in cruise etc. Ok fine, anyone can make a lemon. Got it back in December,(after much begging), almost 7 months after ordering it. It is better but still has end cell closure and slider hang up on every opening as well as a diving right turn on most of the openings. I was told by a PD rep that "end cell closure sometimes happens" and that the S2 is designed for a slow, staged opening. SLOW IS RIGHT! The one I demo'd didn't open like that and at least one person with the same canopy and wing loading says hers doesn't open like that. I find this unacceptable. What experience are other S2 jumpers having? BTW, once it finally opens, I love the canopy but as I do big ways, living with unstable openings is not an option. Rhonda
  12. Hey Funks...... Yo Funks..... You haven't posted in a while and you've been asked a lot of questions here....(45 minutes? 2 1/2 miles away?) Funks?.... Ok, somebody go look for Funks please!
  13. Not sure about the Ontario thing. I've been given no less than 5 speeding tickets in the US with both Ontario and Alberta drivers licenses.
  14. Yeah! Post it! I am female, but not young or blond and have small (but ever so sensitive) boobs...
  15. Yeah, I just realized it said "it's good to be THE king"
  16. Ok, I got #4 "It's good to be king" That's tom Petty How about this one: "yeah, could you get me some beer(sniff) and some cleaning products"
  17. Paranoid girls who think their ass is so precious that they can't sit on the toilet seat to pee so they piss all over the F*&#ing thing and leave the mess! If you are going to pee standing up like a guy, lift the Goddamn toilet seat like a guy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!