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Everything posted by vid666

  1. I carry home/life/car/motorcycle/business insurance through an independent agent with Farmers. And this year I am switching my auto/motorcycle policies - cuz there are simply cheaper options out there and cuz neither me or my wife have anything left on our records that we can be penalized for. I have had Progressive for a few years - had one claim - no problems. I had Allstate for motorcycles for 4 years - no claims, so no idea to judge them - they did send the bill ontime I guess. I had some no-name company for 1 year - no claims, but just like Allstate and all others, they did send their bills on time. my recommendation - make a list of your needs ( policies you want and limits) - attach your BMV record - and mass fax/email all the agencies that you think can help ya. Make sure that you have a statement saying that they are not allowed to pull your credit history without prior talking to you. I did that a few times - it does work. hope this helps. cya
  2. I have sold plenty of HP 4550N color lasers for waaaaaaaaaaaay under $400 bucks. They go cheap on eBay. Just make sure to figure out where to get the toner - if you buy it new toners - you will go bankrupt :) There are plenty more good color lasers out there, I am only mentioning 4550N cuz I know it goes cheap and it's a good printer ( and it's the one I have sold and never had a problem with ).
  3. 8 BASE jumps in a day. all packed myself. 5 skydives in one day. all packed myself as well.
  4. vid666

    Deep air

    Out of curiousity, what are the rewards ? I am absolutely not slamming this, just wondering. I never did any mixed-gas diving, and my deepest dive on regular air was 78ft. I would imagine at 40m (129ft) according to Martinis law - you are quite intoxicated ( 4 atmospheres )... I can guess the risks, but are the rewards just being able to do it and being capable to manage the situation ? tnx !
  5. On a serious note, since so many of us jump video, and probably have stills - I say lets keep on videoing/taking pics of what rangers are doing throughout the event - I bet most of the film will show them doing NOTHING. I woudl venture to guess having that on film can be worth something when they claim how much extra staff they need ... just a thought
  6. you are mistaken. eBay does not sell you ANYTHING. eBay is a listing service. If you get ripped off there's little they can be responsible for. That is in their user agreement, and that is what they always say. If something looks like an EXCEPTIONAL price and the only catch is sending a money order to a PO box - well, there's probably a reason for that. otherwise - if you file a case with paypal within 30 days - they should stand behind you. PLUS - trace back to what I said before about funding everything with a CC. True on the fact that you have to select CC every time, as paypal defaults to a checking account. But it's not that big of a deal. again - don't blame the car, blame the driver. Else Ford would be responsible for people falling asleep at the wheel.
  7. I hate to sound redundant - but it's those attitudes that make people turn away from an otherwise fine on-line flea market :) a little common sense goes a long way. Requesting digital pictures of a certain part - that's an easy one. How many scammers would be able to do it ? And how many valid sellers will turn down a 5 min hassle to sell a multi-thousand dolllar "thing" ? some things go incredible cheap on eBay - cuz people are sceptical. And they have a right to be. keep in mind : Pay with paypal - you got $1000 protection. pay with paypal AND FUND WITH YOUR CC - you can always charge back through a CC - unlimited amount. - I ALWAYS do that. If the seller is quazi-local to ya - and only accepts cash/Money ORder - see if they are willing to meet up after the sale and exchange good for money. - that's fairly simple. If they are not - then you are definately taking a risk. Lastly - damnit, skydivers are ALL OVER THE PLACE - find a peer local to the seller and have them check the person/item out. If you trust somebody in the area - have THEM exchange product for $$$ on the spot. I have had friends do that for me, as well as my buyers use their friends when they were in doubt. peace
  8. Hey, as I said above, I have been actively using (mostly selling) on eBay since 1999. I have close to 10,000 feedbacks ( 9473 as of this second ). I have sold a few our big 24' trucks on eBay, a few motorcycles, and a fair amount of items over $1000. Selling vehicles - it's fairly standard to require a deposit within 24-72 hours of auction end date. I "sold" our 1990 Ford truck a few months ago for $3700. The guy sent me a $500 deposit via Money Order. a week later he showed up to inspect the truck - and guess what ? he didn't see what HE expected - though the pictures were clearly posted, and he knew the truck was a 1990 with 220K miles - he thought it would be mint and need no work. Right, even the pics showed wear and rust. long story short - HE TOLD ME to keep part of the deposit for wasting my time and eBay fees. I suggest you do the same thing with all you large purchases - get their deposit, that per auction terms is unrefundable. Then they might be more motivated to be more careful or get the item shipped. Worst case scenario - a few hours of your time wasted, you still got the vehicle, and you got the deposit. got questions ? USE COMMON SENSE ( or email me :) cya
  9. I beg to differ. I have close to 10,000 feedbacks , so I think I know what I am talking about. DO DO the 2nd chance buys - just do them through eBay, not cuz somebody sent you an email. if you are do stupid things - stupid things will happen.
  10. if it makes you feel any better I only need to chicken from an A to get my chicken BASE #. I have been known to take my dear time on top of the object just to climb back down - and cost whoever I am with some SERIOUS sleep time. to be truthful my chicken S is a bit flaky - I was geared up, but the winds is what got our whole group to turn around.... the point ? I like the fact that I made those choices for myself. I don't like that I inconvenienced whoever I was with. bottom line - I am still here, un-injured.
  11. vid666

    Pin Rigs Suck!

    the antenna dayblazing video shows a top pin popping on a 2 pin rig on skydivingmovies it's Eastern_NC_Rampage_2005.avi it looks like it might of been very loose and just got pushed up as the jumper was climbing and subsequently bumped through the square hole to the top of the platform. Of course I could be 100% incorrect.
  12. here is a shot from BD 04. I am guessing those funny-hat-wearing people are the rangers. there's 5 of them standing around in that shot. And the same 5 are standing around in all the pics I snapped in 30 minutes... just some factual evidence of what the rangers do and why NPS needs to have 5 of them present. Please by all means correct me if I got anything wrong.
  13. here you go. it's low quality - but beggars can't be choosers Click me. I am a BASE commercial.
  14. vid666

    Could it be because there are quite a few people whose post numbers significantly outweigh their jump numbers ?
  15. everything that i have read suggests that the camera is a POS. from the little that i know about electronics, media codecs and hardware - the device is simply not fit for the job they advertise it for. get a normal bulletcam - and strap it to a fullsize capture device - doesn't have to be a miniDV video cam - just something that will capture full TV frame.
  16. vid666

    my new rig

    not that this has absolutely anything to do with BASE in general, but last I checked Czech was not identical to Russian. So I will stick with my spelling of the language I have spoken for the last 25 years. thank you. Now back to BASE. P.S. Google for "SAMOLET" Google for "SAMALJOT" for those confused, the phrase means "Flying Carpet"
  17. vid666

    my new rig

    "kover samolet" supertarp
  18. i got through at 7.50am and after my phone call they had 3 rooms left in the Holiday. So my guess is that they are sold out :)
  19. As usual your personal single experience is simply not enough to make a solid arguement as to services "suckability" Otherwise cable modems work just fine for me (as long as you are not in apartment building). Your mileage/speed/results may vary.
  20. I have been using the original PICASA and the new PICASA 2 for a while. All the image galleries on my site are created using the "export as webpage" feature. I also use it as photo management tool - it sure beats the hell of the Windows preview. love it.
  21. yeah... since a buddy is having a wedding on the 4th, I am arriving on the 5th and staying till 12th... plus 3 more people I know will be there till 9th. Plus don't forget the locals :)
  22. what he has done - why, the answer is very simple - he got re-elected, so he don't care. Plus IN MY OPINION he is an ignorant redneck.
  23. have you practiced doing them in 25x75 gravel area or on a big-ass grass field ?
  24. Quote : "it has been necessary to detail more than 2 park rangers at Fayette Station to monitor activities during Bridge Day, as direct result of BASE jumping acitivities" Can somebody translate that ? If they want to see all the landings during BD, I am sure a videotape can be made available to them. Otherwise it seems they are just being what they are - BUREAUCRATS ( you thought I was gonna put A$$H*LES, didn't ya ? )