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Everything posted by muff528

  1. So it spreads sort of like Hep. C or AIDS. So no real chance of propagation here should there be an accident. But maybe there is a saving grace with Ebola. Maybe it debilitates and then kills its host so quickly it doesn't get as many opportunities to spread once the host is infected. Might explain why the current outbreak in Africa is so "limited".
  2. I ran across something very similar to this a couple of years ago. Just dismissed it as quackery. But maybe there really is something to it. Maybe not. Maybe just another "superluminal neutrino". I do like the virtual particle angle, though.
  3. Lucky Lucky bo bucky Banana fana fo ...........
  4. Altitudinally-Induced Baro-Normalization
  5. Well, that's just it. Italians know they need to get where they're going before their cars catch fire. (Also, to paraphrase Richard Pryor, ..."People get out of your way when you're on fire!")
  6. I was fortunate enough to have known Johnny way before skydiving. We used to hang out at Lk. Hollingsworth on weekend afternoons. At that time (late 70s) the lake had a permanent, measured race course and a permanent ski jump and slolam course set up. A group of us local boat racers would share the lake with the skiers, taking turns testing setups between the skiers' practice sessions. Fun afternoons with great friends. I think Johnny was a tow boat driver for the pro skiers at that time. I remember his Hydrodyne boat. After I quit racing I lost track of him for several years. I was happily surprised to run in to him again at Zhills when I was going through AFF. I credit Johnny with imparting in me the Muff Bros perspective toward skydiving. Johnny's passing was a great loss for me and for skydiving. Happy Birthday Rocketman.
  7. I used mine for 15 years. (~850-900 jumps and many washes). If I decide to start jumping again, I'll use it some more. (Bev Suit).
  8. That was the best damned packing video ever made: I'd jump it.
  9. Instead of watching a brand new movie, I just watched "Fathom" again.
  10. Quoting a hundred lines of text from the post directly above (which quotes from the post directly above that which quotes from the post directly above that etc.) to add one line of content free snark which mean nothing to anyone who isn't interested in their personal feud. Why in god's name would you want to? They're not exactly discussing complex philosophical issues. It also allows you, at a glance, to skip entire sub-conversations that either do not interest you or are skewed entirely off-topic this one. Just don't read them. And, within longer threads, it is sometimes confusing to see a response and then try to back up and find which post it may be answering ...maybe 2 or 3 pages back.
  11. What have they done wrong? Looks exactly right to me and makes the conversation easier to follow without chasing back through a long thread that might have several sub-channels.
  12. ...empty your pockets!
  13. coincidence I replaced the alt on my h6 last night after returning from Daytona (for the 2nd time in two days. )
  14. I was banned from the thread for less than this. Not only that, but this is one of my everyday jokes that I passed on putting on the thread. Yet, here I seem to be getting a pass for it. --and to respond to BIGUN ...yes, my nieces and nephews love me for this kind of stuff. They think I'm great. (My son remains unimpressed, though.)