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Everything posted by CloudOnMyTongue

  1. If you buy some wax paper, you can put it over the iron you can just throw it out afterward. That will help you save on the cleanup time.
  2. I'd say $2000 to get you to the end of AFF. Then you'll want another $1000 to get you to the end of the summer. And well if you want your own gear, buy a lottery ticket and hope for the best.
  3. well I'm only 4 days, 4 cartons and 3 mags.
  4. I'm dredging this up from the past in hopes that somone will post something really cool, that I can use, for free.
  5. It's good to know that I'm not the only one that has lost my car
  6. If I was refered to as a lump in the bed someone would be in deep deep trouble.
  7. relax, You'll be okay. They're just head hunting trying to find someone to blame. If your heart tells you that you did everything right then don't worry. Your heart is almost always right.
  8. I've been over a week too, but I'm going to go on Saturday, if the weather is nice. Hopefully I won't freeze too much
  9. Its so much fun going out and doing you own jumps, It's nice to do a coach jump every once in awhile, they'll give you something to improve on, then work on it. Once you get it, do another coach jump, in no time you'll be ready for your A.
  10. Here's my 2 cents. I orginally started out doing static line, I progressed very slowly. ( i did get to 15 second delays) but I hated it, I took a year off (to save money) and then took an AFF course. I recommend that you switch too. When you do AFF you get more of the Skydiving Experience. You also have an instructor their with you to help you durring the jump, and to discuss the jump afterward. You will be able to improve faster because someone who knows what they are doing are there with you and they can guide you on how to improve. How much can an instructor really see from the door of the plane? 25 jumps till your A is 25 jumps, which gives you excatly the same amount of canopy training. I made the switch, and I have ZERO regrets.
  11. I downloaded it, but I can't watch it. What type of player do I need?
  12. Why don't you just pay the camera jumper to come with you. It doesn't cost that much and that way the pictures will be nice.
  13. Who cares what other people do. Do what you want to do.
  14. Whatever work you do in skydiving you will be moving forward. If you don't get your license you'll have to take a refresher course, and if you don't go any further in AFF you'll have to take a refresher course. You will benefit and learn so much just by hanging out at the DZ (I did). You will be in school in the spring and have to study then too. If you take a drive to another DZ once every 3 months it will keep you current, as long as you finish the AFF course before winter at your DZ. In other words, I concur with the rest, keep jumping you won't regret it.
  15. Yours are so much longer than mine, I did my hop and pop and got out at 5,800, I was open at 5, and boy it was a very long ride down.
  16. That reminds me when me and a couple of other of AFF students were learning to pack. All of us had a hand in getting the rig together. When it was finally inside the container they just picked it up and put it back on the rack. We were like, "your not going to let somebody just jump that are you?" (it was rental gear) and he was like sure, it'll be fine. Turns out a girl used it for her graduation hop and pop. We didn't have the nerve to tell her until she got down (it opened) She said thanks for not telling her until afterwards. (I sure as hell wouldn't of jumped that rig, but what do I know)
  17. 2-2-0 Weather was great Friday, but Saturday it got too windy in the afternoon and I was grounded before I wanted to. But I had great fun, and eventually I'll learn how to track.