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Everything posted by brenthutch

  1. Well played sir, well played indeed
  2. Have you taken a look at a code pink rally? They are all White!!! Clearly they are just as racists as the tea party if not more so. Come to think of it most of the folks on, huffington post and daily kos are white as well. That is proof positive that the left are a bunch of racists. It is funny that on MSMBC they were freaking out about a open carry "tea bagger," they kept showing a close up of his m4 slung across his back never mentioning that he was an African American!?!?
  3. I am just a average joe knucklehead. That is why it is so satisfying.
  4. I follow this thread like I follow MSNBC. There is nothing more satisfying than watching the smug, know it all punks, as their world crumbles around them. Loving every minute of it.
  5. and the 9\11 thuther thing and the AGW thing
  6. new logo on the left old logo on the right
  7. The security contractor formaly known as Blackwater, has so far unsuccessfully tried to rebrand into a kinder gentler killing machine. I propose they move in a new direction. Attached is my new logo for blackwater.
  8. What? You would choose your vicious polar bears over the gentle manatee!??!?! What the hell is wrong with you? Have you no soul?
  9. Yes we must protect the wetlands esp the inhabitants like the precious manatee, which is being threatened by climate change. Nearly 100 of these gentle creatures have been killed due to climate change. I spent more than a hour talking to a WWF rep trying to find out how I can help the manatees from climate change. I was told to check out their website. I told them that I had, but the only climate change threat on their website was global warming. I wanted to find out how to stop global cooling climate change. (to save the peace loving manatees) the rep had to put me on hold several times before she recomended that I make a contribution to the WWF general fund. Please help save the manatee.
  10. Too smart by half Quade... too smart by half
  11. Education and tough love. Give people the info to make their own choices, but dont protect them from the consequences of those choices.
  12. All joking aside I agree with you 100%. I am a libertarian at heart.
  13. "Reproductive limits can work but have proven to be a political hot potato. " Reproductive limits are built in to the human condition, when development is reached poulation growth nears zero. (The USA being the noteable exception) Why do you feel the overwhelming urge to controlle people?
  14. Another view from those right wing petro corporatists at the Huffington Post
  15. These are the same guys that the AGW believers use to buttress their argument.
  16. "If you have a mansion and leave the lights on all day, but they are powered by wind or solar, no problem." Prof. you had better bone up on econ 101
  17. Would that be the same as a "well regulated militia?"
  18. I agree, even the trigger is MUCH better than b4. I never would have given them another look but a buddie got on and all I can say is Wow!
  19. You are making my point, it is not the guns. it is the situation. The variable is not who has guns and who does not, it is the underlying social economic political that drives the violence.
  20. Harrumph harrumph, as an esteemed member of the scientific and academic communities I have observed the irrefutable link to rain and wet side walks. I have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that every time it rains the side walks get wet. Therefore I can conclusively state that anytime a side walk is wet, it must be raining. . In the off chance that you see wet side walks and do not see rain, it is only because it is raining soo hard that you cant see it. Trust me I am a scientist
  21. So lets be clear you are baffeled by fire armes and have now idea what you are talking about. Thank you for clearing that up. Let me take the example of my little state of PA. In the city of Phillidelphia guns are not allowed and the murder rate by guns is the highest in the state. In the counties of south western PA guns out number people by 3 to 1 and the crime rate is the lowest in the state. Guns are just a tool. Just becaus you are confused by and dont understand that tool dont take it out on those that do.