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Everything posted by brenthutch

  2.[url] That is crazy talk everyone knows that volcanoes and earthquakes are calused by climate change
  3. Really? I don’t recall the Nobel prize laureate and Oscar winning luminary; Al Gore having a nuanced position on this matter.
  4. Some more to gnosh on.
  5. Remember the good old days when the ice caps were shrinking and global temps were rising. The science was simple and settled. Green house gasses go in and temps go up. Simple thermodynamics. But now as temps level off and drop, as sea ice starts to rebound, climate science has become very complex. “Yes there is more ice but it is bad ice“, “yes it is colder but it is a warmie sort of cold.” Very complicated indeed.
  7. I am confused, I don’t recall citing the sources you are referencing. Could you please provide some more detail?
  8. Oh! Ouch that hurts! Wow such a wit. (less)
  9. It would seem that you place more trust in the credibility of the IPCC and NASA data than they do??!!? You go out on a limb touting the impeccability of NASA, and the IPCC only to find it cut off behind you by those very entities. I would feel betrayed1
  10. I have, the war is over, science has triumphed!,4574,380103,00.html?[url] "The 'climate establishment', with a vested interest in maintaining climate scares and fanning fears, is desperately trying to save the IPCC and the AGW myth. A number of 'investigations' have been started, mostly trying to excuse IPCC errors and 'whitewash' the frauds committed. The latest such effort involves national science academies, called on by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. But it's too late: the public no longer trusts the UN, the IPCC, and its prophets of doom."
  11. More good news![url] The next few years will be a lot of fun as the Warmists will be forced to develop increasingly sophisticated mental gymnastics to deal with the basic fact that the globe is now cooling.
  12. By your reasoning, a math teacher suggesting that 2+2=4 would be biased. \ BTW I live in the epicenter of the whole AGW debate. There is the Penn State climate mafia on one hand and the Accuweather mafia on the other. I know the players I know the agendas and I know how this movie ends. That is why I am being such an ass about it.
  13. Ring the bell school is in session. The rest of the story:
  14. Thanks to Obama this is no longer the case!!!,1670/
  15. How do you do that? I feel like more of a jerk than I am when I cant make it clicky.
  17. The one that is causing global cooling, in spite of all of the co2 we are adding to the air.
  18. Not to mention the negative feedback coefficients. But you cant (or wont) rap your brain around that one can you?