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Everything posted by brenthutch

  1. Not to mention the simulative effect of all of those unemployment checks that will be going out to everyone on the Chicago climate exchange! Again more good news.
  2. I’m just a glass is half full guy. It is a good news story: wind mill goes up = jobs... wind mill comes down = more jobs. I was just asking if they count as green jobs.
  3. I just posed a query. How can a question be, not true?
  4. another one bites the dust
  5. Question: Is it a green job when you take DOWN a wind turbine?
  6. Kalland proves the old axiom "those who can't do, teach.
  7. Possibly one of the stupidest things I've ever read. It's not about being "more powerful." It's about fucking it up, which we've proven time and time again we're more than capable of doing. When you say "we" do you mean you and Amazon?
  8. From the article 2 posts back "It essentially means that one of the most important inputs to climatologists' carefully crafted computer models is drastically flawed." Poop in poop out. Quade, Kalland, Everything you thougt you knew was wrong.
  9. Good to see you back prof. I knew if I shook your chain hard enough I could get you to bark!
  10. Quade do you feel lonely? If you haven’t noticed almost everyone has gotten off of the AGW band wagon. Where is Bill V and Kalland? I think they have seen the writing on the wall and now are getting out of the eating crow business. The trend is not your friend in this matter. Interesting how the NYT has to site a scientist that has been dead for 5 years to give the appearance of balance and legitimacy. Why do you think they made a point of highlighting that he was a republican? The only scientist that peddle this crap now; are wild eyed fanatics or profiteers.
  11. In the pudding? Debating the science of it all apparently is really tough. The waters have been clouded by those who don't understand the science and those who have political issues that disregard the realities of the science. Usually by those who suffer both the lack of understanding AND have the political issues. Paul: I think you've asked a bit much of those here. Few, if any, really understand enough of the real science behind it all to put up a decent argument one way or the other. For most of us, it boils down to, "who are you going to believe". Kinda like religion, eh? You are closer than you know Cause AGW is a religion It takes blind faith to believe it in total More on the religion of AGW:
  12. I think that kallend has gotten himself up to speed, he was conspicuously absent on the last thread I started on this topic.
  13. Got your warmest year ever right here! "the small print reveals the Met Office climbdown. Last year it predicted that the 2010 average would be 14.58C. Last week, this had been reduced to 14.52C. That may not sound like much. But when one considers that by the Met Office's own account, the total rise in world temperatures since the 1850s has been less than 0.8 degrees, it is quite a big deal. Above all, it means the trend stays flat." Read more:
  14.[url] stunning
  15. sorry this was the link I was trying.
  16. some more from Cancun
  17. Im sorry, who were you talking about?
  18. They are called "stop light environmentalists" Call themselves green because they are to yellow to admit they are red. Or "watermelon environmentalists" green on the outside and red in the center.
  19. Yep, Quade was a BIG Beck fan before this incidence. I have a feeling that Beck could wear a big peace medallion and you would still think he was a douche.
  20. What if it was the mother or father of the service member who earned the award?
  21. AGW was fixed the day we elected Obama See, oceans have stopped rising and the planet has begun to heal. Mission accomplished!
  22. Oh the irony "Does not one of the great minds decoding next century's weather see the brain-splitting contradiction of holding a conference warning of the imminent threat of global warming in a venue that mainly exists because people fly there to get warmer? That's right, people spend money to fly to Cancun mainly because it's warmer there than where they live. In essence, Cancun is what the global warming crowd are, otherwise, warning us about."
  23. If he was given it to wear, wouldn’t he be a douche for NOT wearing it? Sound like you got Beck deraignment syndrome.